
第17章 冰封魔尸

000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2020-05-06T23:03:34.518

000000.003| ALWAYS| Application Version:10.9.318.6057 - CL:3186057 - Build Date: Apr 23 2020 - Build Time:18:02:04

000000.003| ALWAYS| Log file d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T23-03-34_5656_LeagueClientUx.log

000000.003| ALWAYS| Running LeagueClientUx version 10.9.318.6057

000000.003| OKAY| Initial working directory:“d:\游戏\英雄联盟\英雄联盟\leagueclient“

000000.003| OKAY| Current process:“d:\娓告垙\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\leagueclient\LeagueClientUx.exe“

000000.004| OKAY| Command line arguments:























--log-dir=LeagueClient Logs



--app-log-file-path=d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T21-40-49_184_LeagueClient.log




000000.004| OKAY| Memory Monitor enabled:

000000.004| OKAY|- update interval 5s

000000.004| OKAY|- memory delta threshold 10MiB

000000.004| OKAY|- page fault delta threshold 100K

000000.004| OKAY|- region count delta threshold 10

000000.011| OKAY| Working Set Size: 9MiB Peak: 9MiB Pagefile Usage: 55MiB Peak: 55MiB Private Usage: 55MiB

000000.011| OKAY| Paged Pool Usage: 0MiB Peak: 0MiB Non-Paged Pool Usage: 0MiB Peak: 0MiB

000000.011| OKAY| Committed Total: 198MiB Committed Image: 144MiB Committed Mapped: 2MiB Committed Private: 51MiB Reserved Total: 18MiB Reserved Image: 0MiB Reserved Mapped: 13MiB Reserved Private: 5MiB Free Total: 1831MiB Limit: 2047MiB Largest Free: 967MiB Region Count: 669

000000.011| OKAY| Page Fault Count: 2K

000000.070| ALWAYS| Using Ux render executable path: LeagueClientUxRender.exe

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: ccs

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: disable-features

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: product-version

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: q

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso-auth.client

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso-auth.url

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso_platform_id

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.chathost

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.lcdshost

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.league_edge_url

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.location

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.lq

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.rmsurl

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.storeurl

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: tcls

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: tglog-endpoint

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: use-updated-tencent-api

000000.765| ALWAYS| Cef CommandLine: d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/LeagueClientUx.exe --app-log-file-path=“d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T21-40-49_184_LeagueClient.log“--app-name=LeagueClient --app-pid=184 --app-port=54471 --browser-subprocess-path=LeagueClientUxRender.exe --crash-environment=HN11 --crash-reporting=bugsplat --install-directory=“d:\濞撳憡鍨橽閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃\閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃\leagueclient“--lang=en-US --log-dir=“LeagueClient Logs“--log-file=“d:\娓告垙\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\leagueclient\debug.log“--no-proxy-server --no-sandbox --output-base-dir=d:/濞撳憡鍨?閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/leagueclient/../Game --remoting-auth-token=nljNENQ9ZQQXqnerWttchg --ux-helper-name=LeagueClientUxHelper --ux-name=LeagueClientUx --disable-spell-checking --no-displaying-insecure-content --force-device-scale-factor=1 --disable-features=NetworkService,HardwareMediaKeyHandling --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required --disable-extensions

000004.614| ALWAYS| Initial dpiScale = 1.000000

000004.614| ALWAYS| Using cookie store at d:/濞撳憡鍨?閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/leagueclient/../Game/Cookies

000004.700| OKAY| Creating browser process.

000005.011| OKAY| Working Set Size: 20MiB (+11) Peak: 20MiB (+11)

000005.664| ALWAYS| App file system path is: d:\游戏\英雄联盟\英雄联盟\leagueclient000005.664| ALWAYS| Plugins file system path used : Plugins\.

000005.664| ALWAYS| CEF Version: 74.1.19+gb62bacf+chromium-74.0.3729.157

000005.880| ALWAYS| Trying to connect to app process.

000006.763| ALWAYS| Connected to app process after 1 attempts.

000007.676| ALWAYS| Backend process is now running.

000008.247| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-fe-gdp-live contains a different version “1.7.0“ than expected “1.6.5“ that is compatible.

000008.809| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-be-lol-catalog should specify “hasBundlesAssets“=“false“ if it doesn't have bundled assets or specify either “globalAssetBundles“ or “perLocaleAssetBundles“ if it has bundled assets.

000009.018| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-be-lol-premade-voice should specify “hasBundlesAssets“=“false“ if it doesn't have bundled assets or specify either “globalAssetBundles“ or “perLocaleAssetBundles“ if it has bundled assets.

000011.169| OKAY| Setting mouse intercept hook.

000011.169| OKAY| Registering window.

000011.169| OKAY| Registering window class R.

000011.169| OKAY| Loading icons.

000011.229| OKAY| New window requested at 0,0 with dimensions 1280,720.

000011.230| OKAY| Creating ux window with url

000011.230| ALWAYS| Deleting non-whitelisted cookies

000011.230| OKAY| Running message loop.

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (eas_sid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (LW_sid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (LW_uid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isHostDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isOsSysDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isOsDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (PTTuserFirstTime) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (PTTosSysFirstTime) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (PTTosFirstTime) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (pgv_pvid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (ts_uid) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (weekloop) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (eas_entry) with domain (lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (tcls_pop) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (pt2gguin) with domain (.ptlogin2.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (RK) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (ptcz) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (pt_recent_uins) with domain (.ptlogin2.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000012.454| OKAY| Creating main WindowAppModule window 1.

000012.454| OKAY| Ux window 1 created.

000012.461| ALWAYS| ScalingUpdate, Setting zoom back to the default of 1280x720 (HD)

000012.461| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, Zooming and resizing window 1 from scale 1.000000 to 1.000000

000012.461| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, Resizing window 1 from 1280x720 to 1280x720 (1280x720 scaled by 1.000000).

000012.462| OKAY| Moving window 1 to (43, 4)

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, RescaleAndResizeWindow zoomScale=1.000000

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, HandleResolutionScaleUpdate zoomScale=1.000000 initialDpi=1.000000

000012.462| ALWAYS| ScalingUpdate, Setting zoom back to the default of 1280x720 (HD)

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, Zooming and resizing window 1 from scale 1.000000 to 1.000000

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, Resizing window 1 from 1280x720 to 1280x720 (1280x720 scaled by 1.000000).

000012.462| OKAY| Moving window 1 to (43, 4)

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, RescaleAndResizeWindow zoomScale=1.000000

000012.462| OKAY| Creating main browser window 1.

000013.382| OKAY| BrowserProcess::OnLoadingStateChange browserId = 1, mainFrameId =-4, uri =““, loading = true

000013.421| OKAY| BrowserProcess::OnBeforeBrowse

000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2020-05-06T23:03:34.518

000000.003| ALWAYS| Application Version:10.9.318.6057 - CL:3186057 - Build Date: Apr 23 2020 - Build Time:18:02:04

000000.003| ALWAYS| Log file d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T23-03-34_5656_LeagueClientUx.log

000000.003| ALWAYS| Running LeagueClientUx version 10.9.318.6057

000000.003| OKAY| Initial working directory:“d:\游戏\英雄联盟\英雄联盟\leagueclient“

000000.003| OKAY| Current process:“d:\娓告垙\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\leagueclient\LeagueClientUx.exe“

000000.004| OKAY| Command line arguments:























--log-dir=LeagueClient Logs



--app-log-file-path=d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T21-40-49_184_LeagueClient.log




000000.004| OKAY| Memory Monitor enabled:

000000.004| OKAY|- update interval 5s

000000.004| OKAY|- memory delta threshold 10MiB

000000.004| OKAY|- page fault delta threshold 100K

000000.004| OKAY|- region count delta threshold 10

000000.011| OKAY| Working Set Size: 9MiB Peak: 9MiB Pagefile Usage: 55MiB Peak: 55MiB Private Usage: 55MiB

000000.011| OKAY| Paged Pool Usage: 0MiB Peak: 0MiB Non-Paged Pool Usage: 0MiB Peak: 0MiB

000000.011| OKAY| Committed Total: 198MiB Committed Image: 144MiB Committed Mapped: 2MiB Committed Private: 51MiB Reserved Total: 18MiB Reserved Image: 0MiB Reserved Mapped: 13MiB Reserved Private: 5MiB Free Total: 1831MiB Limit: 2047MiB Largest Free: 967MiB Region Count: 669

000000.011| OKAY| Page Fault Count: 2K

000000.070| ALWAYS| Using Ux render executable path: LeagueClientUxRender.exe

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: ccs

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: disable-features

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: product-version

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: q

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso-auth.client

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso-auth.url

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso_platform_id

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.chathost

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.lcdshost

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.league_edge_url

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.location

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.lq

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.rmsurl

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.storeurl

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: tcls

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: tglog-endpoint

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: use-updated-tencent-api

000000.765| ALWAYS| Cef CommandLine: d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/LeagueClientUx.exe --app-log-file-path=“d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T21-40-49_184_LeagueClient.log“--app-name=LeagueClient --app-pid=184 --app-port=54471 --browser-subprocess-path=LeagueClientUxRender.exe --crash-environment=HN11 --crash-reporting=bugsplat --install-directory=“d:\濞撳憡鍨橽閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃\閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃\leagueclient“--lang=en-US --log-dir=“LeagueClient Logs“--log-file=“d:\娓告垙\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\leagueclient\debug.log“--no-proxy-server --no-sandbox --output-base-dir=d:/濞撳憡鍨?閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/leagueclient/../Game --remoting-auth-token=nljNENQ9ZQQXqnerWttchg --ux-helper-name=LeagueClientUxHelper --ux-name=LeagueClientUx --disable-spell-checking --no-displaying-insecure-content --force-device-scale-factor=1 --disable-features=NetworkService,HardwareMediaKeyHandling --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required --disable-extensions

000004.614| ALWAYS| Initial dpiScale = 1.000000

000004.614| ALWAYS| Using cookie store at d:/濞撳憡鍨?閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/leagueclient/../Game/Cookies

000004.700| OKAY| Creating browser process.

000005.011| OKAY| Working Set Size: 20MiB (+11) Peak: 20MiB (+11)

000005.664| ALWAYS| App file system path is: d:\游戏\英雄联盟\英雄联盟\leagueclient000005.664| ALWAYS| Plugins file system path used : Plugins\.

000005.664| ALWAYS| CEF Version: 74.1.19+gb62bacf+chromium-74.0.3729.157

000005.880| ALWAYS| Trying to connect to app process.

000006.763| ALWAYS| Connected to app process after 1 attempts.

000007.676| ALWAYS| Backend process is now running.

000008.247| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-fe-gdp-live contains a different version “1.7.0“ than expected “1.6.5“ that is compatible.

000008.809| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-be-lol-catalog should specify “hasBundlesAssets“=“false“ if it doesn't have bundled assets or specify either “globalAssetBundles“ or “perLocaleAssetBundles“ if it has bundled assets.

000009.018| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-be-lol-premade-voice should specify “hasBundlesAssets“=“false“ if it doesn't have bundled assets or specify either “globalAssetBundles“ or “perLocaleAssetBundles“ if it has bundled assets.

000011.169| OKAY| Setting mouse intercept hook.

000011.169| OKAY| Registering window.

000011.169| OKAY| Registering window class R.

000011.169| OKAY| Loading icons.

000011.229| OKAY| New window requested at 0,0 with dimensions 1280,720.

000011.230| OKAY| Creating ux window with url

000011.230| ALWAYS| Deleting non-whitelisted cookies

000011.230| OKAY| Running message loop.

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (eas_sid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (LW_sid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (LW_uid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isHostDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isOsSysDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isOsDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (PTTuserFirstTime) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (PTTosSysFirstTime) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (PTTosFirstTime) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (pgv_pvid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (ts_uid) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (weekloop) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (eas_entry) with domain (lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (tcls_pop) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (pt2gguin) with domain (.ptlogin2.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (RK) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (ptcz) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.782| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (pt_recent_uins) with domain (.ptlogin2.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000012.454| OKAY| Creating main WindowAppModule window 1.

000012.454| OKAY| Ux window 1 created.

000012.461| ALWAYS| ScalingUpdate, Setting zoom back to the default of 1280x720 (HD)

000012.461| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, Zooming and resizing window 1 from scale 1.000000 to 1.000000

000012.461| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, Resizing window 1 from 1280x720 to 1280x720 (1280x720 scaled by 1.000000).

000012.462| OKAY| Moving window 1 to (43, 4)

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, RescaleAndResizeWindow zoomScale=1.000000

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, HandleResolutionScaleUpdate zoomScale=1.000000 initialDpi=1.000000

000012.462| ALWAYS| ScalingUpdate, Setting zoom back to the default of 1280x720 (HD)

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, Zooming and resizing window 1 from scale 1.000000 to 1.000000

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, Resizing window 1 from 1280x720 to 1280x720 (1280x720 scaled by 1.000000).

000012.462| OKAY| Moving window 1 to (43, 4)

000012.462| OKAY| ScalingUpdate, RescaleAndResizeWindow zoomScale=1.000000

000012.462| OKAY| Creating main browser window 1.

000013.382| OKAY| BrowserProcess::OnLoadingStateChange browserId = 1, mainFrameId =-4, uri =““, loading = true

000013.421| OKAY| BrowserProcess::OnBeforeBrowse

000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2020-05-06T23:03:34.518

000000.003| ALWAYS| Application Version:10.9.318.6057 - CL:3186057 - Build Date: Apr 23 2020 - Build Time:18:02:04

000000.003| ALWAYS| Log file d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T23-03-34_5656_LeagueClientUx.log

000000.003| ALWAYS| Running LeagueClientUx version 10.9.318.6057

000000.003| OKAY| Initial working directory:“d:\游戏\英雄联盟\英雄联盟\leagueclient“

000000.003| OKAY| Current process:“d:\娓告垙\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\leagueclient\LeagueClientUx.exe“

000000.004| OKAY| Command line arguments:























--log-dir=LeagueClient Logs



--app-log-file-path=d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T21-40-49_184_LeagueClient.log




000000.004| OKAY| Memory Monitor enabled:

000000.004| OKAY|- update interval 5s

000000.004| OKAY|- memory delta threshold 10MiB

000000.004| OKAY|- page fault delta threshold 100K

000000.004| OKAY|- region count delta threshold 10

000000.011| OKAY| Working Set Size: 9MiB Peak: 9MiB Pagefile Usage: 55MiB Peak: 55MiB Private Usage: 55MiB

000000.011| OKAY| Paged Pool Usage: 0MiB Peak: 0MiB Non-Paged Pool Usage: 0MiB Peak: 0MiB

000000.011| OKAY| Committed Total: 198MiB Committed Image: 144MiB Committed Mapped: 2MiB Committed Private: 51MiB Reserved Total: 18MiB Reserved Image: 0MiB Reserved Mapped: 13MiB Reserved Private: 5MiB Free Total: 1831MiB Limit: 2047MiB Largest Free: 967MiB Region Count: 669

000000.011| OKAY| Page Fault Count: 2K

000000.070| ALWAYS| Using Ux render executable path: LeagueClientUxRender.exe

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: ccs

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: disable-features

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: product-version

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: q

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso-auth.client

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso-auth.url

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: rso_platform_id

000000.763| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.chathost

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.lcdshost

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.league_edge_url

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.location

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.lq

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.rmsurl

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: t.storeurl

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: tcls

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: tglog-endpoint

000000.764| ALWAYS| Skipping Unsupported Argument: use-updated-tencent-api

000000.765| ALWAYS| Cef CommandLine: d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/LeagueClientUx.exe --app-log-file-path=“d:/娓告垙/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/鑻遍泟鑱旂洘/leagueclient/../Game/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2020-05-06T21-40-49_184_LeagueClient.log“--app-name=LeagueClient --app-pid=184 --app-port=54471 --browser-subprocess-path=LeagueClientUxRender.exe --crash-environment=HN11 --crash-reporting=bugsplat --install-directory=“d:\濞撳憡鍨橽閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃\閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃\leagueclient“--lang=en-US --log-dir=“LeagueClient Logs“--log-file=“d:\娓告垙\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\鑻遍泟鑱旂洘\leagueclient\debug.log“--no-proxy-server --no-sandbox --output-base-dir=d:/濞撳憡鍨?閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/leagueclient/../Game --remoting-auth-token=nljNENQ9ZQQXqnerWttchg --ux-helper-name=LeagueClientUxHelper --ux-name=LeagueClientUx --disable-spell-checking --no-displaying-insecure-content --force-device-scale-factor=1 --disable-features=NetworkService,HardwareMediaKeyHandling --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required --disable-extensions

000004.614| ALWAYS| Initial dpiScale = 1.000000

000004.614| ALWAYS| Using cookie store at d:/濞撳憡鍨?閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/閼婚亶娉熼懕鏃傛礃/leagueclient/../Game/Cookies

000004.700| OKAY| Creating browser process.

000005.011| OKAY| Working Set Size: 20MiB (+11) Peak: 20MiB (+11)

000005.664| ALWAYS| App file system path is: d:\游戏\英雄联盟\英雄联盟\leagueclient000005.664| ALWAYS| Plugins file system path used : Plugins\.

000005.664| ALWAYS| CEF Version: 74.1.19+gb62bacf+chromium-74.0.3729.157

000005.880| ALWAYS| Trying to connect to app process.

000006.763| ALWAYS| Connected to app process after 1 attempts.

000007.676| ALWAYS| Backend process is now running.

000008.247| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-fe-gdp-live contains a different version “1.7.0“ than expected “1.6.5“ that is compatible.

000008.809| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-be-lol-catalog should specify “hasBundlesAssets“=“false“ if it doesn't have bundled assets or specify either “globalAssetBundles“ or “perLocaleAssetBundles“ if it has bundled assets.

000009.018| WARN| Plugin Manager| Plugin desc for rcp-be-lol-premade-voice should specify “hasBundlesAssets“=“false“ if it doesn't have bundled assets or specify either “globalAssetBundles“ or “perLocaleAssetBundles“ if it has bundled assets.

000011.169| OKAY| Setting mouse intercept hook.

000011.169| OKAY| Registering window.

000011.169| OKAY| Registering window class R.

000011.169| OKAY| Loading icons.

000011.229| OKAY| New window requested at 0,0 with dimensions 1280,720.

000011.230| OKAY| Creating ux window with url

000011.230| ALWAYS| Deleting non-whitelisted cookies

000011.230| OKAY| Running message loop.

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (eas_sid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (LW_sid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (LW_uid) with domain (.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isHostDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isOsSysDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (isOsDate) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

000011.781| ALWAYS| Deleting cookie (PTTuserFirstTime) with domain (.lol.qq.com) which does not match whitelist

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