Before morning we came to a break in a mountaintop. Water was pouring through the middle. Onone side there was a cave in a rock. Birch treesgrew in a thin,pretty wood. A little farther therewas a wood of pine trees,too.
We slept in the cave. We cut heather bushesto make our beds. Then we slept with Alan’s overcoatfor cover. We lit a small fire to warm ourselves.
We cooked hot porridge in our pan,and littlefish from the stream. We had no fishing - rod,but we did not need one. We stood in the water andcaught the fish in our hands.
We stayed in this shelter for five days. It was apleasant place. When we were not fishing,Alantaught me the use of the sword. He was a veryfierce teacher,and I could never please him. I wasoften afraid,but I learnt something.
Meanwhile we made plans for our escape,天亮前,我们来到一座山顶上,那里有一个豁口,水从韶中潺潺流过。豁口的一边有个石洞。洞外稀稀落落的白桦树长成一个小树林,景色很秀丽。稍远一点还有一个松树林。
“The re d - coa ts will not c ome he re for a longtime ,”Alan said on the first morning.“We mus ts e nd a me s s a ge to J ame s ,a nd h e mus t find somemone y fo r us .”
“How ca n we s e nd a me s s a ge ?”I asked.“Wec a n’t le a ve this pla ce .”
“Inde e d?”Alan said.“you ha ve n’t ma ny ide a s ,ha ve you,Da vid?I sha ll irtve n t a wa y.”
He sat and thought for a time. He picked up apiece of wood. He made it into a cross,and burntthe four ends in the fire. Then he looked at me.
“Will you le n d me my button ?”he said.“It’s as tra nge que s tio n,but I don ’t like cutting off a nothe rone from my c oa t.”
I gave him the button. He tore a thin bit ofcloth from his overcoat. He put it through the holein the button. Next he tied it to the cross,and addeda few pine and birch leaves.
“Now,”he said,“the re is a ve ry sma ll villa gene a r this pla ce . I ha ve frie nds in it. I c a n trus t some ofthem,but not a ll. You s e e ,Da vid,the y a re poor . Thegove rnme nt will o ffe r a rewa rd if s ome one finds u s .
The re a re ba d pe o ple e ve rywhe re ,a nd. we a k one s ,too . I ca n ’t trus t them,For tha t re a son the y mus t nots e e me . I s ha ll go down to the villa g e whe n it is da rk.
I sha ll le a ve this c ros s in a frie nd’s window.”
“And if he finds it,wha t will he think?”I asked.
“We ll,”Alan said,“he ’s not ve ry c le ve r,it istrue . But I hope he will think this ,the c ros s is like a fiery cros s . Tha t is a s ign in o ur cla ns . It me a n s thec la n mus t ga the r a nd fight. But the re is no word withthis fie ry c ro s s ; s o he will think tha t the c la n mus t notris e . The s ign will me a n s ome thing e ls e to him. The nhe will s e e my button . He will s a y to hims e lf,‘Ala n isin the he a the r,a nd he ne e ds me . ’”
艾伦回答说:“哦,我那个朋友确实不很聪明。不过,我希望他会这样想:这象个火焰十字架,是我们家族里的一个紧急信号,意味着全家族的人都必须集合起来,进行战斗。可是,这个火焰十字架上没有字,所以他会想:这不是起义信号,而有别的用意。等他看到我的钮扣,就会想:‘ 艾伦藏在附近的灌木丛中,要我去见他。’”
“Ye s . ”I said,abut there is plenty of heather inthe Highlands. How will he find you?”