The storm continued for many days. Sometimeswe sailed on a short distance,but often the windbeat us back. On the ninth day we were north -west of So otland. We were not far from the land.
The coast was wild and there were rocks everywhere. It was a dangerous position.
The officers held a discussion,and the shipturned south to sail with the wind. Next day the seawas calmer,but a thick wet white fog hid everythingfrom sight .
Night came,and I was serving the meal to thecaptain and Mr Riach. Suddenly the brig structsomething with a loud crash,and we heard voicescrying out.
“We ’ve s truck a rock!”cried Mr Riach.
“No,s ir ,”Hoseason replied,“we ’ve run into aboa t. ”
He was right. We had hit a small boat in the
fog. It had broken in two pieces and gove down. Allthe men on it lost their lives,except one. This manwas sitting at some distance from the others. Whenthe accident happened,the blow threw him into theair. The man was wearing a long overcoat,but hejumped into the sea.
At the front of the brig there was a spar whichheld the sails. The man caught hold of the spar andsaved his life. It showed he was quick and strongand lucky. Yet when the captain brought him intothe round - house,he was quite calm.
His body was small and neat,and he movedquickly. His face was honest,his eyes were verylight and wild. He took off his overcoat and laid twofine pistols on the table. Their handles were of silver.
A great sword hung from his belt. He was verypolite to the captain,and accepted a drink. Ithought he could be a good friend,not a terrible enemy.
The captain was examining the stranger ’sclothes. He had a hat with feathers,a red waistcoat,and black breeches of good cloth. With themhe wore a short blue coat with silver buttons.
“I am s orry,s ir,a bout the boa t”,the captainsaid.
“I ha ve los t some good frie nds in it,”the stran-
ger said.
“I ha ve be e n in Fra nce ,s ir,”Hoseason said“You a re we a ring a Fre nch coa t a nd bre e che s . Youunde rs ta nd my me a ning.”
“Oh !”the stranger said. He put his handsquickly on his sword and pistols.
“Wa it a minute ,”the captain said.“I am not aJ a cobite ,it is true . But I ca n be s orry for a ma n inda ng e r.”
“We ll,s ir ,”the Jacobite said,“I a m a n hone s tge ntlema n. I ha ve fought for the S tua rt kings a n d Iha ve be e n in Fra nce . The re d - c oa ts a re no frie ndsof mine . A F re nc h s hip wa s going to me e t me he re ,but she los t he r wa y in the fog. If you c a n ta ke me toFra nc e ,I will pa y you we ll for it.”
“No. s ir,I ca nnot ta ke you to Fra n ce ,but pe rhaps I ca n la nd you somewhe re he re .”
Just then Hoseason noticed me standing in mycorner. He sent me to get a meal for the gentleman.
When I came back,the Jacobite was taking offa money - belt. He poured a few guineas on the table.
The captain looked at the gold and the beltwith greedy eyes.
“Give me ha lf of it,”he said,“a nd I will a gre e .”
The other pushed the money back into hisbelt,and put the belt on again.
“The mone y is not mine ,s ir ,”he said.“It be -long s to my chie f. I will pa y you s ixty guine a s on ly,tola nd me a t the Linnhe Loch .”
“And if I give you to th e s oldie rs ?”Hoseasonasked.
“If you give me to the re d - coa ts ,”the strangerreplied,“the gove rnme nt will ta ke the mo ne y. Youwill ge t no thing.”
“True ,s ir,”the captain said.“But if I do not te llthem a bout it,I c a n ke e p it.”
“If you do not te ll,I will do so,s ir,”the gentlemancried.
“We ll,the n ,s ir,”the captain said,“I a gre e . Fo rs ixty guine a s I will la nd you .”
The two men shook hands,and the captainquickly left the round - house.