Mr Rankeillor listened to my plan. Then heshook his head.
“This me a ns I mus t me e t Mr Thoms on,”hecried.
“I think so ,s ir,”I replied.
“No . Mr Da vid ,”he said,“your pla n is not pos s ible. I s a y nothing a bout yo ur frie nd Mr Thoms on. Iknow nothing a ga in s t him. If I do le a rn a nything a -ga in s t him,I mus t do my duty. I mus t bring him be forethe law. Ca n I me e t him?Is it wis e ?”
“You mus t judge tha t,s ir,”I answered.
But I could see that he liked my plan. Afterdinner he spoke of Mr Thomson again. When was Imeeting him?Where?Was Mr Thomson a personof good sense?If we caught the old fox Ebenezer,did I agree to certain conditions?
He asked many other questions and I answeredthem all.
He sat and thought for a long time Then he gota sheet of paper and a pencil and started writing.
When he had finished,he rang a bell. Hisclerk came into the room.
“To rra nc e ,”he said,“you mus t c opy this out tonight. Whe n you ha ve finis he d,you mus t put on you rha t. You mus t come with this ge ntlema n a nd me . Wes ha ll ne e d a nothe r witne s s .”
“Why,s ir’”I cried,when the clerk had gone,“do you think you will try my pla n ?”
“I think I will,”he replied,“But le t us s pe a k nomore of bus ine s s . Le t me te ll you a s tory a bout myc le rk. It ha ppe ne d ma ny ye a rs a go. He ha d to me e tme in Edinburgh a t four o’cloc k. Whe n we me t,Torrance ha d ha d a drink. He did not re co gnis e me . AndI ha d forgotte n my spe c ta cle s . I did not re cognis e myown c le rk!”
他回答说:“是的。不过,咱们不谈正事啦。我给你们讲个故事吧,是关于我这个书记员的。那是好多年以前的事了。那次,我叫他四点钟的时候在爱丁堡接我。我们见面时,托伦斯因为喝了些酒,没把我认出来; 而我又因为忘了戴眼镜,连自己的书记员也没认出来。”
I was polite,and smiled at this story. It did notamuse me much,but he laughed again and again athis own joke,He repeated it several times that afternoon.
He laughed every time I did not like itmuch.
In the evening,Mr Rankeillor and I left the
house,Torrance followed with the paper in hispocket. He was carrying a basket with a cover onit.
We passed through the town. Many peoplespoke to the lawyer,or asked his advice. I saw thatthey all respected him.
We left the houses and came near to theHawes Inn and the water - side. I remembered myadventures there,and the people with me. Manywere dead now - Ransome and Shuan,and the poorwounded men on the brig. My troubles had ended,and I was grateful for that. But when I saw thisplace again,I was sad and afraid once more.
I was thinking of this,when Mr Rankeillor puthis hands in his pockets. He laughed.
“Why!”he cried,“it is a s tra nge thing !I ha veforgotte n my spe c ta cle s a ga in.”
Now at last I understood his joke about thespectacles. He had left them at home for a goodreason. He could get Alan’s help. but without hisspectacles he could not see him well . He could notrecognise him again. So Alan was safe from thelaw.
When we had passed the inn,Mr Rankeillor
sent me forward to meet Alan. He was hiding in thefields near the road. We had agreed in the morningthat he must be there. I whistled a special littleHighland tune. He recognised the sign,and cameout of a bush. He was hungry,and in low spirits.
I told him everything was going well. I explainedthat he must act a part once again,to helpme. This pleased him,and he was soon full of lifeagain.
“Tha t is a ve ry good ide a ,”he said.“I’m jus t thema n for tha t. I ca n do tha t for you.”
I waved to Mr Rankeillor. He came up andwelcomed Alan.
“I ha ve forgotte n my s pe cta c le s ,”he said.“Ic a nnot s e e we ll with out them. Pe rha ps if I me e t youtomorrow I sha ll not re cognis e you.”
Alan ’s Highland pride was wounded. Hethought this was almost an insult .
“I a cc e pt your a pology,s ir,”he said,“It wa sne c e s s a ry.”
The lawyer took Alan’s arm and walked on. Ifollowed with Torrance. I looked at the fields andwoods around the Shaws,They were all mine now,and my heart was filled with pride. I passed again
律 师挽起艾伦的胳膊就往前走,我和托伦斯跟在后面。我望着肖府四周的田野和森林。现在,这些都属于我了,我打心眼里感到自
by the great stone gate - posts with their family coatof - arms. Night had come when we reached thehouse.
It was dark and warm,A gentle wind blew inthe trees. The noise of the leaves covered the soundof our steps. There was no light in the building. Thebats were flying about.
那 是一个漆黑、暖和的夜晚。
We whispered together. Then the lawyer andthe clerk and I crept quietly up. We hid by the cornerof the house.
我 们低声商量了一下。然后,律师、托伦斯和我蹑手蹑脚地走台阶,藏在房子的拐角处。
Alan walked up alone to the front door andknocked.