
第79章 附录一(2)

1.根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词性写出相应的英语单词, 每条短线上写一个字母。该词的首字母已给出。

1 )责备, 责怪v. b

2 )智力的, 脑力的a. m

3 )分担, 分享v. s

4 )特征, 特色n. f

5 )坚持v. i

6 )遥远的, 偏僻的a. r

7 )供给, 供应v. s

8 )宁可, 宁愿ad. r

9 )保护, 防护v. p

10)谋杀, 凶杀v. m

11)起源n. o

12)孤独的, 寂寞的a. l

13)影响n. / v. i

14)骄傲的, 自豪的a. p

15)威胁, 恐吓v. t

16)质量, 品质n. q

17)信号n. s

18)完善的, 完满的a. p

19)手术, 操作n. o

20)突然的a. s


1 )(Take )her little son to school, she began to do some shopping.

2 )The last question (discuss)this afternoon is how to finish the program in advance.

3 )I can’t find my tape recorder in the room. It (must, take)away by somebody.

4 )I regret (not accept)your advice.

5 )She didn’t go to bed until she (finish)her work.

6 )(Be)it not for their help, we would be in serious trouble.

7 )The (far)away we are from the earth, the (thin)the atmosphere becomes.

8 )(Criticize)may not necessarily be a bad thing.

9 )So far his application (not approve)by the president.

10)(Give)more attention, their garden could be more beautiful.


1 )They are still not fully able to distinguish right wrong.

A. between B. from C. for D. against

2 )you are conscious of it or not, you are using his influence in your own favour.

A. Whether B. If C. No matter D. Though

3 )Ocean currents affect strongly the climates of the lands near they flow.

A. that B. what C. where D. which

4 )In no way can cheating on exams be in schools.

A. elevated B. navigated C. exaggerated D. tolerated

5 )No evidence has been found to support his hypothesis.

A. as yet B. as far C. as many D. as much

6 )The man left in silence and nobody his absence.

A. took charge of B. took care of

C. took note of D. took charge of

7 )The sudden change of weather resulted the death of many young animals.

A. from B. in C. to D. on

8 )I want to buy a skirt and a pair of shoes,.

A. except for other things B. except other things

C. of other things D. among other things

9 )The criminal doesn’t dare to leave the house he should be recognized.

A. in no case B. in any case

C. in case D. in such a case

10)asleep when a terrible noise awakened me.

A. Scarcely had I fallen B. Scarcely I had fallen

C. I had fallen scarcely D. I scarcely had fallen

4.下面的句子中每个句子都有四处划有横线并标以A、B、C、D, 其中有一处错误的。指出你认为错误之处。

1 )When the poor people cut down

A trees or burn forestland, the

B government often has no choice

C but turn

D a blind eye.

2 )In cases which

A the explanation is unknown

B , the scientific point of view is that

C it can be discovered sooner or later

D .

3 )Striking

A improvements have been made

B in many kinds of memory tasks when

C people are asked to visualize the items to remember

D .

4 )Scientists can tell from

A fossil evidence that

B many animal species have become extinct over the millions

C of years since life began

D .

5 )Because information can be transmitted and received over

A very long distances

B , every person will have an access

C to an unlimited amount

D of information.

5.本题共有三段短文, 每段短文后面有三至四道小题, 共计十道小题。每道小题都有四个选择项。找出你认为正确的答案。

Passage 1

Whenever art has function, the function influences and often determines the form. This is just another way of stating the obvious fact that if an object is made for a certain function it should be made in such a way that it can perform that function. As the function changes, the form changes, and if there are many functions there will be many forms. Take an object of everyday use such as a spoon. There are spoons for babies and spoons for adults, spoons for cooking, spoons for eating, spoons for serving, deep spoons and shallow spoons, spoons with long handles and spoons with short handles. Even a rather small household will have a variety of spoons because there are a variety of functions to be served by them.

Door keys offer another interesting example. Keys are now carried by many individuals, and one person often has to carry more than one;accordingly keys are small. But when gates and doors were in the charge of special persons whose responsibility was to watch or guard them, keys were large and massive;they were in fact a visible symbol of the power and importance of the place to be locked.

1 )If an object is made for a certain function,.

A. it should have a suitable form

B. it should have a variety of forms

C. its form should not be defined

D. its form should have nothing to do with function

2 )Because people carry more than one key,.

A. form becomes important

B. size becomes important

C. function becomes important

D. quality becomes important

3 )The author refers to spoons and keys because he wants.

A. to show that they are not art

B. to tell us how to use them properly

C. to give us examples of exceptions

D. to illustrate his discussion

4 )In the past large keys were made so that they could.

A. not fit into all locks

B. not easily be lost

C. look more artificial

D. symbolize some authority

Passage 2

Generations of North Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one of life’s essentials. Having breakfast at the start of the day, they have all been told, is as necessary as refueling (加油)the family car before starting a trip.

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