Next I met a neat little man who was wearing abeautiful white wig. I saw from his wig that he wasa barber. Barbers know everything and everybody.
They talk to people when they are cutting theirhair.
“Do you know Mr Ba lfour of the S haws ?”Iasked.
He laughed sharply.
“Ebe ne ze r?”he said," I know him,but he’snot a friend of mine.”
I was seriously troubled by these words. Whydid everyone avoid the house of Shaws?Why didno one like the laird?What ought I to do?I couldgo back to Mr Campbell,but it was a long way. I’
ride made me go no.
I ate in the afternoon. I met a dark,angrywoman. She had a mad look in her eyes. I asked againfor the Shaws.
She turned and led me up a hill. She pointedto a great building down in the next valley. Ilooked.
The land was pleasant,with low hills,woodsand streams. The crops in the fields were growingwell. But the house!lt stood in an empty space. Itwas like a ruin. No road led up to it and no smokerose from the chimneys. There was no garden.
My heart was heavy.“Tha t!”I cried.
The woman looked at it angrily.
“Tha t is the hous e of S haws !”she cried.“I ha teit!Bloo d bu ilt it!Blood s toppe d the work on it!
Blood will brin g it down in ruins !If you s e e the la ird,
te ll him my words . Te ll him tha t J e nne t Clous ton putsa curs e on him!On him,a nd his hous e ,a nd e ve rythingin it!”
She turned angrily and went away. Her wordsfilled me with fear In those days people still believedthat curses brought evil. I found that I wastrembling.
I sat down on the side of a ditch. I looked atthe Shaws. The pleasant country was full of flowers.
There were sheep in the fields,The earth was good,the air was warm and gentle. But I did not like thehouse.
Country people went by me from the fields. Ispoke to no one. I had no spirit in me.
The sun went down and then I saw smoke risingfrom the house. It was very little,but it wasthere. There must be a fire in the house. Someone,perhaps,was cooking food.
I followed a faint track through the grass. Itled me to two fine stone gate posts. The tops weredecorated with a family coat - of - arms but therewas no gate between them. Instead,someone hadtied a bit of fence across with a rope.
There were no park walls,and no road betweenthe gate posts. Only the faint track wandered
on towards the house. I looked again. I saw now thatthe building was not a ruin. Parts of it were notcomplete. The top parts of one end were open to thesky. There were steps and stairs,but for some reasonno one had finished them. Many windows hadno glass,and bats flew in and out of them.
I came near the house. It was dark now.
Through a high,narrow window I saw the light of avery small fire.
Was this the great house of my dreams?Didmy wonderful future begin here?I remembered myfather’s little house in Essendean. Its fire and itsbright lights could be seen from a great distance.
Everyone,rich and poor,was welcome there.
I went slowly forward. Someone was moving dishesand I heard a little dry cough.
In the taint light I saw the front door was afine great piece of wood. Big nails decorated theoutside. Over the top was the coat of arms oncemore. With a faint heart I lifted my hand andknocked once. I stood and waited. There was completesilence. Only the bats flew here and there. A
long minute passed.
I knocked again,and listened. The person inthe house did not move or breathe.
What could I do?Run away?But no,the silencemade me angry. I kicked the door again andagain,and shouted.
Suddenly I heard a cough above my head andI jumped back. I saw a man at a window on the firstfloor. He was pointing an ancient gun at me. It wasa blunderbuss.
“I’ve loa de d it,”he said.
“I h a ve c ome with a le tte r,”I said,to Mr EbenezerBalfour. Is he here?”
“Who s e nt you?”asked the man with the blunderbuss.
“Tha t doe s not ma tte r,”I said angraly.
“We ll,”he said,“you ca n put it down on thes te p a nd go.”
“I will not do tha t,”I cried,“I mus t de live r it intoMr Ba lfour’s ha nds .”
“Who a re you ?”was the next question,after along pause.
“I am not a shame d of my name ,”I said,“The yc a ll me Da vid Ba lfour.”
The man moved sharply. The blunderbussknocked against the edge of the window. There wasanother long pause. When he spoke again,his voicewas different .
“Is your fa the r de a d ?”he asked.
His words surprised me,and I made no answer.
“Ye s ,”said the man,“tha t is the re a son,ofc ours e . You ha ve c ome be c a us e he is de a d .”
There was another pause.
“We ll. ”he said at last,“I’ll le t you come in.”
And he moved away from the window.