Early in the morning I opened my eyes. I wasin a great room. The furniture was fine,and thewalls were decorated with leather. There were threelarge windows. In the past it had been a pleasantplace,but now dust and dirt and damp and insectscovered everything. Glass had fallen out of some ofthe windows.
The sun was shining outside,but I was cold. Iknocked and shouted. My uncle opened the door.
“Th e re is a we ll outs ide th e hous e ,”he said,“You ma y wa sh your fa ce the re ,if you wa nt.”
I washed,and went into the kitchen. UncleEbenezer had lit the fire,and was cooking porridge.
On the table there were two plates and twospoons,but only one cup of beer.
My uncle saw me looking at it .
“Will you ha ve some be e r?”he asked.
一 大早,我就醒来了。睁眼一看,卧室很宽敞。家具很精巧,四周墙上镶着皮子。房间里有三个大窗户,过去住在这儿肯定很舒服。可是现在,屋子里很潮湿,到处是灰尘、污垢和各种小虫。有几扇窗子上的玻璃也掉了。
“I usua lly drink it,s ir ,”I said,“but don ’t troubleyours e lf.”
“No,no,”he said.“you sha ll ha ve some .”
He put another cup on the table,but he didnot get more beer. He poured half the beer from hisown cup into the second cup.
After breakfast,my uncle took a key andopened a drawer. He got out a clay pipe and sometobacco. He filled the pipe with tobacco,and lockedthe rest of it up again.
For some time he sat and smoked. Now andthen he asked me a question.
Once he asked:“Whe re is your mothe r?”I saidthat she was dead.
“Ah,”he said,“she wa s a pre tty girl!”
Then,after a pause,he said:“Wha t is thename of your frie n ds ?”
I told him they were Campbells,gentlemen ofa Highland family.
He thought for some minutes. Then he said:
“Da vid . my boy,I sha ll he lp you . P e rha ps I sha ll putyou into the a rmy,or ma ke yo u a minis te r of thec hurch. The Ba lfours a re a s good a s the High a ndCampbe lls . But I ne e d a little time to de cide your future. Me a nwhile ,s a y nothing to your frie nds . No le tters ,no me s s a ge s . If you do. the re ’s my door.”
“Unc le Ebe n e ze r,”I said,“I think you me a nwe ll,but I ha ve my prid e . If you s how me the door. Iwill go.”
He did not like this.
“Oh,”he said,“wa it a fe w da ys ,a nd I will he lpyou. But don’t te ll a nyone .”
“All right,”I said.“If you he lp me ,I s ha ll begra te ful.”
Then I told him the bed and bed clothes weredamp. I was used to a good bed.
“Is this my hous e or yours ?”he said sharply.
Then suddenly he stopped.
“No,no ,”he said,“I didn ’t me a n tha t. Mythings a re yours ,Da vid,a nd yours a re mine . Blood isthicke r th a n wa te r. The re is no one be s ide s you a ndme now,in the family.”
Then he talked about the family and its greatpast. He said his father had started making thehouse bigger“I s toppe d the work,”my uncle said.“Idon ’t like wa s ting mone y.”
His words made me remember Jennet Clouston’scurse. I gave him her message.
“S he is a ba d woma n!”he cried.“S he ha te sme be ca us e I drove he r out of he r c otta ge . I’ll punishhe r !”
He opened a chest,and took out a very old but
good blue coat and waistcoat,and a hat . He putthem on quickly and got a stick from the cupboard.
He locked the chest and the cupboard again andwent to the door. Then he stopped.
“I ca n ’t le a ve you he re in the hou s e a lone ,”hesaid,“I mus t loc k you out.”
It was a great insult. I was very angry.“I amnot a thie f,s ir,”I said,“If yo u loc k me out we sha llne ve r be frie nds .”
His face was white and evil aid he was trembling,He went to the window for a minute. Then heturned and smiled at me.
“We ll,”he said,“I won’t go .”
“Unc le Ebe ne z e r,”I said,“I don ’t unde r s ta nd.
You ha te ha ving me in your h ous e . You don ’t likeme . Why d o yo u wa nt me he re ?Le t me go ba ck tomy frie nd s .”
“No ,no ,”he said,“I like you ve ry muc h. Youa re my ne phew a nd I will he lp you. Wa it a few da ys .
We sha ll be frie nds .”
“We ll,s ir,”I said,“you a re my re la tion a ndough t to h e lp me . I’ll s ta y a little time.”