“Wow, I am surprised.“(天呐,我有点正经。)
“Ok, get back to work.“(好的,快点回去工作。)
“Yes chef.“(好的,主厨。)
袁子杰准备提拔一个人当Sous chef,因为他准备去美国了。“Who wants to be a sous chef?“(谁想当副主厨?)袁子杰问了整个厨房。
“Are you leaving us?“(你放弃我们了?)一个厨师问道。
“No, look, I am going on a vacation in a week. Someone has to take charge when I am gone. He will practice while I am here.”(不是,我一周后要放个假。总有人要管理厨房的。他会在我还在的时候练习。)
“Do you guys want to nominate someone?“(你们要推荐一个人吗?)袁子杰继续到。
“Well, then. I guess Ms Ye is gonna decide.”(好吧,那就,叶梦露决定吧。)
袁子杰想起来他要请假来着。于是说,“Ok, I will tell the boss now. See y'ou later.”(好了,我要去和老板说这件事,等会儿见。)
袁子杰回到厨房。“Matt, you are the chosen one.”(Matt,你是天选之子/你被选中了)
Matt来到袁子杰旁边。“Ok, your job is to make sure customers don't wait too long for the food and the food is good.”(你的职责就是保证顾客不用等太久,并且食物是好的。)
“Yea chef.”(好的,主厨。)
“Also remember, anyone can take his spot if he is not doing well?do you understand?”(还有,记住,任何人都可以取代他,明白吗?)
“Yes, chef “(是的,主厨。)
“Ok, follow his commands.”(好的,跟着他的指令。)
“Look, always have a brief idea of when should each table?receive their food next. Look, get those appetizers out, did you check if everything is good?”(好的,一直有一个大概没一桌什么时候应该再出菜的概念。先把前菜弄出去。你看过每一个都是好的?)
Matt再检查了一下。“They are all fine chef.“(都没问题主厨。)
“Ok, do it. Don't wait for me.“(那好,去做,不要等我。)
“Yes chef.“(是,主厨。)
“Table five is complaining.”(五号桌已经在抱怨了。)
“When is the food for table five done?”(五号桌的食物什么时候好?)Matt问道。
“Specify which dishes.”(把具体的菜名说一下。)袁子杰说到。
“One garlic butter pasta and one duck.“Matt继续到。
“2 minutes.“(两分钟。)
“We are plating.“(我们在装盘。)
“Communicate the information to the waiter.“(把信息给服务员。)袁子杰继续到。
“Ok, 3 minutes for table five.“(好的,三分钟五号桌好)Matt和服务员交流了一下。
“Next time, ask the waiters which table are ready for the main course.”(下一次,问他们哪些桌可以上主食了。)袁子杰建议到。
“Ok, chef.“(好的,主厨。)