
第18章 阿肯色州(2)

The 20th century has seen even more change in Arkansas.Airplanes,radios,talking movies,and eventually television has enhanced our lifestyle.Automobiles grew in popularity,and in 1921,the first auto(〈美口〉汽车),gas,and oil taxes were levied to finance construction of paved roads and highways.The discovery of oil and natural gas reserves in the state provided cheap and plentiful energy for years.The growing use of farm and machinery ([总称]机器,机械)led to the consolidation(巩固,合并)of many familyrun farms into larger farming corporations.Arkansans learned in 1904that rice could successfully be grown here,and it is now one of our most profitable(有利可图的)crops.The livestock(家畜,牲畜)and dairy industries have also gained prominence(突出,显著)in the last 90years.A post World War II drive to industrialize the state was successful in effecting a more favorable balance of industrial and agricultural production.Firms in Arkansas now manufacture a wide range of items,including aluminum products,aircraft components,communications equipment,cosmetics(化妆品),clothing,and pulp and paper products.

In 500years,Arkansas has grown from vast wilderness to a thriving state with a population of 2.5million.Advancements in farming,lumbering(木材业),manufacturing,tourism and government have gained Arkansas a viable place in the international market.


阿肯色州州长Mike Huckabee被认为是教育领域改革和医疗领域改革的国家领导人。Huckabee是在7月担任国家州长协会的主席,他将任期到2006年7月。Huckabee是在1996年担任州长。他是那时美国最年轻的州长之一。他1993年特别选举中首次被选举为副州长,1994年被选举州长。他是作为重建后全州范围内被选举出来的第四个共和党人。1998年被选举州长,在2002年的重新选举中再次被选举新一届的州长。

Gov.Mike Huckabee of Arkansas is recognized as a national leader in the areas of education reform and health care reform.Huckabee became the chairman of the National Governors Association in July.He will serve as the leader of the nations governors until July 2006.The NGA,founded in 1908,is the group through which the governors collectively influence the development of national policy.Huckabee has served in recent years as one of the NGAs lead governors on the issues of welfare reform and Medicaid([亦作m]〈美〉(由各级政府资助、以穷人和伤残者为对象的)医疗补助(制度))reform.

Huckabee also is the chairman of the Education Commission of the States,a highly respected education policy organization.He will lead the ECS until July 2006.The ECS helps governors,legislators,state education officials and others identify,develop and implement public policies to improve student learning at all levels.The organization,which is based in Denver(丹佛(美国科罗拉多州首府)),was formed in 1965.

ArkansasACTAAP system is widely hailed as one of the nations best school accountability(有责任,有义务,可说明性)programs.Huckabee has pushed through reforms in Arkansas that have significantly expanded the availability of college scholarships,increased the number of charter schools and established new approaches to workforce education.His Smart Start initiative(主动)placed a heavy emphasis on reading and mathematics for students from kindergarten through the fourth grade.He then created Smart Step,a similar emphasis for students from the fifth through the eighth grades.Student scores on standardized tests have risen steadily since the creation of Smart Start and Smart Step.

Huckabee became governor in July 1996when his predecessor (前辈,前任)resigned.He was one of the youngest governors in the country at the time.Huckabee first was elected lieutenant governor in a 1993special election and was elected to a full fouryear term in 1994.He was only the fourth Republican to be elected to statewide office since Reconstruction.Huckabee was elected to a full fouryear term as governor in 1998,attracting the largest percentage of the vote ever received by a Republican gubernatorial(州长的)nominee(被提名的人,被任命者)in Arkansas,and was reelected to another fouryear term in November 2002.Hes now the second longestserving governor in the country.A significant part of his adult life was spent as a pastor and denominational(宗派的,派别的)leader.He became the youngest president ever of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention,the largest denomination in Arkansas.Huckabee led rapidly growing congregations(集合,集会)in Pine Bluff and Texarkana.He said those experiences gave him a deep sense of the problems faced by individuals and families.

In addition to his education reform efforts,Huckabee has been a leader in improving health care for Arkansans.He created the ARKids First program,a nationally recognized initiative that provides health insurance to tens of thousands of children who previously had no access to health insurance.He also led a ballot initiative in 2000that devotes all of the states tobacco settlement money to improving the health of Arkansans.Arkansas is one of the few states spending all of its tobacco funds in this way.Huckabee created the Healthy Arkansas initiative to encourage Arkansans to stop smoking,exercise more and eat healthier.He now has expanded that effort to the Healthy America program,which is his NGA chairmans initiative.

Huckabees efforts to improve his own health have received national attention.Diagnosed(诊断)with Type II diabetes(糖尿病,多尿症)in 2003,he lost 110pounds.In March 2005,Huckabee completed the Little Rock Marathon.The Road Runners Club of America named him its Southern Region Runner of the Year,and he was named USA Track &Fields Athlete of the Week for the country.Huckabees fourth book,“Quit Digging Your Grave With A Knife And Fork”,was released by Time Warner Book Group in May and has received favorable reviews across the country.Huckabee has traveled widely since the release of the book to speak on the need for Americans to change their lifestyles.

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