Wishful thinking is about willing to gamble and admit defeat. We all know the truth. So in the end, I lost completelyIt's not to lose to myself, but to you. I'm very happy because I lost in your hand
I used to have stars in my eyes, but now it's even pale. My eyes only hold you. But you don't know that I'm very small, because I didn't tell you earlier, I'm a fool. Even if I do something wrong, I'll defend myself like a fool, but you don't believe me. It doesn't matter. You're not the one who believes,What's the point(以前我的眼睛里面有星辰大海,现在渐渐暗淡,眼睛里只装得下你,可是你并不知道,我很胆小,因为我没有早点告诉你,我就是个傻子,即使是我做错了我也还是会像傻子一样去为自己辩解,可是你不相信我,相信的人不是你,有什么意义呢)
I remember the person you likeEven if it becomes your habit later, it is my habitI'm happy, tooBecause I'm doing the same thing with youI like the same people you likeLove me, love meI didn't do itBecause I'm jealousBut what right am I to be jealousIt's just self deception
Laughter can cover up a lot of thingsFor example, your heart is empty, for example, I am disappointed
I don't talk to you anymore, not because I don't love youIt's because you make me feel like I'm disturbing you
I know where my hand isBut still have to doridiculous
Your good is like a piece of sugar to others. It's gone after eatingOn the contrary, your bad is like a scar to othersIf you leave it, it's forever. That's human nature
就算是life,也免不了die就算是Family 也会fail就算是No more disguises 也还会guise就算是Believe 也有 Deceive就算是next 也存在ex如果心中没有ai 又何必wait有些事即使现在get,也意味着正在for+get=失去agony读音很像……本意确实极大的痛苦,所以还是小孩子的我们应该好好珍惜现在的每一点生活,不让自己伤心,失眠......说的好听睡不着,说的难听失眠,还有在乎你的人呐,不要让他们伤心,就算是睡不着,就把手机丢掉,闭上眼睛,放空思想,脑子里不要想一些乱七八糟的事情,越想越难受,最后崩住大哭一场,自己还是很难受,睡觉的时候才是最安宁的,没人在你耳边吵,闹安安静静,一觉到天亮,什么事情都没有发生,睡觉才是最好的选择知不知道鸭,失眠的朋友看过来,你失眠,我陪你熬,熬到你睡为止