As Mrs.Trent's was the best board in Battle Field there were more applicants than she could make places for at her one table.
In the second week of the term she put a small table in the alcove of the dining-room and gave it to her "star"boarders--Pierson, Olivia and Pauline.They invited Scarborough to take the fourth place.Not only did Pierson sit opposite Olivia and Scarborough opposite Pauline three times a day in circumstances which make for intimacy, but also Olivia and Pierson studied together in his sitting-room and Pauline and Scarborough in her sitting-room for several hours three or four times a week.Olivia and Pierson were sophomores.Pauline and Scarborough were freshmen; also, they happened to have the same three "senior prep" conditions to "work off"--Latin, zoology and mathematics.
Such intimacies as these were the matter-of-course at Battle Field.They were usually brief and strenuous.A young man and a young woman would be seen together constantly, would fall in love, would come to know each the other thoroughly.Then, with the mind and character and looks and moods of each fully revealed to the other, they would drift or fly in opposite directions, wholly disillusioned.Occasionally they found that they were really congenial, and either love remained or a cordial friendship sprang up.The modes of thought, inconceivable to Europeans or Europeanized Americans, made catastrophe all but impossible.
It was through the girls that Scarborough got his invitation to the alcove table.There he came to know Pierson and to like him.
One evening he went into Pierson's rooms--the suite under Olivia and Pauline's.He had never seen--but had dreamed of--such a luxurious bachelor interior.Pierson's father had insisted that his son must go to the college where forty years before he had split wood and lighted fires and swept corridors to earn two years of higher education.Pierson's mother, defeated in her wish that her son should go East to college, had tried to mitigate the rigors of Battle Field's primitive simplicity by herself fitting up his quarters.And she made them the show-rooms of the college.
"Now let's see what can be done for you," said Pierson, with the superiority of a whole year's experience where Scarborough was a beginner."I'll put you in the Sigma Alpha fraternity for one thing.It's the best here.""I don't know anything about fraternities," Scarborough said.
"What are they for?"
"Oh, everybody that is anybody belongs to a fraternity.There are about a dozen of them here, and among them they get all the men with any claim to recognition.Just now, we lean rather toward taking in the fellows who've been well brought up.""Does everybody belong to a fraternity?"
"Lord, no! Two-thirds don't belong.The fellows outside are called `barbs'--that is, barbarians; we on the inside are Greeks.
Though, I must say, very few of us are Athenians and most of us are the rankest Macedonians.But the worst Greeks are better than the best barbs.They're the rummest lot of scrubs you ever saw--stupid drudges who live round in all sorts of holes and don't amount to anything.The brush of the backwoods.""Oh, yes--mm--I see." Scarborough was looking uncomfortable.
"The Sigma Alphas'll take you in next Saturday," said Pierson.
"They do as I say, between ourselves."
"I'm ever so much obliged, but----" Scarborough was red and began to stammer."You see--I--it----""What's the matter? Expense? Don't let that bother you.The cost's nothing at all, and the membership is absolutely necessary to your position.""Yes--a matter of expense." Scarborough was in control of himself now."But not precisely the kind of expense you mean.
No--I can't join I'd rather not explain.I'm ever so much obliged, but really I can't.""As you please." Pierson was offended."But I warn you, you've got to belong to one or the other of these fraternities or you'll be cut off from everything.And you oughtn't to miss the chance to join the best.""I see I've offended you." Scarborough spoke regretfully.
"Please don't think I'm not appreciating your kindness.
But--I've made a sort of agreement with myself never to join anything that isn't organized for a general purpose and that won't admit anybody who has that purpose, too."Pierson thought on this for a moment."Pardon me for saying so, but that's nonsense.You can't afford to stand alone.It'll make everything harder for you--many things impossible.You've got to yield to the prejudices of people in these matters.Why, even the barbs have no use for each other and look up to us.
When we have an election in the Literary Society I can control more barb votes than any one else in college.And the reason is--well, you can imagine." (Mr.Pierson was only twenty years old when he made that speech.)"It doesn't disturb me to think of myself as alone." The strong lines in Scarborough's face were in evidence."But it would disturb me if I were propped up and weren't sure I could stand alone.I'm afraid to lean on any one or anything--my prop might give way.And I don't want any friends or any associates who value me for any other reason than what I myself am.Ipurpose never to `belong' to anything or anybody."Pierson laughed."Do as you please," he said."I'd like to myself if it wasn't such an awful lot of trouble!""Not in the end," replied Scarborough.
"Oh, bother the end.To-day's good enough for me.""You'd better not let Miss Shrewsbury hear you say that," said Scarborough, his eyes mocking.
Pierson grew serious at once."Splendid girl, isn't she?" She happened to be the first he had known at all well who hadn't agreed with him in everything he said, hadn't shown the greatest anxiety to please him and hadn't practically thrown herself at his head.His combination of riches, good looks, an easy-going disposition and cleverness had so agitated those who had interested him theretofore that they had overreached themselves.
Besides, his mother had been subtly watchful.