The sea in the loch was deep. and themountains on each side were high,rough and wild.
It was a hard country,but Alan loved it.
The sun was shining on the water - side in thedistance. From the boat,I saw something moving alongthe coast there. I saw the red of soldiers’coatsand the flash of steel . The troops were marching againstthe tenants of Appin. It was a sad thought.
We crossed the loch,and the boatman put meashore. Above me I saw the wood of Lettermorem.
Birch trees grew on the mountain - side and brackencovered the ground. A road ran north and souththrough the middle of the wood. I sat down by theedge to eat some bread,and to think of my position.
I remembered Mr Henderland’s words aboutthe Appin Stewarts. They made me anxious. Whatought I to do?Why was I going to Alan?He was
an outlaw - perhaps a murderer. Why did I not turnand walk back south to my own country?
I was sitting and thinking,when I heard asound of men and horses. Four people were comingalong the road through the birch trees. It was narrowand rough here. They were walking one behindanother,and leading their horses.
The first was a great,proud gentleman withred hair. The second wore neat black dress and awhite wig. I saw he was a lawyer. The third was aservant,and the fourth a sheriff,an officer of thelaw.
When the first man reached me,I rose fromthe bracken. I asked the way to Aucharn.
The gentleman stopped and looked at mestrangely. He turned to the lawyer.
“Is this a ba d s ign?”he said.“I am going to Duror.
You know the re a son fo r tha t. Now this la d a s ksme the wa y to Auc ha rn.”
“Gle nure ,”the other said,“you ought not tojo ke a bo ut this ma tte r .”
They stood and looked at me. 他们停住脚步,打量着我。
“Wha t do you wa nt a t Auc ha rn?”Colin RoyCampbell of Glenure asked. It was the Red Fox.
“The ma n o f the hous e ,”I replied. “找那家的主人。”我回答说。
“J ame s of the Gle ns ,”Glenure said. He turnedto the lawyer again.“Is h e ga the ring his pe ople ,doyou thin k?”
“If you a re thinking of me ,”I said,“I am n ot oneof his pe o ple . I am not one of yours ,e ith e r. I am a nhone s t Whig ,fa ithful to King Ge orge .”
“And why is a n hone s t ma n fa r from h is ownc ountry?”said the Red Fox.“Why do e s he wa nt thebrothe r of Ardshie l?I ha ve powe r he re ,I mus t te llyou!ha ve the King’s troops unde r my orde rs .
“I ha ve he a rd you a re a ha rd ma n ,”I said angrily.
He looked at me still . 他仍然紧盯着我,末了,说:
“We ll,”he said at last,“your tongue is bold ,butI re spe ct pla in words . I c ould te ll you th e wa y to thedoor of J ame s S tewa rt. but not toda y - Wha t do youthink?”
He was speaking to the lawyer again. Heturned to him,and suddenly a shot came from thehill - side. Glenure fell upon the road.
“Oh,I am de a d!”he cried again and again. “唉,我完蛋了!”他不停地喊着。