The Island of Mull was rough like the little island.
There were no paths,nothing except bog andbig stones. I saw smoke rising in the distance,andwent forward towards it. In the early evening I cameto a house. An old Highland gentleman was sittingin the sun outside and smoking a pipe.
He spoke little English,but he gave me newsof my companions. They had reached land,and hadstayed in that house.
“Wa s the re one with clothe s like a ge ntlema n?”Iasked.
He said one was not in seamen’s dress. 他说有一个人,衣着不象水手。
“Ah,”I said,and did he have a hat with feathers?”
“He ha d no ha t,”he replied.
Perhaps Alan had lost his hat. Then I rememberedthe rain and smiled. Of course,Alan kept hishat under his coat!He loved his fine clothes.
“Oh,”the old gentleman said suddenly,“a reyou the la d with the s ilve r button?”
“Ye s ,”I said,and showed it to him. 我 说:“是的。”说完就把那颗扣子拿出来给他看。
“We ll,the n,”he said,“I ha ve a me s s a ge fo ryou. You mus t follow you r frie nd to his own co untry,by Toros a y.”
He took me into his house and introduced meto his wife. They listened to the story of my troubles.
They gave me food,and I fell into a deepsleep. The good people let me lie there till nextday. They refused money for their kind help.
My strength had come back,and my throat wasmuch better. The news about Alan had cheered meand I went on my way.
I met few people. All the Highlanders werepoor in that wild country. They knew little English,and could not explain the,way to Torosay. I wandereda great deal. I stayed one night at a smallhouse. For five shillings the man gave me a bed.
He said he could guide me the next day; but hecheated me and did not take me far. Another manwanted my money,but I escaped from him.
At Torosay I found an inn,and slept well.Afterfour days’travel,I was now strong and fit.
There was a regular ferry boat from Torosay toKinlochaline. This was the nearest place on themain coast . The boatman was Nei I Mactch andMarob was one of the names of Alan ’s clan. Alanhad sent me to the ferry. The boat was full,but Ihad to speak to Neil.
At Kinlochaline I got him on one side.
“I am looking for s ome body,”I said,“whos ename is Ala n Bre c k. ”And I offered him a shilling.
He was angry. 他生气了,说:
“This is a n insult,”He said.“It is not the wa y ofa ge ntlema n .”
I saw my mistake. He was poor,but be wasproud like Alan.
我 明白自己错了。他虽然穷,可是象艾伦一样,自尊心很强。
I she wed him the button. 我给他看了看那颗钮扣。
“We ll,”he said,“if you a re the la d with the s ilver button,I ha ve orde rs . I Will he lp you . But youough t ne ve r to s pe a k of Ala n Bre c k,or offe r your dirtymone y to a Highla nd ge ntle ma n.”
他说;“噢,只要你是带着银钮扣的那个小伙子,我已经接到了命令,要帮助你的。不过,你绝对不应该提起艾伦· 布雷克的名字,也不应该把你的臭钱塞给高地的一位绅士。”
He gave me Alau ’s message. I must sleep atthe inn at Kinlochaline. Next day I must cross Morvenand spend the night with a friend of Alan ’s.
The third day I must cross two lochs. Then I mustask my way to Duror in Appin. I must find thehouse of James of the Glens. This was at Aucharn.
Neil told me I must avoid Whigs,Campbellsand red - coats. I must hide in the heather if I metthem. He thought I was a Jacobite.
The inn at Kinlochaline was a bad one,but Iwas able to sleep. Next day I met a minister. Hetravelled about the Highlands,and his name was MrHenderland. He was reading a book about the Biblein Gaelic. Mr Campbell of Essendean had translatedthis book. This made us friends,and we walkedon together.
We spoke of the Red Fox and the Appin tenants.
He said it was a very bad thing.“J ame s Ste wart of the Gle n s is h a lf - b roth e r to Ards hie l. He is aha rd ma n. He ma ke s the te na nts p a y a s e c ond re nt.
And the re ’s Ala n Bre ck-”
我们谈起红狐狸和亚品地区佃户的事。他说那是一件很糟糕的事。“格伦斯家族的詹姆斯· 斯图尔特业阿希尔的异母兄弟,待人很刻薄。他要佃户们交第二次租。还有艾伦·布雷克--”
“Ah!”I said.“Wh a t a bout him?” “啊,他怎么样?”我问。
“He ’s a bold ma n,”Mr Henderland answered.
“He will do a nything a nd kill a ny ma n. He is J ame s ’sbe s t he lp. But I re spe ct him.”
“And Colin Ca mpbe ll?”I asked. “那么,科林· 坎贝尔呢?”我问道。
“He ha s difficu lt work. He is c oming tomorrowwith re d coa ts to drive out th e te na nts . The AppinS tewa rts a re fie rce a nd bra ve . I be lie ve the y will killhim.”
Mr Henderland enjoyed my company. Hekindly invited me to his home for the night. It was alittle house on the shore of the Linnhe Loch.
I accepted his in citation,to avoid the house ofAlan’s friend. My adventures with the false guideand angry Neil Macrob had made me afraid ofHighland strangers.
我接受了他的邀请,因为我不想到艾伦那位朋友家里住。那个冒牌向导骗过我,尼尔· 麦克罗勃又跟我发过脾气,因此,我对自己不认识的高地人产生了恐惧心理。
Next day Mr Henderland kindly found a boatmanfor me. The man was going to cross the LinnheLoch into Appin that afternoon. He took me withhim,and this saved me from a long day’s travel .