
第5章 爱是一生的约定 (4)







Rice Dudding

佚名 / Anonymous

Sheila stomped into the staff room, her uniform plastered with someone's dinner. "I don't know how you do it!" she fumed to Helen, the nurse supervising the evening shift. "Mrs. Svoboda just threw her tray at me again, and she's so agitated I don't know how l' ll be able to clean her up before bed. Why don't you have so much trouble with her?"

Helen smiled sympathetically. "I've had my share of rough nights with her, too. But I' ve been here, longer and, of course, I knew her husband." "yeah, Troy. I've heard about him. It's about the only word I can understand when she gets going."

"Sheila, "Helen began hesitantly. "I know it's hard to work with people like Mrs. Svoboda. When Mrs. Svoboda was admitted she wasn't as bad as she is now, but she was still pretty spicy. She used to give me grief over the smallest things£her tea wasn't hot enough, her bed wasn't made up right. On her bad days she'd accuse us all of stealing her things. I had no patience with her, until one day her husband happened to be there during bath time. I was gearing up for the usual fight with her when he asked if he could help. 'Sure, ' I said gratefully. Good thing the safety restraints were on because she began kicking and screaming."

"I began washing her quickly, anxious to get it over with, when Troy laid his hand on my arm. 'Give her a moment to get used to the water, 'he asked. Then he began talking softly in Russian. After a few moments she became calm and seemed to listen to him. Very gently, he took the cloth and soap from me and washed each of' her hands. Then slowly and carefully, he washed her arms and shoulders, working his way over the wrinkled, sallow skin. Each touch was a caress, each movement a promise.After a while, she closed her eyes and relaxed into the warm water. 'My beautiful Nadja, ' the old man murmured. 'You are so beautiful'. To my surprise, Mrs.Svoboda opened her eyes and murmured back, 'My beautiful Troy.' Even more astonishing, she had tears in her eyes!"

Helen took a deep breath and continued her story. "Mrs. Svoboda stayed calm that whole afternoon. Her husband helped me dress her and feed her lunch. She complained about the food and at one point knocked over her soup. Mr. Svoboda patiently cleaned it up and waited until her tantrum was over. Then he slowly fed her the rest of her meal and talked to her until she was ready to go to bed. I was concerned about that old man. He looked completely exhausted. I asked him why he insisted on doing so much by himself when we were paid to do it. He turned to me and said simply, 'Because I love her.' You don't understand, he continued. We' ve been married for almost forty-nine years. When we started out, life on the farm was harder than you can imagine. The drought killed our crops, and there wasn't enough pasture for the cattle. Our children were small, and I didn't know how we were going to survive the winter. I was very hard to live with that year. Nadja put up with my moods, and left me alone, but one night I blew up at the supper table. She'd made our favorite treat, rice pudding, and all I could think about was how much sugar and milk she'd used."

"Suddenly. I just couldn't take it. I picked up my bowl and threw it against the wall, and stormed out to the barn. I don't know how long I stayed there, but around sundown, Nadja came out to find me. 'Troy', she said, 'you are not alone in your troubles. I promised to stand by you through everything life brought our way. But if you won't let me, then you have to go. ' She had tears in her eyes, but her voice was firm. 'when you are ready to be with us again, we are here. ' Then she kissed my cheek and walked back to the house."

"I stayed in the barn that night, and the next day I headed into town to look for a job. There was nothing, of course, but I keep looking. After about a week, I was ready to give up. I felt a complete failure, at farming, as a man. I started for home, not knowing if I'd be welcome, but I didn't have anywhere else to go. When she saw me coming down the lane, Nadja came out running, her apron strings riving. She threw her arms around me and I began to weep. I clung to her like a newborn baby."

"If she could stay committed to me during my worst times, during the hardest time of our life, the least I can do is to comfort her now. And remind her of the good times we had. We always smiled at each other when we ate rice pudding, and it's one of the few things she still remembers."

Helen was quiet. Suddenly Sheila pushed back her chair, "My break is over, "she said, dabbing at the tears that rolled down her cheeks. "And I know an old lady who needs another dinner. "She smiled at Helen. "If I ask them nicely, I' ll bet the kitchen can rustle up a dish of rice pudding for her, too. "




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    本书内容丰富,讲解详细,书中每一篇热点新闻都配有BBC 原声音频,发音清晰流畅且现场感强,方便学习者利用闲暇时间随时随地学习,从而迅速提高听力水平。读者们在练习听力的同时还可以模仿原汁原味的语音语调,训练自己的发音,提高口语表达能力。学习地道英语,看这本就够了。
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  • 学霸恋爱吗


    快快快!!!在线等,挺急的!!! 分班和前男友在一班怎么办!!! 前男友能打能扛成绩优良话还骚!! 除了缺点全优点,小同学恋爱吗??!骚气十足腹黑学霸×表里不一一点就炸“小白兔”女主逆天双语。强强组合,放哨(少)cp。ps:女主人称一声林少爷。无第三者,双初恋,HE林挽:我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼里找到了它的天空。陈放:你是人间璀璨烟火。近处灯火遥远星河皆是你。·高考模式为江苏高考(其余省份不是很了解)·没有怀孕流产没有闺蜜小三上位之类的,青春不疼痛。·没有豪门世家
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