


The next morning, Janet felt herself in duty bound to make inquiry concerning those interested in Miss Galbraith.She made, therefore, the best of her way with Gibbie to the Muckle Hoose, but, as the latter expected, found it a ruin in a wilderness.Acres of trees and shrubbery had disappeared, and a hollow waste of sand and gravel was in their place.What was left of the house stood on the edge of a red gravelly precipice of fifty feet in height, at whose foot lay the stones of the kitchen-wing, in which had been the room whence Gibbie carried Ginevra.The newer part of the house was gone from its very roots; the ancient portion, all innovation wiped from it, stood grim, desolated, marred, and defiant as of old.Not a sign of life was about the place; the very birds had fled.Angus had been there that same morning, and had locked or nailed up every possible entrance: the place looked like a ruin of centuries.With difficulty they got down into the gulf, with more difficulty crossed the burn, clambered up the rocky bank on the opposite side, and knocked at the door of the gamekeeper's cottage.But they saw only a little girl, who told them her father had gone to find the laird, that her mother was ill in bed, and Mistress Mac Farlane on her way to her own people.

It came out afterwards that when Angus and the housekeeper heard Gibbie's taps at the window, and, looking out, saw nobody there, but the burn within a few yards of the house, they took the warning for a supernatural interference to the preservation of their lives, and fled at once.Passing the foot of the stair, Mistress Mac Farlane shrieked to Ginevra to come, but ran on without waiting a reply.

They told afterwards that she left the house with them, and that, suddenly missing her, they went back to look for her, but could find her nowhere, and were just able to make their second escape with their lives, hearing the house fall into the burn behind them.

Mistress Mac Farlane had been severe as the law itself against lying among the maids, but now, when it came to her own defence where she knew her self wrong, she lied just like one of the wicked.

"My dear missie," said Janet, when they got home, "ye maun write to yer father, or he'll be oot o' 's wuts aboot ye."Ginevra wrote therefore to the duke's, and to the laird's usual address in London as well; but he was on his way from the one place to the other when Angus overtook him, and received neither letter.

Now came to the girl a few such days of delight, of freedom, of life, as she had never even dreamed of.She roamed Glashgar with Gibbie, the gentlest, kindest, most interesting of companions.

Wherever his sheep went, she went too, and to many places besides--some of them such strange, wild, terrible places, as would have terrified her without him.How he startled her once by darting off a rock like a seagull, straight, head-foremost, into the Death-pot! She screamed with horror, but he had done it only to amuse her; for, after what seemed to her a fearful time, he came smiling up out of the terrible darkness.What a brave, beautiful boy he was! He never hurt anything, and nothing ever seemed to hurt him.And what a number of things he knew! He showed her things on the mountain, things in the sky, things in the pools and streams wherever they went.He did better than tell her about them; he made her see them, and then the things themselves told her.She was not always certain she saw just what he wanted her to see, but she always saw something that made her glad with knowledge.He had a New Testament Janet had given him, which he carried in his pocket, and when she joined him, for he was always out with his sheep hours before she was up, she would generally find him seated on a stone, or lying in the heather, with the little book in his hand, looking solemn and sweet.But the moment he saw her, he would spring merrily up to welcome her.It were indeed an argument against religion as strong as sad, if one of the children the kingdom specially claims, could not be possessed by the life of the Son of God without losing his simplicity and joyousness.Those of my readers will be the least inclined to doubt the boy, who, by obedience, have come to know its reward.For obedience alone holds wide the door for the entrance of the spirit of wisdom.There was as little to wonder at in Gibbie as there was much to love and admire, for from the moment when, yet a mere child, he heard there was such a one claiming his obedience, he began to turn to him the hearing ear, the willing heart, the ready hand.The main thing which rendered this devotion more easy and natural to him than to others was, that, more than in most, the love of man had in him prepared the way of the Lord.He who so loved the sons of men was ready to love the Son of Man the moment he heard of him; love makes obedience a joy; and of him who obeys all heaven is the patrimony--he is fellow-heir with Christ.

On the fourth day, the rain, which had been coming and going, finally cleared off, the sun was again glorious, and the farmers began to hope a little for the drying and ripening of some portion of their crops.Then first Ginevra asked Gibbie to take her down to Glashruach; she wanted to see the ruin they had described to her.

  • Anne of the Island

    Anne of the Island

  • The Raven

    The Raven

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