1631:我不知该怎样向您道歉。I don’t know how toapologize to you.
1632:真对不起,给您添麻烦了。I’m sorry to trouble you.
1633:抱歉,让您久等了。I’m sorry to have kept youwaiting.
1634:我正想要回家呢。I was about to go home.
1635:对不起,我又来晚了。I’m sorry to be late again.
1636:对不起,我又迟到了。Sorry,I’m late again.
1637:现在您有空吗?Do you have a minute?
1638:现在你忙吗?Are you busy now?
1639:我能跟您说几句话吗?Can I talk to you for a minute?
1640:我帮您一把吧!Can I give you a hand?
1641:我无法表达对您的感谢。I can’t thank you enough.
您太客气了。You’re quite welcome.
1642:谢谢你的帮助。Thank you for the help.
没什么。My pleasure.
1643:耽误您时间,实在对不起。Thanks for your time.
没关系。Don’t worry about it.
1644:你的丝袜跳线了。You have a run in your stocking.
谢谢你告诉我。Thanks for telling me.
1645:谢谢你的来信,你对我太好了。Thank you for your letter.It was very kind of you.
这没什么。You’re welcome.
1646:谢谢您救了我一命。Thanks,you saved my life!
能帮助您,我非常高兴。I’m glad I could help.
1647:对不起,我弄错了。I’m sorry.I made a mistake.
没什么。That’s all right.
1648:真抱歉,我不能来。I’m sorry I couldn’t come.
没关系。That’s all right.
1649:实在对不起,让您费心了。I’m really sorry fortroubling you.
这没什么。It was nothing.
1650:什么问题都可以。Any question will do.
1651:我希望有一个明确的答复。I want a definite answer.
1652:我需要一个明确的答复。I need a definite answer.
1653:这可不算答复。It doesn’t answer my question.
1654:我已经忍无可忍了。It’s the last straw.
1655:你没有希望赢。You don’t stand a chance.
1656:让我听听您的建议。Let me hear your advice.
1657:这是一个难得的机会。That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon.
1658:我认为这要看个人的看法。I think it is a matter of opinion.
1659:那并不重要。It’s not important.
1660:那是个好主意。That’s a good idea.
1661:那是胡说。That’s not true.
1662:不要多此一举了。Let’s leave well enough alone.
1663:肯定是我的幻觉。It must be my imagination.
1664:你的意见呢?What’s your opinion?
1665:你的建议呢?What’s your suggestion?
1666:还有别的吗?What else?
1667:你有什么建议吗?What do you recommend?
1668:你不这样认为吗?Don’t you think so?
1669:你同意吗?Do you agree?
1670:你有什么更好的主意吗?Can you think of anything better?
1671:有什么不满意的吗?Any complaints?
1672:你不满意什么?What is your complaint?
1673:我喜欢6月的上海,你呢?I like Shanghai in June.
How about you?我也是。Me,too.
1674:你觉得呢?What do you think?
我觉得这样很好。I think it’s all right.
1675:我是不会做那种事儿的。I would not do that.
我相信你。I believe you.
1676:怎么不动呢?Why doesn’t it work?
你得先打开开关。You have to turn it on first.
1677:那位是约翰先生。That man is Mr.John.
你错了,他是凯特先生。You’re wrong.He’s Mr.Kate.
1678:因为懒惰而变得贫穷。He’s poor because he’s lazy.
你没说到点儿上。That’s not the point.
1679:约翰是个很了不起的人。John is the greatest!
1680:你真了不起!You are great!
1681:你真聪明!You are very smart!
1682:那太好了。That’s great.
1683:太好了!That’s good (for you)!
1684:你看上去真好。You look nice.
1685:你真可爱。You look pretty.
1686:真是个男子汉!What a man!
1687:干得好!you’re on a winning streak.
1688:您看上去很年轻。You look young for your age.
1689:我非常感谢您为此所做出的努力。I appreciate youreffort very much.
1690:他对你的评价很高。He thinks highly of you.
1691:他真有勇气。He’s got guts.
1692:别哭了。Don’t cry.
1693:擦擦眼泪。Wipe your tears.
1694:打起精神来!Come on!
1695:别那么想不开。Take it easy!
1696:重新振作起来。Pull yourself together!
1697:你喜欢吗?Do you like it?
1698:你觉得我聪明吗?Do you think I’m smart?
1699:可要是她说“不”怎么办?But what if she says not?
1700:他真的这么说了吗?Did he really say that?
1701:你看,这是我做的椅子。Look!I made this chair.
真不错!Good job!
1702:我考了100分。I got 100points!
好样的!Way to go!
1703:我的成绩提高了!My grades went up!
儿子,你真棒!Well done,son!
1704:我赛跑得了第一名。We ran a race and I was thefastest.
1705:今天老师表扬我了。My teacher praised me today.
真是件好事。Good for you!
1706:我把我的房间打扫干净了。I cleaned up my room.
真是好孩子。Good boy.
1707:你的车真不错!You have a nice car.
这可是辆新车呀。It’s brand-new.
1708:您认为我的提案怎么样?What do you think of myproposal?
非常好!It’s brilliant!
1709:轮到我上了。It’s my turn to bat.
加油!Go for it!