One night at eleven o’clock,a seaman camedown into the forecastle to get his jacket. He whispered:“S hua n ha s finis he d him a t la s t. ”We allknew the meaning of this.
Soon after,the scuttle opened again and CaptainHoseason came down the ladder. He lookedsharply round the berths and then came up to me.
His voice was kind.
“We wa nt you in the round - hous e ,”he said.
“You will s e rve the re . You will cha nge pla ce s withRa nsome .”
Two seamen appeared in the scuttle. Theywere carrying Ransome in their arms. The light fellon the cabin - boy’s face. It was white and had aterrible smile. I was afraid,and I drew in my breathsharply.
“Run awa y to your pos t!”the captain cried.
I ran quickly up the ladder to the deck.
The sea was rough,and the brig was rolling.
On the left hand,through a sail ,I could see thesunset. This surprised me,because it was late atnight . I did not know that we were sailing northround Scotland. We were on the high sea betweenthe Orkney and the Shetland Islands. The wind wasagainst us and I had been long in the dark. Ithought we were near America.
I soon forgot about the sunset. The deck waswet and I slipped. I held on to ropes and slowlycrossed to the round - house.
The round - house stood six feet above thedeck. There the captain and the two officers livedand slept. It was full of cupboards for the officers’
things and the ship ’s stores. On one wall therehung all the ship’s guns and a few cutlasses. Therewere more cutlasses in another part of the brig.
A small window,and a skylight in the roof,gave light by day. After dark there was always alamp.
I went in. Mr Shuan was sitting at the table,with a brandy bottle and a tin cup. He was a tall,strong man and very dark. He took no notice of me.
The captain followed me in and stood beneath
the skylight. Mr Shuan did not move. Hoseasonwatched him with a serious face.
In a short time Mr Riach came in and helooked strangely at the captain. The look meant“The bo y is de a d . ”Then he,too,fixed his eyes onMr Shuan.
Suddenly Mr Shuan put out his hand to takethe bottle. Mr Riach moved forward and pulled it away.
A door was open,and he threw the bottle intothe sea.
Mr Shuan jumped up. He was ready for anothermurder,but the captain stepped quickly betweenthe two men.
Sit down!”he shouted to Mr Shuan.“Wha tha ve you do ne ?Do you know you ’ve murde re d theboy?”
Mr Shuan sat down and put his hand to hishead.
“We ll,”he said,“he brought me a dirty cu p. ”Atthese words we were all astonished and afraid. Washe mad?The captain walked up to the chief officerand led him to his berth. He made him lie down.
Mr Shuan took off his sea boots quietly and obeyed.
“Ah ,”Mr Riach said to the captain,“why didn ’
t you inte rfe re be fore ?It’s too la te now.”
“Mr Ria ch ,”the captain said,“no one mus tknow of this nig ht’s work. We will s a y the boy fe ll intothe s e a .”
He sent me to get another bottle of brandy.
Then the two men sat down and drank.
That was the first night of my new duties. Iwas soon used to the work. I had to serve the mealsat regular hours. The food was simple - usually porridgeor salt meat . I was still so weak that I sometimesdropped plates. The captain and Mr Riachdid not complain or punish me. I think they couldnot forget Ransome.
Mr Shuan was never used to me. His mind wasnever clear,and he soon forgot Ransome’s murder.
One day he was alone with me in the roundhouse.
He looked at me for so long that I was afraid.
“You we re not he re be fore ?”he asked.
“No,s ir ,”I said.
“The re wa s a nothe r ca bin - boy?”he asked again.
I said,“Ye s .”
“I thought s o,”he answered. He sat down andcalled for brandy.
My life was not very hard,and I had goodfood. All day I was running with drinks for the
officers. At night I slept on the floor. It was a cold,hard bed.
But I could not forget Ransome,and I had myown troubles,too. I was doing a servant ’s work forthese three men. One had murdered a boy,and Idid not respect the others. And I was going to thelife of a slave.
Mr Riach never let me say anything more aboutmy story. Once I spoke of it to the captain. Hedrove me away. The days passed,and my hopesdied.