In response to Bill’s comments,General Motors issued a press release stating:
If GM had developed technology like Microsoft,we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics:
1.For no reason whatsoeverwhatsoever your car would crash twice a day.
2.Every time they repainted the lines on the road you would have to buy a new car.
3.Occasionally your car would die on the freewayfreeway for no reason,and you would just accept this,restart and drive on.
4.Occasionally,executing a maneuver such as a left turn,would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart,in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.
5.Only one person at a time could use the car,unless you bought “Car95”or “CarNT”.But then you would have to buy more seats.
6.If you tried to get your car to a mechanicmechanic,you’d make a long distance call,be put on hold for three or four hours,when you finally got the mechanic,you’d be told how to fix it yourself,and the mechanic would hang up before you even tried his or her suggestions.
7.People would get excited about the “new”features in Microsoft cars,forgetting completely that they had been available in other cars for many years.
8.The airbagairbag system would say “Are you sure?”before going off.
9.Occasionally for no reason whatsoever,your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle,turned the key,and grab hold of the radio antennaantenna n.天线.
10.Every time GM introduced a new model car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.
11.Your car’s owner’s manual would have been written by someone for whom English clearly was a second language.
12.If you were involved in a crash,you would have no idea what happened.
13.Microsoft cars would have a special radio/cassette player which would only be able to listen to Microsoft FM,and play Microsoft Cassettes.
14.If you still ran old versions of car (ie.CarDOS 6.22/CarWIN 3.11),then you would be called old fashioned,but you would be able to drive much faster,and on more roads!
15.If you couldn’t afford to buy a new car,then you could just borrow your friends’and then copy it.
16.Whenever you bought a car,you would have to reorganize the ignitionignition for a few days before it worked.
17.You’d press the “start”button to shut off the engine.
14.如果你依然开着老式车(也就是说,DOS 6.22型车或WIN 3.11型车),那你就会被人称为“老土”,但你的车(和新式车相比)能跑得更快,能上更多的路。
But Is It Useful?
The Web is useful.You can find old friends online.You can research and book flight reservationsreservation.Check the weather.Check out your high school or college alma mater.Find breaking news.Research political issues.Follow your stock portfolioportfolio.Place a classified ad.And,of course,more and more vendors are setting up shop on the Web.Books,CDs,computers,even cars.You can learn how to do some of these activities in later sections of this tutorial.
The Internet is also fun.You can write to old friends.Or check out their web pages.Enjoy webbased soap operas.Laugh at online parodies and jokes.Join in a live Net Event.Chat with other Internet surfers.Pick a fake stock portfolio.Check to see if your name appears anywhere on the Web.Do wacky random searches.Millions of users log on to the Net every day,and it’s not just to do research.There’s a lot of fun out there.That’s one reason it’s called web “surfing”.
I’m Just Browsing
Of course,the first step to using the Web for business or for fun is learning how to work a “web browser.”If you’re new to computers,it may take awhile before you are completely comfortable with your browser.Don’t worry.You don’t have to be a computer whiz.The basics of a web browser are very much like the basics of modern computers—learning how to point and click with the mouse (or trackball or trackpad or other pointing device),learning how to scrollscroll up and down a page of text (use the mouse to move the marker along the shaded bar at the right of the page,or just hit the space bar on your keyboard),and learning how to use pulldown menusmenu.Again,be patient.There’s no time limit on web surfing.Give yourself a chance to explore the browser itself while you explore the Web.
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