At nine o’clock in the morning,I awoke. Iwas breathing hard,and Alan had put his hand overmy mouth. His face was anxious.
“Be quie t!”he whispered. He pointed over theedge of the rock.
It was now bright day,and very hot . Half amile up the river there was a soldiers’camp. A bigfire was burning,and they were cooking food. Nearby,on another high rock,a sentry stood. I saw othersentries marching up and down all over the valley.
At the top end there were horse - soldiers,too.
I looked once,and dropped quickly into thehollow again.
“You s e e ,Da vid ,I wa s right,”Alan said. “Ithoug ht the y mus t wa tch the rive r . The y came twohours a go. We ’re in a na rrow pla ce . If the y go up thehill - s ide ,the y ma y s e e us . If the y s ta y down in theva lle y,we ma y b e s a fe . Whe n night come s ,we mus tmove .”
“And wha t sha ll we do till night?”I asked.
“Lie he re ,”he said,“a nd burn.”
The word‘ burn’was a true one. All day thecruel sun beat on us. We were thirsty,and had nowater . The bracken was large enough for one persononly. We lay on it in turn. The rock was hot likefire.
Sometimes the red - coats changed guard andsometimes they searched among the rocks. Theycame very near to us. I saw the sharp steel pointspushing into the heather,and my stomach felt cold.
Time passed slowly. The sun and the rockwere hotter and hotter. I felt faint,and I had sharppains in my body. By two o’clock we could bear nomore . The sun was moving a little to the west. Therewas some shade on the east side below the rock.
This side was away from the soldiers.
“It is one de a th or a nothe r,”Alan said. Hedropped to the ground in the shade. I followed atonce,and fell down. We lay there for all hour ortwo. We were weak and dizzy. No soldier came by,and so we were lucky.
After a time,our strength returned. The redcoatswere lying near the river and they,too,werefeeling the heat. They were tired,and were notwatching well. Alan said we must move. We slippedfrom rock to rock. Sometimes we crept on our我们很快恢复了体力。红外套们在离那条河不远的地方躺着,也感到热得难受。他们累了,也就放松了警戒。艾伦说我们必须乘机行动。于是我们从一个个岩石旁边往
stomachs,sometimes we ran. We moved down thevalley away from the camp. It was slow and difficultwork. The afternoon was very silent. If we movedone stone with our feet ,the noise must disturb thecamp.
At sunset we reached a deep stream from the hill- side. It was rushing down to join the river in thevalley. We dropped to the ground and put our headsand shoulders in the fresh cold water. We lay thereand drank again and again. Then we took out our bagof oatmeal. We mixed it with water and ate it.
Night came,and we started off again. We werebolder now,and walked. I was not tired,but I couldnot see the ground in the dark. The moon rose atlast and showed us mountains and a deep narrowsea - loch. Alan recognised the way. We were nowsafe!He sang and whistled. The music made usgay,and we marched on over the great emptymountains.