

The Sunday following the arrival of Rene at the manor of Roche-Corbon, Blanche went out hunting without her goodman, and when she was in the forest near Les Carneaux, saw a monk who appeared to be pushing a girl about more than was necessary, and spurred on her horse, saying to her people, "Ho there! Don't let him kill her." But when the seneschal's lady arrived close to them, she turned her horse's head quickly and the sight she beheld prevented her from hunting. She came back pensive, and then the lantern of her intelligence opened, and received a bright light, which made a thousand things clear, such as church and other pictures, fables, and lays of the troubadours, or the domestic arrangements of birds; suddenly she discovered the sweet mystery of love written in all languages, even in that of the Carps'. Is it not silly thus to seal this science from maidens? Soon Blanche went to bed, and soon said she to the seneschal--"Bruyn, you have deceived me, you ought to behave as the monk of the Carneaux behaved to the girl."

Old Bruyn suspected the adventure, and saw well that his evil hour was at hand. He regarded Blanche with too much fire in his eyes for the same ardour to be lower down, and answered her softly--"Alas! sweetheart, in taking you for my wife I had more love than strength, and I have taken advantage of your clemency and virtue. The great sorrow of my life is to feel all my capability in my heart only.

This sorrow hastens my death little by little, so that you will soon be free. Wait for my departure from this world. That is the sole request that he makes of you, he who is your master, and who could command you, but who wishes only to be your prime minister and slave.

Do not betray the honour of my white hairs! Under these circumstances there have been lords who have slain their wives.

"Alas! you will not kill me?" said she.

"No," replied the old man, "I love thee too much, little one; why, thou art the flower of my old age, the joy of my soul. Thou art my well-beloved daughter; the sight of thee does good to mine eyes, and from thee I could endure anything, be it a sorrow or a joy, provided that thou does not curse too much the poor Bruyn who has made thee a great lady, rich and honoured. Wilt thou not be a lovely widow? And thy happiness will soften the pangs of death."

And he found in his dried-up eyes still one tear which trickled quite warm down his fir-cone coloured face, and fell upon the hand of Blanche, who, grieved to behold this great love of her old spouse who would put himself under the ground to please her, said laughingly--"There! there! don't cry, I will wait."

Thereupon the seneschal kissed her hands and regaled her with little endearments, saying with a voice quivering with emotion--"If you knew, Blanche my darling, how I devour thee in thy sleep with caresses, now here, now there!" And the old ape patted her with his two hands, which were nothing but bones. And he continued, "I dared not waken the cat that would have strangled my happiness, since at this occupation of love I only embraced with my heart."

"Ah!" replied she, "you can fondle me thus even when my eyes are open; that has not the least effect upon me."

At these words the poor seneschal, taking the little dagger which was on the table by the bed, gave it to her, saying with passion--"My darling, kill me, or let me believe that you love me a little!"

"Yes, yes," said she, quite frightened, "I will try to love you much."

Behold how this young maidenhood made itself master of this old man and subdued him, for in the name of the sweet face of Venus, Blanche, endowed with the natural artfulness of women, made her old Bruyn come and go like a miller's mule.

"My good Bruyn, I want this! Bruyn, I want that--go on Bruyn!" Bruyn!

Bruyn! And always Bruyn in such a way that Bruyn was more worn-out by the clemency of his wife than he would have been by her unkindness.

She turned his brain wishing that everything should be in scarlet, ****** him turn everything topsy-turvy at the least movement of her eyebrow, and when she was sad the seneschal distracted, would say to everything from his judicial seat, "Hang him!" Another would have died like a fly at this conflict with the maid's innocence, but Bruyn was of such an iron nature that it was difficult to finish him off. One evening that Blanche had turned the house upside-down, upset the men and the beasts, and would by her aggravating humour have made the eternal father desperate--he who has such an infinite treasure of patience since he endures us--she said to the seneschal while getting into bed, "My good Bruyn, I have low down fancies, that bite and prick me; thence they rise into my heart, inflame my brain, incite me therein to evil deeds, and in the night I dream of the monk of the Carneaux."

"My dear," replied the seneschal, "these are devilries and temptations against which the monks and nuns know how to defend themselves. If you will gain salvation, go and confess to the worthy Abbot of Marmoustiers, our neighbour; he will advise you well and will holily direct you in the good way."

"Tomorrow I will go," said she.

And indeed directly it was day, she trotted off to the monastery of the good brethren, who marvelled to see among them so pretty a lady; committed more than one sin through her in the evening; and for the present led her with great ceremony to their reverend abbot.

Blanche found the said good man in a private garden near the high rock under a flower arcade, and remained stricken with respect at the countenance of the holy man, although she was accustomed not to think much of grey hairs.

"God preserve you, Madame; what can you have to seek of one so near death, you so young?"

"Your precious advice," said she, saluting him with a courtesy; "and if it will please you to guide so undutiful a sheep, I shall be well content to have so wise a confessor."

  • 三国遗事


  • 佛说阿难七梦经




  • 温公琐语


  • 宝镜三昧原宗辨谬说


  • 天行


  • 转身:你若还在我便会爱


  • 恨长生


  • 微风再起,我好喜欢你


  • 美人蒹葭


  • 穿越之醉东风


  • 非法居民


  • 心灵巫师之旅


  • 旋风少女1


  • 如果快乐你就喵


    【原著:陈彤,赵乙梦】小说已改编影视剧《喵,请许愿》,欢迎关注,希望继续支持~ 佛系少年池炎偶然间救下了一只漂亮的狮子猫,原本无心成为猫奴的他,在与“猫主子”的相处中,渐渐被征服,并为她取名为“小休”。一人一猫就此结下“良缘”,谁知“猫主子”却摇身一变成妙龄少女,这下完全颠覆了池炎的认知。原来小休来自平行世界的猫之星球,由于池炎的相救,两人结下契约,她必须完成“猫的报恩”,才能重返家园。无奈池炎却是个毫无追求、低欲望的人,小休的报恩之路陷入重重困境,为此她搞出许多啼笑皆非的闹剧,一下子打乱了池炎原本平静的生活。随着时间推移,两人共同经历了种种事件后情愫渐生,池炎过去的心结和阴影也慢慢被开朗纯真的小休所治愈。然而,往日的危险重新浮出水面,一场人为的意外,小休陷入了生死边缘,池炎为救心中所爱,许下心愿,令人没想到的是,愿望成真的那一刻,所有人类都失去了和小休有关的记忆。原来实现了愿望的人类会忘记报恩的猫咪,从那以后,池炎和小休再次成为了陌路人。小休不愿放弃两人的感情,决定重新唤醒池炎的记忆…