

"Why is it vital, after all, that only one should undertake this ordeal? " he asked."I begged you to let me try - for revenge.""Do not use that word," said Mr.Prodgers.

"Well, at any rate, I feel just as great a call to be there as Tom's father can feel - just as pressing a demand and desire.There may have been foul play.At any rate, the thing was done by an active agency, and Tom was taken in some way at a disadvantage.There was no fair fight, I'll swear.He was evidently kneeling, calmly enough looking out of the window, when he died, and the blow must have been a coward's blow, struck from behind, whoever struck it.""There was no blow, Henry," said Sir Walter.

"Death is a blow, uncle-the most awful blow a strong man can be called to suffer, surely.And I beg this, that if you won't let me face the infernal thing alone you'll let me share this business with Mr.May.He can pray and I can - watch."But the dead man's father made short work of Henry's proposition."You are introducing that very element of rationalism to be, before allthings, distrusted here.The mere introduction of human precaution and human weapons would sully faith and make of no avail the only sure means of winning light on this solemn problem.Reason, so employed, would be a hindrance-an actual danger.Only absolute faith can unravel the mystery before us.""Then, frankly, I tell you that I lack any such absolute faith," declared Sir Walter.

"Do not say that - you libel yourself and are letting a base and material fear cloud your own trust," answered May."As there is no human reason for what has happened, so no human reason will be found to explain it.By denying me, you are denying the sole means by which this dark terror can be banished.You are denying God's offer of peace.We must not only seek peace, but ensue it.That means that we are now called to take such steps as the Almighty puts at our service by the road of conscience and faith.I have a right to this revelation as my boy's father.The cup ismine, and you will do very wrongly if you deny me the right to drink it.I desire to say, 'Peace be to this house' before I leave it, and, Christian to Christian, you cannot deny me, or hesitate as to your answer."No argument would bend his obstinate conviction, and he debated with great force from his own standpoint.He presented a man overmastered and mentally incapable of appreciating any argument against his possession.

But Sir Walter, now determined, was as obstinate as the clergyman.Mannering bluntly declared that it would be suicide on May's part, and a conniving at the same by any who permitted him to attempt his vigil.

"I, too, must do my duty as I see it," summed up the master of Chadlands, "and after I have done so, then we may be in a position to admit the case is altered."The other suddenly rose and lifted his hands.He was trembling with emotion.

"May my God give a sign, then!" he cried.

They were silent a moment, for courtesy or astonishment.Nothing happened, and presently Sir Walter spoke:

"You must bear with me.You are upset, and scarcely know the gravity of the things you say.To-morrow the physical and material investigation that I consider proper, and the world has a right to demand, will be made-in a spirit, I hope, as earnest and devout as your own.And if after that no shadow of explanation is forthcoming, and no peril to life can be discovered, then I should feel disposed to consider your views more seriously - with many reserves, however.At any rate, it will be your turn then, if you still adhere to your opinions; and I am sure all just persons who hear of your purpose would join their prayers with you.""Your faith is weak, though you believe it strong," answered the other.

And he was equally curt when the physician advised him to take a sleeping-draught before retiring.He bade them "Good-night" without more words, and went to his room, while after further conversation, Dr.Mannering and Mr.Prodgers took their leave.

The former strongly urged Sir Walter to set some sort of guard outside the door of the Grey Room."That man's not wholly sane to-night," hedeclared, "and he appears to glory in the fact that he isn't.He must surely be aware that much he said was superstitious bosh.Look after him.Guard his own apartment.That will be the ******st plan."When they had gone, Sir Walter addressed his nephew.They went upstairs together and stood for a moment outside the Grey Room.The door was wide open, and the place brilliantly lighted by a high-powered bulb.So had it been by night ever since the disaster.None of the household entered it, and none, save Sir Walter or Henry, was willing to do so until more should be known.

"I have your word of honor you will not go into that room to-night," said his uncle; "but such is the mental condition of this poor clergyman that I can but feel Mannering is right.May might, from some fancied call of the spirit, take the law into his own hands and do what he wishes to do.This must be prevented at any cost.I will ask you, Henry, to follow the doctor's suggestion on my behalf, and keep guard over him.Oppose him actively if he should appear, and call me.I would suggest that Caunter or Masters accompanied you, but that is only to make gossip and mystery.""On no account.I'll look after him.You can trust me.I expect he's pretty worn out after such a harrowing day, poor old beggar.He'll probably sleep soundly enough when he gets to bed.""I trust so.I cannot offer to aid you myself, for I am dead beat," said the other.

Then they parted, and the younger presently took up a position in the west wing of the house, where Septimus May had his bedroom.

Not until sunrise did Henry Lennox go to his own chamber, but his sleepless night proved a needless precaution, for Septimus May gave no sign.

  • 海贼王之乌尔奇奥拉的心


  • 移民散修


  • 渺小的创世者


  • 天峰传奇


  • 走南京


  • 始于盛夏终于寒冬


  • 碎天传


  • 这挂开的太狠了吧


  • 农门医女:娇妻难种田


  • 斩灭奇穹

