The lawyer lifted him up and held him in hisarms. The servant was astonished and afraid. The
wounded man put his hands on his chest but hisfingers slipped on the buttons of his coat. He drewa deep breath. His head rolled on his shoulder,andhe died. The shot had killed him.
The lawyer was silent and his face was sharpand white. The servant cried like a child and I myselfwas filled with horror.
律 师一言未发,脸色严峻、惨白。那个仆人象个孩子一样嚎啕大哭,我自己也感到心惊肉跳。
The sheriff had run back to fetch the soldiers.
The lawyer laid the dead man on the road and gotup.
I ran up the hill,and cried out,“The murde rer!The murde re r!”
On the open mountain a big man was movingaway. He was wearing a black coat with metal buttons.
and he carried a gun. Had he fired the shot?
“He re !”I cried,“I s e e him!”
The man gave a quick look over his shoulder,and began to run. He was soon hidden by sometrees,then he came out above them. He was climbingfast. He crossed the top of the hill ,and then therocks hid him from sight.
A voice called to me,“S top!s top !comeba c k!”
有 人朝我大喊:“站住!站住!
I looked back. The lawyer and the sheriff were
standing and waving to me. On their left hand,thered - coats were coming out of the wood.
“Come ba ck?Why?”I cried.“You c ome onhe re !”
“Te n pounds if yo u c a tch tha t la d!”the lawyercried.“He ’s a n a ccomplice . The y s e nt him h e re tos top us .”
When I heard this,my mind was filled with anew fear. Danger to your life is a bad thing. Fear foryour life and your good name is worse. They thoughtI was the murderer’s accomplice!
听到这话,我感到一种从来没有过的恐惧。冒生命危险是件难受的事情; 而既担心生命安全,又担心名誉受到破坏就更难受了。他们竟然把我当成凶手的同党!
I was astonished and unable to move. Whatcould I do?Everything had happened so suddenlythat I could not think.
The soldiers spread out . Some ran towards me.
Some pointed their guns at me,but still I could notact.
“Come in he re among the tre e s ,”a voice said.
It was very near,and I obeyed without thinking. Atthe same time I heard shots.
Inside the shelter of the birch trees I foundAlan standing. He had a fishing - rod in his hand.
He said,“Come !”,and ran along the mountain -side. I followed.
Now we ran among the trees; now we hid bebindlow hills; now we crept on hands and knees amongthe heather. We moved fast . I was so breathlessthat my sides seemed to burst.
After a quarter of an hour,Alan stopped. Helay down on the heather and turned to me.
“Now,”he said,“this is s e rious . Follow me ,fo ryour life .”
At the same speed,but with much greatercare. we turned back. we returned across the mountain- side,but higher up. At last Alan dropped tothe ground. We had doubled on our tracks,andwere back in the wood.
Alan dropped his fishing - rod. He lay with hisface in the bracken. He was breathing very deeply.
My own sides ached,and my head was dizzy. Mytongue was dry and my strength had gone. I lay besidehim like a dead man.