There was a noise of chains and keys. Thefront door opened,and I went into a passage. Thedoor closed quickly behind me.
“Go into the kitc he n a nd touch nothing,”saidthe man’s voice. I went for ward in the dark,andreached the room.
The fire was burning more brightly now and itslight shone on the furniture. It showed me a cornercupboard. There were also some big chests of woodalong the wall. All had locks on them. There was achair and a table. On the table there was a meal - aplate of porridge,a spoon,and a cup of weak beer.
Besides these things,and a few dishes,there was nofurniture in that great empty room.
When the man came in,I saw a thin,bent fellow.
His shoulders were narrow and his face was thecolour of clay. He was between fifty and seventyyears old. He had no coat or waistcoat on,but waswearing night clothes over an old shirt . He ought to
一 阵锁链声和钥匙声传了出来。前门打开了,我走进了一条走廊。门随即关上了。
Lave visited a barber long ago. He watched me allthe time,but he never looked straight in my face.
This troubled me very much.
Who was he?A lazy old servant,in cllange ofthe house?I could not guess.
“Are you hungry?”he asked.“Ca n you c a t tha tbit of p orridge ?”
“It’s your own me a l. isn ’t it?”I replied.
“Oh,”he said.“I don ’t ne e d it. But I’ll ta ke thebe e r ,be c a us e it ma ke s my cough be tte r.”
He drank. Then suddenly he held out hishand.
“Le t me s e e the le tte r ,”he said.
“The le tte r is not for you ,”I answered.“It is fo rMr Ba lfour.”
“We ll,a n d who am I?”he said.“Give me Ale xande r’s le tte r.”
“You know my fa the r’s name ?”
“Of cours e ,”he replied. “He wa s my ownbrothe r ,a nd I’m your own unc le ,Da vid. You a re myne ph ew. Give me the le tte r,a nd s it down a nd e a t.”
This man was my uncle!I cannot describe myshame.
I sat down at the table,but I could not eat. Myuncle turned the letter over and over in his hands.
“Wha t is in it?Do you know?”he asked suddenly.
“I ha ve not ope ne d it,s ir,”I said.
“Ah,but you ha ve s ome hop e s ?”he said.
“We ll,s ir ,”I replied.“I he a rd I ha d rich re la -tions . I hope d for some he lp from them. But I will notbe g . If you will not he lp me ,I ha ve s ome goodfrie nd s .”
“On,don ’t be a ngry,”said Uncle Ebenezer.
“We sh a ll he frie nds ,I hope . And if you don ’t wa nta ny of tha t porridge ,I will e a t a bit. It’s good foo d.”
He took the spoon and plate from me,and satdown on the chair. He drank some more beer.
“If you ,re thirs ty,”he said,“you will find wa te rbe hind the door.”
I was very angry,and did not answer. I stood andlooked at him. He ate fast. Once he looked up at me. Ilooked at him,and he turned his eyes quickly away. Ifelt sure that he lived alone. He was not used to otherpeople. Perhaps this made him afraid.
“Ha s your fa the r be e n de a d a long time ?”heasked sharply.
“Thre e we e ks ,s ir,”I said.
“He wa s a s e cre t ma n - a s e cre t,s ile nt ma n,”
he continued.“He ne ve r s a id muc h whe n he wa syoung. Did he s a y much a bout me ?”
“I didn’t know,s ir ,tha t he ha d a brothe r .”
“We ll,we ll,”said my uncle.“Did he spe a k ofthe S haws ?”
“Ne ve r,s ir.”
My words surprised and pleased him.
“We ll!”he repeated.“He wa s a s tra nge ma n!”
He jumped up and touched my shoulder.
“We s ha ll be frie nds !”he cried.“You a re we lcome . An d now,come to your be d .”
He went into the dark passage and movedslowly up some steps. I followed. He opened a doorwith a key.
“Ma y I ha ve a lig ht,s ir?”I said.
“Oh,”Uncle Ebenezer said,“the re ’s a finemoon.”
“The re ’s no moon ,s ir,”I replied.“I ca n ’t s e ethe be d.”
“Oh,I don ’t like lights in a hous e ,”he said.“I’
m a fra id of fire . Good night,Da vid.”
And he quickly closed the door and locked mein.
The room was cold. I felt my way to the bed. Itwas so damp that I could not use it. I lay down onthe floor in my coat and waistcoat. I was soon asleep.