“No,”my uncle said.“Tha t is the truth . I don ’tc a re a bout the boy. I’ll pa y no mone y,You ca n doa nything with him.”
“Why. s ir ,”Alan said,“blood is thic ke r tha n wa -te r . You ca n ’t de s e rt your brothe r ’s son ,It ’s as hame . If pe o ple he a r a b out it,you won ’t be ve rypopu la r in this dis tric t.”
艾 伦说:“呃,先生,亲不亲,一家人嘛!你不能对你哥哥的孩子抛弃不管呀。这可是一件丢人的事,要是让人们知道了,你在这一带可就吃不开了。”
“I’m not ve ry popula r now,”Ebenezer replied,“a nd no one will know a bout it. I sha n’t spe a k of it,a nd you a nd your frie nds won’t,e ithe r .”
“We ll,the n,”Alan said,“Da vid mus t te ll e ve rybody.
“How?”my uncle said sharply.
“Oh ,”Alan answered.“my frie nds will ke e pyour ne phew if the y ge t mone y for it. It the re isn ’ta ny,the y will le t him go.”
艾伦回答道:“噢,我的朋友们要是拿到钱,就会把你的侄子留在身边; 要是没有钱,他们就会放他走的。”
“I don’t like tha t,e ithe r ,”my uncle said.
“We ll,”Alan said,“you do n ’t wa nt the la d.
Wha t sha ll we do with him?How muc h will youpa y?”
My uncle made no answer,but he moved inhis seat.
“Come ,s ir,”Alan said,“I’m a ge ntlema n . I amnot a s e rva nt a nd I won ’t wa it. Ans we r me now,or I’
ll put my sword through your body!”
“Give me a little time ,ma n !”Ebenezer cried,Hegot up quickly. He was trembling. What’s the matter?
Remember my gun.”
“Your gun is too s low for the bright s te e l of Alan ,”my friend replied.
“All right,ma n,”my uncle said.“Wha t do youwa nt?J us t te ll me ,a nd we ’ll a gre e .”
“In two words ,”Alan said,“sha ll we kill the la d,or ke e p him?”
“Oh,s ir ,”Ebenezer cried,“you mus tn ’t ta lk liketha t!”
“Kill or ke e p?”Alan repeated.
“Oh,ke e p h im,”my uncle said.
“We ll,”Alan said,“tha t will cos t more .”
“Cos t more ?”my uncle cried.“We ll,if I mus tpa y,I mus t. He is my brothe r’s son .”
“We ll,”Alan said.“Now,a bout the price ,Firs t Imus t know some thing. Wha t did you pa y Hos e a son?”
艾 伦说:“好吧,现在谈价钱。
“Hos e a s on?”my uncle cried.“Wha t for?”
“For his work,”Alan answered,“whe n he kidnappe d Da vid .”
“Tha t”s a lie,a black lie!”my uncle shouted.
“No one kidna ppe d the la d!”
“We ll,it’s not my fa ult. ”Alan said.“If Hos e a -s on didn ’t ke e p the s e cre t.”
“Wha t do you me a n ?”Ebertezer asked.“Did“你说什么?霍西森对你讲
Hos e a s on te ll you?”
“How could I know,if he didn ’t te ll me ?”Alansaid.“Hos e a son a n d I work toge the r. I h a ve a sha rein his tra de . You we re a fool. Now wha t did you pa yhim?”
“We ll,the truth is this ,”Ebenezer said,“I ga vehim twe nty pounds . And whe n he re a ch e d Ame ric a hec ould s e ll the boy for a nothe r twe nty. But tha t did notc ome from my pocke t.”
“Tha nk you ,Mr Thomson,”the lawyer said.
“Tha t will do ve ry we ll. ”He stepped forward.
这 时,律师走上前去,对艾伦说;“谢谢你,托马森先生,这就足够了。”他又客客气气地打招呼道:
“Good e ve ning,Mr Ba lfour,”he said in a politevoice.
“Good e ve ning,Un cle Ebe ne z e r,”I said.
“It’s a fine night,Mr Ba lfour ,”Torrance added.