

"It is neither material nor arrogant.I am humbler than you, and your positive assertion seems much the more arrogant.This is the twentieth century, and your mediaeval attitude would win no possible sympathy or support from any educated man.

"Truth can afford to be patient," answered May."But I, too, am quite sane, though your face doubts it.I do not claim that human prayer can alter physical laws, and I do not ask my Maker to work a miracle on my behalf or suspend the operations of cause and effect.But I am satisfied that we are in a region outside our experience and on another plane and dimension than those controlled by natural law.God has permitted us to enter such a region.He has opened the door into this mystery.He has spoken to my soul and so directed me that I cannot sit with folded hands.This is, I repeat, a challenge to me personally.

There is, as I potently believe, a being in bondage here which only the voice of God, speaking through one of His creatures, can liberate.If I am wrong, then I shall pray in vain; if right, as I know by deepestconviction and intuition, then my prayer must avail.In any case, I do my duty, and if I myself was called to die while so doing, what nobler death can I desire?"Mannering regarded the speaker with growing concern.But he still assumed sanity on the part of the reverend gentleman, and still felt considerable irritation mix with his solicitude.

"You must consider others a little," he said.

"No, Dr.Mannering; they must consider me.Providence sends me a message denied to the rest of you, because I am a fit recipient; you are not.It is Newman's 'Illative Sense' - a conviction arising from well-springs far deeper and purer than those that account for human reason.I know because I know.Reasoning, at best, is mere inference deduced from observation, but I am concerned with an inspiration - a something akin to the gift of prophecy.""Then I can only hope that Sir Walter will exercise his rights and responsibilities and deny you what you wish.""He has faith, and I am sorry that you lack it.""No, Mr.May, you must not say that.It is entirely reasonable that Mannering should ask you to consider others," said Sir Walter."To you a sudden and peaceful death might be no ill; but it would be a very serious ill to the living - a loss to your work on earth, which is not done, a shock and grief to those who respect you, and a reflection on all here.""Let the living minister to the living and put their trust in God." Mannering spoke to the vicar of Chadlands.

"What do you think, Prodgers? You are a parson, too, yet may be able to see with our eyes.Surely common sense shouldn't be left out of our calculations, even if they concern the next world?""I respect Mr.May's faith," answered the younger priest, "and assuredly I believe that if we eliminate all physical and natural causes from poor Captain May's death, then no member of our sacred calling should fear to spend the night alone in that room.Jacob wrestled with the angel of light.Shall the servants of God fear to oppose a dark angel?""Well spoken," said Mr.May.

"But that is not all, sir," continued Noel Prodgers."It is impossible that we can share such certainty as you claim.Probability lies entirely against it.This has happened twice, remember, and each time a valuable and precious life disappears, for causes beyond our knowledge.That, however, is no reason for assuming the causes are beyond all human knowledge.We do not all possess learning in physics.I would venture most earnestly to beg you to desist, at least until much more has been done and this famous professional man has made such researches as his genius suggests.That is only reasonable, and reason, after all, is a mighty gift of God-a gift, no doubt, often abused by finite beings, who actually use it to defy the Giver - yet none the less, in its proper place, the handmaid of faith and the light of true progress."But Septimus May argued against him."To shelter behind reason at such a moment is to blunt the sword of the spirit," he replied, "and human reason is never the handmaid of faith, as you wrongly suggest, but her obdurate, unsleeping foe.That which metaphysicians call intuition, and which I call the voice of God, tells me in clear tones that my boy died by no human agency whatever and by no natural accident.He was wrapt from this life to the next in the twinkling of an eye by forces, or a force, concerning which we know nothing save through the Word of God.I will go farther.I will venture to declare that this death-dealing ghost, or discarnate but concious being, may not be, as you say, a dark angel - perhaps not wholly evil-perhaps not evil at all.One thing none can question - it did the will of its Creator, as we all must, and we are not, therefore, justified in asserting that a malignant force was exerted.To say so is to speak in terms of our own bitter loss and our own aching hearts.But we are justified in believing that a fearful, unknown power was liberated during the night that Tom died, and I desire to approach that power upon my knees and with my life in my Maker's hands."The conviction of this righteous but superstitious soul was uttered with passionate zeal.He puzzled to understand how fellow Christians could argue against him, and much resented the fact that Sir Walter withstood his claim and declined to permit the experiment he desired to make.A formalist and precisian, he held any sort of doubt to be backsliding beforethe message in his own heart.They argued unavailingly with him, and Henry Lennox suggested a compromise.

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  • 百年清华给青少年讲述的人生智慧


    书中讲述了清华大师们近百年流传下来的逸事,虽然一件一件看来,或许微不足道,但是整本书读过,你会感到自己仿佛置身于清华的校园之内,无形之中身心已经得到了不可思议的陶冶。这也正像一句名言所说:“如春园之草,不见其长,日有所增。” 大师们早已驾鹤西去,而他们的智慧却永留人间。现在,让我们追随智者的足迹,聆听智慧流淌的声音:让我们搭乘智慧的飞船,去邀游梦想的蓝天,创造人生的辉煌!
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