We left at night. One of Cluny’s men guidedus. He carried our bundles and Alan ’s overcoat.
He took us first across Loch Ertocht to anotherplace of shelter.
I was still weak from my fever. For a longtime,we marched in silence. I was angry andproud; Alan was angry and ashamed,He was ashamedbecause he had lost my money; he was angrybecause I was angry with him.
我刚发过高烧,身体仍然很虚弱。我们默默地向前走着,好长时间谁也没有说句话。我是因为生气和高傲不开口; 艾伦却是又生气,又羞愧。他感到羞愧是因为把我的钱输了; 感到生气是因为我生了他的气。
I thought I ought to separate from him. Whydid not Alan say,“Go,my compa ny is a d a nge r toyou?”I knew he loved me. I could not say to him,“You a re in g re a t da n ge r,but I am not. You mus t goa lone .”
And Alan had behaved like a bad child. Hehad borrowed my money from me when I had a fever.
I had to beg it back. Now he had not a penny
in his own pocket,and had to depend on me.
I was ashamed of my thoughts,and I saidnothing.
At last Alan could not bear the silence.
后来,艾伦憋不住了,说;“Da vid,”he said,“two frie nds ought not to qua rrel ove r a sma ll a cc ide nt. I mus t s a y I’m s orry. If youha ve to s a y a nything a bout it,s a y it now.”
“Oh ,”I said,“I ha ve nothing . ”Alan ’s voicetrembled.“But I ha ve a pologize d,Da vid .”
我 说:“哦,我没有什么可说的。”艾伦的声音颤抖着说。“可我已经向你道歉了,大卫。”
“I ha ve not b lame d you,”I said. My voice wascold.
“Mus t we pa rt?”he asked.“You s a id th a t oncebe fore ,Will you s a y it a ga in ?I will not s ta y if you donot wa n t me .”
His words reminded me of my secret thoughts.
I could not bear them.
“Ala n Bre ck!”I cried,“do you think I sha ll turnmy ba c k onto you now?I do not le a ve my frie ndswhe n the y a re in trouble . It is true I fe ll a s le e p on themoor. But I wa s ve ry tire d,a nd you ought not toblame me for tha t.”
“I ha ve ne ve r don e so ,”Alan said.
“Be s ide s th a t,”I said,“I c a n ne ve r forge t thethings b e twe e n us ,e ve n if you ca n.”
“I will s a y only this ,”Alan said very quietly:“Iha ve owe d you my life for a long time ,a nd now I oweyou mon e y. You ought not to ma ke it ha rd for me .”
艾 伦心平气和地说;“我只想说,长时间来,我一直感谢你救了我的命,现在我又欠了你的钱,你不应该使我感到难堪。”
I knew I was behaving badly. It made me angrywith myself and it made me cruel.
我 心里知道自己不应该这样做,这样做我自己也不满意,可是这种不满意反而使我说话很难听。我说:
“Le t me spe a k,the n,”I said,“You a gre e you;ha ve ha rme d me . I ha ve ha d to ta ke a n ins ult,bu t Iha ve not blame d you. But mu s t I la ugh a nd s ing a boutit?Mus t I go down on my kne e s a nd tha nk you for it?
You s a y you we re wrong . Why do you s ta rt a qua rre la bou t it now?”
“We ll,”said Alan.“s a y no wore .”
We went on again in silence.
The next day Cluny’s man took us acrossLoch Rannock,then he left us. He told us our bestway was through Campbell country. No one was lookingfor us there. Alan did not like this,but he agreedat last.
For three nights we travelled on strangemountains . By day we slept in the heather. It rainedall the time,and there was some fog,too. We often我们一连三夜都在一些不知名的山里赶路,白天在灌木丛中睡觉。
wandered from the right path because we could notsee our way. Our food was oatmeal and water,and alittle cold meat from Cluny. We could never make afire.
It was a terrible time. I was never warm. Myclothes were never dry. I had a very sore throat,anda sharp pain in my side. When I slept in my wetbed,I had bad dreams. I saw again all the worstpart of my adventures - the tower of Shaws in thelightning; the seamen with the dead cabin - boyRansome,Shuan dying on the round - house floor,Colin Campbell holding the front of his coat .
During all this time Alan and I did not talklike friends. The truth is,I was very ill. Besidesthat,I did not forgive easily. My nature was verydifferent from Alan ’s. I was slow,and he wasquick. I did not quarrel easily,but I could not forgeteasily,either.
For two days my companion was kind and patient.
He believed I must recover from my angrythoughts. I did not often look at him and I refusedhis help.