Sometimes we walked,sometimes we ran. Daycame soon,and we were still a long way from shelter.
There were no trees anywhere. We were in avalley which was covered with rocks. Through thevalley a deep river rushed.
Alan’s face was anxious.
“This is not a good pla c e for us ,”he said.
“The y will wa tc h this pla c e .”
He ran down to the water. The river dividedhere into two parts among three rocks. The waterwas pouring down with a noise like thunder. Alandid not stop. He jumped quickly from the first tothe middle rock. I followed and almost fell into thewater; but he caught me.
We stood together on a small,wet rock. Infront was a wider jump than the first. When I sawit. I felt sick and dizzy. I put my hands over my
我 们走一阵,跑一阵。天很快就亮了,可是我们离藏身的地方还远着呢。四周光秃秃的,连一棵树也没有。我们来到一个怪石嶙峋的山谷。一条水很深的河在谷中流过。
eyes. Alan shook me,and spoke. The noise of thewater was so loud that I could not hear his words. Isaw he was angry.
He put the brandy bottle to my lips and Idrank. Then he shouted in my ear,“Ha ng o rdrown!”He turned his back on me and jumped tothe far side.
I was now alone on the little rock but thebrandy had warmed me. I saw I must move at once.
If I waited,I could never do it . I bent low on myknees,and threw my body forward. Only my handsreached the river bank. They slipped,caught again,slipped again. I was falling back when Alan’s handjust reached me. He pulled me,first by the hair,then by the collar. With all his strength he draggedme out.
He said no word,but ran forward again. I gotto my feet and followed along the valley. It was noteasy. I had been tired before. Now I was hurt anddizzy with the brandy. I had a terrible pain in myside.
At last Alan stopped under a great rock. It wasalmost twenty feet high,with straight sides. He
stood on my shoulders,and found a small space forhis foot. He climbed slowly to the top. He hungdown his long leather belt to help me,and I followedhim.
At the top the rock curved inwards. This madea hollow like a large dish. In this little shelter wehid.
Alan still said nothing. He lay down in thehollow and looked over the edge. We could see thevalley and the rocks and the river. There was nosign of a house or sound of people. Only some eagleswere crying round a cliff. At last Alan smiled.
“Now we ha ve a c ha nce ,”he said.
When he looked at me,his thoughts amusedhim.
“You do n’t jump ve ry we ll,”he said.
I felt ashamed of myself. He said quickly,“We ll,I don’t blame you !Fe a ring a thing ,but doingit,is the bra ve s t a ct. And the re wa s wa te r,too. I am a -fra id of wa te r ,mys e lf. No,no . ”he continued,“Iblame mys e lf,not you . Firs t I took a wrong roa d ,inmy own country. Now we a re in a ba d pla ce . And s e cond. I ha ve come without a wa te r - bottle . We mus ts ta y he re for a long summe r’s da y. Now go to s le e p,la d,a nd I’ll wa tch .”
There was a little earth in the hollow. In itsome bracken was growing. I lay down on it andslept.