聆听感悟大师经典系列丛书包括:韩愈、司汤达、歌德、显克微支、陀思妥耶夫斯基、德莱塞、王安石、梁启超、屈原、狄更斯、萧红、泰戈尔、孔子、哈代、朱自清、茨威格、林徽因、李白、莎士比亚、李商隐、白居易、徐志摩、郁达夫、托尔斯泰、高尔基、萧伯纳等大师的名篇名句赏读。WATER VILLAGE(漫水·英文版)
The book is a collection of six novellas by Wang Yuewen which revolves around the theme of rural life. Water Village creates a utopia—the kind of classic village scene that was often evoked in Classical Chinese pastoral poetry. In this utopia live two lifelong friends—the wise and beautiful Grandma Hui, as generous as she is kind; and her close friend, the fair and tough Grandpa Yu, upstanding pillar of local society. The friendship and intimacy they share run deep, but their hearts are pure—they would never cross the forbidden line between men and nuoha.com is a book composed from the author’s profound insight into the history of rural life and the epochal changes it has undergone.