When I waded ashore,the worst part of my adventuresbegan.
It was the middle of the night. I walked up anddown the sands to warm myself. There was no soundof man or cattle. Only the waves broke in the distance.
They reminded me of my danger,and of Alan’s.
当 时正是午夜。为了暖和身子,我只好在沙滩上来回走动。四周没有人声,也没有牛群的哞哞声,只能听到远处的海浪哗哗作响,使我意识到我和艾伦的危险处境。
When day came,I climbed up a hill. I lookedaround me. There was no sign of the brig or theskiff. Where were my companions from the ship?
There was no sail on the ocean,and no house orman on land. My clothes were wet,my stomach wasempty. I started off along the coast to examine theland.
Soon I was stopped by a creek. It ran far intothe land. I turned and followed it inwards. Insteadof ending,it was wider and wider. Suddenly I understood.
It was not a real creek. I was’on a littleempty island. The salt sea was all around me!
I could not wade across the creek。The waterwas too deep for me. Then I thought of the spar. Ihad used it once to come to land. It could help meagain.
溪 水太深,我趟水过不去。后来,我想起了那根帆柱。我用它登上了陆地。现在它还可以助我一臂之力。
I walked back across the top of the little island.
I came again to the bay. The spar was notthere!It had floated out to sea and I could notreach it. I felt quite hopeless.
It was a terrible time,which I do not like remembering.
I had nothing in my pockets exceptmoney and Alan’s button. I had always lived in thecountry. I had no experience of islands or the sea.
What could I do?
I found some shell - fish. I was so hungry thatI ate them. The raw food made me sick at once,butI ate more of it. There was nothing else.
It rained all day but there was no shelter. Atnight I lay between two rocks. My feet were in abog.
The second day,I crossed the island again. Itwas all rock. There were birds,but I could notcatch any. I had no gun. I searched for shelter,butI found only a ruin,a little building without a roof.
I looked across at the coast of Scotland. I saw houses,and a great,ancient church. Must I die alone,near my own country?It was still raining,and Ihad a very sore throat. I slept again in a wet place.
On the third morning I saw a red deer standingon the hill. When I moved. it went away. It hadswum across from the main coast. High in the skyan eagle was flying. But I - I could not pass throughthe air or the water.
I was looking for more shell - fish,when agold coin fell on a rock. It rolled off into the sea.
I saw that I had a hole in my pocket. Therewas no money in it now except two guineas and asilver shilling. I picked up one more guinea fromthe ground. I had left Queensferry with almost fiftypounds. Now,I had tbree pounds and four shillings.
Yet I was the heir to a great house!
我 这才发现我的衣袋上有个洞,钱都快掉光了,只剩下两个金几尼和一个银先令。后来我还从地上拣回了一枚金几尼。我离开皇后渡口时,身上有将近五十镑钱,而现在只剩下三镑四先令了。可我还是一个高贵门第的继承人呢!
I had no spirit in me. The sea and the rain hadspoilt my clothes. My throat was still sore,mystrength was very low.
The sight of the shell - fish made me sick. YetI had to eat them. I was thirsty. The sea - water wassalty,so I drank from a bog.
And this was not the end of my troubles on theisland.
The rain stopped at last,and the sun cameout. I lay on a flat rock by the sea. The heat driedmy clothes. The sun comforted me,and a littlestrength and hope returned.
雨 终于停了,出了太阳。我躺在海边一块平坦的石头上。连晒带烤我的衣服总算干了。阳光使我感到舒适温暖。我不再怎么困乏了,也有了一线希望。
Suddenly a small boat in which there were twomen appeared. They were fishing. I shouted“He lp!
He lp !”and fell on my knees. They heard me,andsaw me. They called out in Gaelic. and laughed,butthe boat did not stop.
I could not believe they had left me. I ran alongthe shore and called to them. I cried like anangry child.
I ate more shell - fish,and I was sick oncemore. My strength had almost gone. I thought I wasgoing to die。
On the fourth day,I saw the same boat sailingtowards me. I ran to the sea. I jumped from onerock to another. My legs shook under me. My throatwas dry,and for some time I could not call out.
The boat came nearer. There were three menin it this time. When I shouted,the third manlaughed. Then he stood up in the boat and waved
his hands. He spoke in English. I listened,and understandthe word“tide ”.
I had a flash of hope. He was pointing towardsthe main coast.
“Do you me a n wh e n the tide is out - ?”I cried. 我大声问道:“你是说等退潮以后--?”
“Ye s ,ye s ,”he said,“tide ’.”他说,“就是,就是,海潮。”
I turned away and ran back over the sand. Themen were still laughing. I ran across the island andin half an hour I reached the creek. The water wasnow very low. I waded through it to the main islandof Mull.
我 转过身,从沙滩上往回跑。
The little island was an island only at hightide. I was a country boy,and had not guessed thesecret of the water. The Highlanders in the boat hadnot understood my trouble. They thought I wasmad. But it had been a bad time for me.