
第29章 Waves of Heart心曲浪花(1)


E. Welty

In that vanished time in smalltown Jackson, most of the ladies I was familiar with, the mothers of my friends in the neighborhood, were busiest when they were sociable. In the afternoons there was regular visiting up and down the little grid of residentialresidential adj.住宅的, 与居住有关的 streets. Everybody had calling cards, even certain children; and newborn babies themselves were properly announced by sending out their tiny engraved calling cards attached with a pink or blue bow to those of their parents. Graduation presents to highschool pupils were often “card cases.” On the hall table in every house the first thing you saw was silver tray waiting to receive more calling cards on top of the stack already piled up like jackstraws; they were never thrown away.

My mother let none of this idling, as she saw it, pertain to her, she went her own way with or without her calling cards, and though she was fond of her friends and they were fond of her, she had little time for small talk. At first, I hadn,t known what I,d missed.

When we at length bought our first automobile, one of our neighbors was often invited to go with us on the family Sunday afternoon ride. In Jackson it was counted an affront to the neighbors to start out for anywhere with an empty seat in the car. My mother sat in the back with her friend, and I,m told that as a small child I would ask to sit in the middle, and say as we started off, “Now talk”.

There was dialogue throughout the lady,s accounts to my mother. “I said”...“He said”...“And I,m told she very plainly said”...“It was midnight before they finally heard, and what do you think it was.”

What I loved about her stories was that everything happened in scenes. I might not catch on to what the root of the trouble was in all that happened, but my ear told me it was dramatic. Often she said,“The crisis had come!”

This same lady was one of Mother,s callers on the telephone who always talked a long time. I knew who it was when my mother would only reply, now and then, “Well, I declare,” or “You don,t say so,” or “Surely not.” She,d be standing at the wall telephone, listening against her will, and I,d sit on the stairs close by her. Our telephone had a little bar set into the handle which had to be pressed and held down to keep the connection open, and when her friend had said goodbye, my mother needed me to prize her fingers loose from the little bar; her grip had become paralyzed. “What did she say?” I asked.

“She wasn,t saying a thing in this world,” sighed my mother. “She was just ready to talk, that,s all.”

My mother was right. Years later, beginning with my story “Why I live at the P.O.”, I wrote reasonably often in the form of a monologuemonologue n.独白, 独角戏 that takes possessionpossession n.拥有, 占有, 所有, 着迷, 领土, 领地, 财产(常用复数), 自制 of the speaker. How much more gets told besides.

This lady told everything in her sweet, marveling voice, and meant every word of it kindly. She enjoyed my company perhaps even more than my mother,s. She invited me to catch her doodlebug; under the trees in her backyard were dozens of their holes. When you stuck a broom straw down one and called, “Doodlebug, doodlebug, your house is on fire and all your children are burning up,” she believed this is why the doodlebug came running out of the hole. This was why I loved to call up her doodlebugs instead of ours.

My mother could never have told me her stories, and I think I knew why even then: my mother didn,t believe them. But I could listen to this murmuringmurmuring adj.抱怨的,喃喃声音的 lady all day. She believed everything she heard, like the doodlebug. And so did I.

This was a day when ladies, and children,s clothes were very often made at home. My mother cut out all the dresses and her little boys, rompers, and a sewing woman would come and spend the day upstairs in the sewing room fitting and stitching them all. This was Fannie. This old black sewing woman, along with her speed and dexterity, brought along a great provisionprovision n.供应, (一批)供应品, 预备, 防备, 规定 of uptotheminute news. She spent her life going from family to family in town and worked right in its bosom, and nothing could stop her. My mother would try, while I stood being pinned up. “Fannie, I,d rather Eudora didn,t hear that.” “That” would be just what I was longing to hear, whatever it was. “I don,t want her exposed to gossip” - as if gossip were measles and I could catch it. I did catch some of it but not enough. “Mrs. O,Neil,s oldest daughter she had her wedding dress tried on, and all her fine underclothes featherstitched and ribbonribbon n.缎带, 丝带, 带, 带状物, 带子 run in and then - ” “I think that will do, Fannie,” said my mother. It was tantalizing never to be exposed long enough to hear the end.

Fannie was the worldliest old woman to be imagined. She could do whatever her hands were doing without having to stop talking, and she could speak in a wonderfully derogatoryderogatory adj.贬损的 way with any number of pins stuck in her mouth. Her hands steadied me like claws as she stumped on her knees around me, tacking me together. The gist of her tale would be lost on me, but Fannie didn,t bother about the ear she was telling it to; she just liked telling. She was like an author. In fact, for a good deal of what she said, I daresaydaresay v.[只用于第一人称单数和现在时]猜想,料想 she was the author.

Long before I wrote stories, I listened for stories. Listening for them is something more acute than listening to them. I suppose it,s an early form of participation in what goes on. Listening children know stories are there. When their elders sit and begin, children are just waiting and hoping for one to come out, like a mouse from its hole.

It was taken entirely for granted that there wasn,t any lying in our family, and I was advanced in adolescenceadolescence n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期) before I realized that in plenty of homes where I played with schoolmates and went to their parties, children lied to their parents and parents lied to their children and to each other. It took me a long time to realize that these very same everyday lies, and the stratagems and jokes and tricks and dares that went with them, were in fact the basis of the scenes I so well loved to hear about and hoped for and treasured in the conversation of adults.

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  • 英语口语900句袋着走


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