I looked at the stranger carefully becatlse Ihad never seen a Jacobite before. Many of thesemen were rebels from the Highlands. They hadfought against King George and his government.
Now Their lives were not safe in Scotland,and somehad joined the King of France’s army. Sometimesthese rebels came back to the Highlands to gathermoney for their chiefs.
I set food in front of him.
“You’re a J a cobite ,a re you?”I said.
“I am,”he said.“And you ,with your long fa c e ,a re a Whig ?”
I was,indeed,a good Whig,true to KingGeorge; but I did not want a quarrel with this man.
So I replied:“Ha lf - a nd - ha lf.”
“And tha t’s nothing,”he said.“We ll,Mr Ha lf-a nd -ha lf,this bottle is empty.”
“I’ll go for the ke y,s ir,”I said. I went on deck.
The fog was still very thick. I could not seeanyone,but I heard voices. The captain and the twoofficers were whispering.
“Ca n we ge t him out of the round - ho us e ?”MrRiach asked.
“No. Le t him s ta y the re ,”the captain said.“Hec a n’t us e his s word in tha t sma ll s pa ce .”
“Ye s ,but ca n we re a ch him in the re ?”
“Oh,”Hoseason said,“we mus t s ta rt a c onve rsa tion with him,one on e a ch s ide . The n we ca n s e izehis a rms ,a nd ma ke him priso ne r. Or we c a n a tta ck byboth the d oors a nd surpris e him.”
I was filled with fear when I heard these cruel,evil men. Had not the captain just made a promiseto the stranger?Now he was planning this dirtytrick. I was angry but what could I do?Run away?
No. I moved forward.
“Ca pta in ,” I said,“the ge ntlema n wa nts adrink. Ma y I ha ve the ke y?”
“He re is o ur cha nc e !”Riach cried.“Da vid ca nge t the pis tols for us .”
Ye s ,”the captain said,“tha t wild Highla nde r isa da nge r to the s hip,Da vid. He is a n e nemy of KingGe orge . We ne e d our guns a nd gunpowde r from the
round - hous e . If you c a n ge t s ome quie tly for us ,Iwill he lp you in Ame rica . You will ne e d a frie nd the na nd we will g ive you s ome of the Highla nde r’s money.”
He gave me the key and I went slowly back tothe round - house. What could I do?They weredogs and thieves. They had stolen me from my owncountry. They had killed poor Ransome. Must I helpin another murder?But what could a boy and aman do,against all the seamen?
The Jacobite was eating his meal under thelamp. I looked at him,and suddenly I decided. Iwent up and put my hand on his shoulder.“The ya re coming to kill you ,”I said.“The y ha ve murde re da boy a lre a dy. Now it’s yo u.”
He jumped to his feet.
“We ll,”he said,“the y ha ve n ’t got me ye t. ”Helooked straight at me.“Will you s ta nd by me ?”“Iwill!”I cried.“I am not a thie f,a nd I do not murde r.
I’ll s ta nd by you.”
“We ll,th e n,”be said,“wha t is your n ame ?”
“Da vid Da lfour ,”I replied. Then I added,“ofS haws . ”I thought a gentleman With fine clothes
“大卫· 巴尔福。”我回答说,然后又补充了一句,“是肖府的。”
must like fine people. But this did not please him.
“My name is S tewa r ,”he said. He had a proudlook“The y c a ll me Ala n Bre c . I ha ve no la nds of myown,but I be a r a king ’s name .”
He turned to examine the room. The roundhouse had two doors. One was open. and I wentquickly to close it.
他带着自豪的神气说:“我姓期图尔特,大家叫我艾伦· 布雷克。
“No,Da vid ,”Alan said,“if one door is ope n,the y will c ome tha t wa y. I s ha ll s e e my e nemie s infront of me . Th a t is be tte r.”
He gave me a cutlass from the wall. He said Imust load all the pistols with gunpowder. Then hedrew his own great sword and swung it up anddown.
“The room is too sma ll,”he said.“I ca n onlyus e the point of the sword. It is a pity. Now,lis te n tome . ”
I said I was listening. My chest was tight,mymouth was dry. My heart was. beating hard. Ithought I was going to die.
“How ma ny a re the re a ga ins t us ?”he asked.
I counted.“Fifte e n ,”I said.
“We ll,”he said,“the y a re e nough !I will de fe ndthe ope n door. Don ’t s hoot this wa y,be ca us e you will
hit me .”
“The re is the othe r door be hin d you ,”I said.
“Ye s ,”Alan replied,“you mu s t wa tc h tha t one .
Climb up into the be rth by the window. If the y a tta cktha t door,you mus t shoot.”
“The re is the skylight,too,”I said. I“ca n ’twa tch tha t a nd the d oor.”
“Tha t is true ,”Alan said,“but ha ve you no e a rsin your he a d?”