前 两天,艾伦很和善,也很耐心。他认为我的气总会消的。我常常看也不看他,还不让他帮忙。
Early on the third morning we came to an openhill. There was no shelter. We could not lie downand sleep.
Alan was anxious and looked at me.
艾 伦很着急。他望着我,又一次说:
“Le t me c a rry your bundle ,”he said,once again.
“No,tha nk you ,”I said. “不用,谢谢。”我说。
Alan’s face was dark. 艾伦的脸沉了下来,说:
“I will not offe r a ga in,Da vid ,”he said.“I’m nota pa tie nt ma n. It’s not my na ture .”
“I know it isn ’t,”Isaid,like a child.
From this time he changed. He whistled andsmiled. He marched along proudly. He called me‘Whig’and other names. He reminded,me that Iwas afraid of jumping.
从 那以后,他变了。他一边走一边吹着口哨,微笑着,显得洋洋自得。他骂我是个辉格佬等等,还提起我胆小,不敢跳过河那件事。
I knew it was my own fault. But I was tiredand weak. aud I could not be sorry. The weatherwas fine and dry now,but a sharp wind blew on mybody. I thought I could not drag myself much farther.
Soon I must lie down. I must die on thesemountains like a fox or a sheep. I thought,like achild,“Ala n will be sorry whe n I am de a d,It will punish him.”
Once I fell down,and this troubled Alan. I gotup again quickly,and he soon forgot. One moment Iwas hot,the next I was cold and trembling. I could
有 一次,我跌倒了。艾伦很着急,可是我很快又站了起来,艾伦也就没有把它当作一回事。我一会儿
not bear the pain in my side. At last I felt my endwas coming. I must have one angry quarrel with Alanand finish my life.
Alan had just called me‘ Whig ’again. Istopped.
“Mr S tewa rt,”I said,“you a re olde r tha n I . Youough t to b e ha ve be tte r. . Ge ntleme n d o no t insult the irfrie nd s be ca us e the ir ide a s a re diffe re nt. You willple a s e spe a k with re spe c t of my king,a nd my goodfrie nd s the Campbe lls .”
Alan stopped with his hands in his pockets.
He smiled an evil smile and whistled a Jacobitetune.
“I am a S tewa rt,”he said.
“Ye s ,”I replied,“I know you b e a r a king ’sname . You a re a lwa ys te lling me tha t. In the . Highland s I ha ve s e e n ma ny S tewa rts . Mos t of them we redirty.”
“Do you know tha t you a re insulting me ?”Alansaid quietly.
“Le t me a dd some th ing,”I continued.“Both theCampbe lls a nd the Wh igs ha ve be a te n you in b a ttle ,a nd you ha ve run awa y. The y a re be tte r tha n you.”
Alan stood still.
艾 伦站在那里,一动也不动。他说:
“It is a pity,”he said.“A ma n ca nnot forgivec e rta in things .”
“No,”I said,“I am re a dy. ”And I drew mysword.
我 说。“好,我准备好了。”说着就抽出我的佩刀。
“Da vid !”he cried,“a re you ma d?I ca nnot fightyou. It is murde r .”
“You insulte d me ,”I said.
“It’s true !”Alan cried. He slowly drew hissword. Then he threw it away and fell to theground.
“No!No!”he cried,“I ca nnot!I ca nnot!”
Suddenly all my angry thoughts left me. I wasonly sick,and sorry,and astonished at myself.
Oh,I had spoken cruel words!I rememberedAlan’s kind deeds,his courage,his patient help inour evil days. I had insulted him. I had lost mybrave friend for ever.
No apology could ever wash away my words.
Only,perhaps,a cry for help might bring him backto me. I forgot my pride and spoke.
“Ala n,”I said,“if you ca nnot he lp me ,I mus tdie he re .”
He sat up and looked at me strangely.
“It’s true ,”I said.“I c a n go no fa rthe r . Le t mege t to a hous e . I will die more e a s ily the re . ”“Ca n youwa lk?”Alan asked.
“No ,”I said,“not without he lp. My le gs a rewe a k. I h a ve a te rrible pa in in my s ide . I c a n ’tbre a the . If I d ie ,will you forgive me ,Ala n ?In myhe a rt,I like d you we ll,e ve n whe n I wa s a ngry.”
“Don ’t s a y th a t,Da vid ,”Alan cried.“Le t mege t my a rm round you . Is tha t e a s ie r?”
“Ye s ,”I said,and I pressed his arm with myhand.
“Da vid,”he said,“I am a fool. I ha ve no s e ns e .
I could not remembe r you we re only a la d. I could nots e e you we re dying on yo ur fe e t. Da vid,you mus t trya nd forgive me .”
“Oh,le t’s s a y no more a bout it!”I said.“Ala n,wha t ma ke s you so good to me ?”
“I don’t know,inde e d,”Alan said.“I like d yoube c a us e you ne ve r qua rre le d. Now I like you be tte r!”