
第19章 阿肯色州(3)

In 1996during his first months in office,Huckabee led the fight for Amendment 75to the Arkansas Constitution.The amendment created a sales tax of oneeighth of a cent that benefits the state Department of Parks and Tourism,the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission,the Department of Arkansas Heritage and the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission.Proceeds(收益)from the amendment(改善,改正)have allowed Arkansas to build the finest system of state parks in the country along with a system of stateoftheart nature centers operated by the Game and Fish Commission.The first of those nature centers at Pine Bluff was named after the governor in recognition of his conservation efforts.Huckabee,a noted outdoorsman(常在野外活动的人),was honored in 1997as the American Sportfishing(消遣性钓鱼,垂钓)Association Man of the Year and was inducted in 2000to the Arkansas Outdoor Hall of Fame.

Huckabee also has become known nationally for his focus on technology in state government.He created an automobile license renewal(更新)system thats a model for states across the country.He has supported other advancements that have made Arkansas a technology leader among the states.Brown University recognized Arkansas for being first in the country in online services.

Many Arkansans also have come to know Huckabee as the “highway governor”.Thats because he developed and led the campaign for a 1999bond issue to totally rehabilitate(使复原)the states system of crumbling(弄碎,粉碎)interstate highways.Arkansas is now completing the largest road construction project in its history.

Huckabee,a fiscal conservative,pushed through the Arkansas Legislature the first major,broadbased tax cuts in state history.He led efforts to establish a Property TaxpayersBill of Rights and created a welfare reform program that reduced the welfare rolls in the state by almost 50percent.

The governor is a noted speaker and author.He has given speeches on politics and public policy to groups across the country and around the world.Hes a regular guest on national television and radio shows,discussing issues of importance to the states.In the fall of 1997,his book “Character Is The Issue”was released by Broadman &Holman.The book chronicles[(旧约圣经)历代记]Huckabees political career and discusses the importance of character in politics and life.The following year,Broadman &Holman released “Kids Who Kill”,a book that addresses the issues of juvenile(青少年的)violence.His third book,“Living Beyond Your Lifetime”,was released in 2000.It examines how to establish a legacy that will live on after youre gone.

Huckabee has taken on numerous national leadership roles.In addition to being the chairman of the National Governors Association and the Education Commission of the States,hes the immediate past president of the Council of State Governments.The CSG is the nations only organization serving every elected and appointed official in all three branches of state government.Founded in 1933on the premise([逻][法]前提)that states are the best sources of insight and innovation,the CSG provides a network for state leaders to share ideas.

The Arkansas governor is extremely active in regional organizations.Hes the immediate past state cochairman of the Delta Regional Authority.He was selected to the post by the governors of the other seven states that are part of the DRA—Mississippi,Louisiana,Tennessee,Missouri,Alabama,Kentucky and Illinois.The DRA was established by Congress to help alleviate (减轻)poverty and stimulate(刺激,激励)economic growth in impoverished(穷困的)counties in the eight member states.Huckabee is a former chairman of the Southern GovernorsAssociation,the Southern Regional Education Board,the Southern Growth Policies Board,the Southern Technology Council and the Southern International Trade Council.

Huckabee also is a former chairman of the Interstate Oil &Gas Compact Commission.The 37state coalition(合并)develops energy policy and lobbies Congress on energy matters,serving as the voice of state government on energy issues.Congress approved the creation of the IOGCC in 1935.Since that time,the commission has been the leading voice for state regulation of oil and gas production.

The governor and his wife,Janet,have three grown children—John Mark,David and Sarah.Huckabee enjoys hunting,fishing,reading and playing bass guitar(低音电吉他)in his band,Capitol Offense.

〖MZ(3H〗State Bird州鸟〖MZ)〗


The mockingbird was adopted as the Arkansas State Bird by the Fortyseventh General Assembly of 1929.The mockingbird can imitate(模仿)the song of many other birds.

The Mimus polyglottos,as the mockingbird is known scientifically,is about ten inches in length,including its relatively long tail.It has a light gray coat and a whitish underside.Its wings and tail are darker gray with white patches.The male and females look alike.Juvenile has spotted breast.

The common mockingbird is a superb songbird and mimic.Its own song has a pleasant lilt(轻快活泼的调子),varied and repetitive.Often it will sing all night long,especially in bright springtime moonlight.Unmated male mockingbirds sing more than mated ones.Both sexes sing in the fall to claim winter feeding territories.These areas are often different than their spring breeding territories.

The song of the mockingbird is,in fact,a medley(杂乱的一团)of the calls of many other birds,each repeated several times.It will imitate other speciessongs and calls,squeaky(吱吱响的,发轧声的)gates,pianos,sirens(汽笛,警报器),barking dogs,etc.Each imitation is repeated two or three times,then another song is started,all in rapid succession.In the above sample audio file,the songs of four distinct species were recorded in the span of about seven seconds.It is common for an individual bird to have as many as 25—30songs in its repertory(仓库).

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