For some time Alan knocked without answer.
At last I heard the window on the first floor openingquietly. I knew my uncle was looking out. He couldsee Alan on the steps,but we three witnesses wereround the corner.
After a minute Ebenezer spoke.
“Wha t’s this ?”he asked.“This is no time ofnight for h one s t p e ople . Why ha ve you c ome ?I ha vea gun.”
“Is tha t you,Mr Ba lfour?”Alan said,He steppedback and looked up.“Ta ke ca re of tha t old blun de rbuss . It might burs t.”
“Wh a t brings you he re ?Who a re you?”my unclecried angrily.
“My name doe s not ma tte r ,”Alan said,“I ha vec ome on your bus ine s s ,not mine .”
“And wha t is it?”my uncle asked.
“Da vid ,”Alan said.
“Wha t wa s tha t?”my uncle cried. His voice wasvery different now.
“S ha ll I give you the re s t of the name ,th e n?”Alansaid.
There was a pause. Then,“Pe rha ps I’ll le t youc ome in,”my uncle said.
“Pe rha ps you will,”Alan replied. “But theque s tion is-will I come in ?The a nswe r is no . Wewill ta lk a bout this bus ine s s he re on this d oor-s te p . Itis he re or n owhe re . I am a s proud a s you,a nd a ge ntleman of be tte r family.”
Ebenezer thought for a minute. He did not likeit.
“We ll,”he said at last,“I’ll come down .”
A short time passed. At last we heard him takingaway the chain from the door. He opened it andcame out. Alan stepped back a little,and Ebenezersat down on the top step. His blunderbuss was illhis hands.
“Now,”he said,remember I have my gun. Ifyou come nearer,you will be a dead man.”
“A ve ry polite we lc ome ,”Alan said.
“No ,”my uncle replied,“but I mus t prote ct myse lf. Aud now,e xpla in your bus ine s s .”
“Why,”Alan said,“you ca n s e e I am a Highland ge ntlema n. My country is not fa r from the is la ndof Mull. A short time a go ,a s hip we nt down ne a r tha tpla ce ,The ne xt da y a ge ntlema n o f my family foun d ala d. He wa s ha lf - de a d on the shore . My re la tions a ve d the boy’s life . He a nd s ome of his frie nds tookthe la d a nd put him in a n old ca s tle . My frie nds a rera the r wild,a nd not pa rticula r a bou t the law. The y d is -c ove re d tha t the la d is your n e phew. Now the y a reke e ping him,a nd this cos ts mone y. Will yo u he lpthem?My frie nds a re not ric h. If you don ’t pa y,youwill ne ve r s e e your ne ph ew a ga in.”
My uncle spoke slowly.
“I don ’t ca re ,”he said.“Hc wa sn ’t a goodla d.”
“Oh,I s e e ,”Alan,said,“you a re pre te n ding.
You think tha t will ma ke our pric e lowe r.”