

The wind, sweeping up the slope of Penetier, carried a strong, pungent odor of burning pitch. It brought also a low roar, not like the wind in the trees or rapid-rushing water. It might have been my imagination, but I fancied it was like the sound of flames blowing through the wood of a campfire.

"Fire! Fire!" exclaimed Hiram, with another ominous shake of his head. "We must be up an' doin'."

"The forest's greatest foe! Old Penetier is doomed!" cried **** Leslie.

"That line of fire is miles long, and is spreading fast. It'll shoot up the canyons and crisscross the forest in no time. Bent, what'll we do?"

"Mebbe we can get around the line. We must, or we'll have to make tracks for the mountain, an' thet's a long chance. You take to the left an' I'll go to the right, an' we'll see how the fire's runnin'."

"What will Ken do?"

"Wal, let him stay here--no, thet won't do! We might get driven back a little an' have to circle. The safest place in this forest is where we camped. Thet's not far. Let him drive the ponies back thar an' wait."

"All right. Ken, you hustle the pack-team back to our last night's camp.

Wait there for us. We won't be long."

**** galloped off through the forest, and Hiram went down the slope in almost the opposite direction. Left alone, I turned my horse and drove the pack-ponies along our back-trail. Thus engaged, I began to recover somewhat from the terror that had stupefied me. Still, I kept looking back. I found the mouth of the canyon and the trail, and in what I thought a very short time I reached the bare, rocky spot where we had last camped. The horses all drank thirstily, and I discovered that I was hot and dry.

Then I waited. At every glance I expected to see **** and Hiram riding up the canyon. But moments dragged by, and they did not come. Here there was no sign of smoke, nor even the faintest hint of the roar of the fire. The wind blew strongly up the canyon, and I kept turning my ear to it. In spite of the fact that my friends did not come quickly I had begun to calm my fears. They would return presently with knowledge of the course of the fire and the way to avoid it. My thoughts were mostly occupied with sorrow for beautiful Penetier. What a fiend Buell was! I had heard him say he would fire the slash, and he had kept his word.

Half an hour passed. I saw a flash of gray down the canyon, and shouted in joy. But what I thought **** and Hiram was a herd of deer. They were running wildly. They clicked on the stones, and scarcely swerved for the pack-ponies. It took no second glance to see that they were fleeing from the fire. This brought back all my alarms, and every moment that I waited thereafter added to them. I watched the trail and under the trees for my friends, and I scanned the sky for signs of the blue-white clouds of smoke.

But I saw neither.

"**** told me to wait here; but how long shall I wait?" I muttered.

"Something's happened to him. If only I could see what that fire is doing!"

The camping-place was low down between two slopes, one of which was high and had a rocky cliff standing bare in the sunlight. I conceived the idea of climbing to it. I could not sit quietly waiting any longer. So, mounting Target, I put him up the slope. It was not a steep climb, still it was long and took considerable time. Before I reached the gray cliff I looked down over the forest to see the rolling, smoky clouds. We climbed higher and still higher, till Target reached the cliff and could go no farther.

Leaping off, I tied him securely and bent my efforts to getting around on top of the cliff. If I had known what a climb it was I should not have attempted it, but I could not back out with the summit looming over me. It ran up to a ragged crag. Hot, exhausted, and out of breath, I at last got there.

  • 王爷的白痴情奴


  • 来生不见卿


  • 重生之将门嫡女:绝不服输


  • 道家玄幻


  • 如果重新来


  • 青春之简单爱


    (推荐新书:甜心遇见你是我的幸运)原来的她美丽动人,现在的她,脸上已经有了明显的疤痕,她不再美丽,原因就是2年前一个狠毒的男人,将她心爱的人堆到山下,坠落而死,两年后,他回到这里。祝她分手快乐,在这件事发生之前也发生了很多事让她没办法接受,她讨厌听见分手。别人分手了她总觉得是自己的错,她一气之下不顾大风大雨的跑了出去,李韬把他找了回来,她到底会和谁在一起?当她踮起脚尖,亲吻的有是谁?她又为何一气之下拿水果刀架在自己的脖子上?在树下对她甜言蜜语的有是谁?她去逛街,挽的是谁的手?她的情绪稍稍好了,她刚刚出院了,要回到那个打击她太多的校园时,脑袋的一个决定,半年后,她脱颖而出,脸上的疤没了,样貌惊人,她要在这个校园闯出一片属于她的历史,这个过程,顺便耍了耍帅,卖了卖萌,顺路带回来一个男朋友,正是奇葩!(*^3^)(本文有作者萌樱樱xun和她的朋友一起制作。本文讲述的是青春少女的烦恼和失落,有付出必定会有回复的。(づ ̄3 ̄)づ么么哒,大家赞起来吧!!!。樱樱的书友群已经建了:491817756加群有预告福利哦!微博:萌樱樱xun
  • 我以为我不爱你的


  • 御宅闯三国


  • 魔岛三十三天


  • 顾先生每天都在撒狗粮

