


Collaboration has taught us once again the power of many minds to enrich a book. We are particularly appreciative of the wisdom from Ray Halagera; the truth telling from Diana Koch, Shelby Earl, and Tara Mello; and the savvy advice from Katherine Reynolds, Marilyn Greist, Brad Walton and Barbara Blom. We also continually tested our ideas with Ann Jordan, Bev Olevin, Sandy LoSchiavo, Lorianne Speaks, and DeeDee Williams. They helped us get on track and stay on track.

Nancy Breuer and Allan Halcrow (WorkPositive) helped us with brilliant editing (even our English teachers would be pleased), and Lynne Kleeger (Lynne-Worx!) was a patient perfectionist with our manuscript. Tracy Mitchell did an amazing job with our artistic needs—we greatly admire her work. Our publicists Helen Bensimon, Patti Danos, Jane Wesman, and Lori Ames have been instrumental in coaching and con- necting us. Thank you!

We are indeed fortunate to have the Career Systems organization behind us every step of the way. Huge thanks go to the staff at the Scranton headquarters for their enthusiastic support and to the international sales team for helping us truly bring this book to its rightful market place. We could not translate this message into action without the experienced (and well-traveled) consultant team that partners with our clients worldwide.

The Berrett-Koehler team was (as always) encouraging, patient, straight-talking, and responsive. We published our previous books with them and did not hesitate to go directly (and only) to them for this one. They treat their authors as VIPs and supported us through the journey of creating this book.

Steve Piersanti continues to set new standards in the publishing industry and lead his organization in the most ethical and innovative style. We were touched by his faith in us and his enthusiasm for our "overachieving ways."

Bev sends appreciation to Barry and Lindsey, who brainstormed titles over the dinner table night after night and rarely lost their patience and belief that this would eventually come together. Your support enables me to be all that I am.

Sharon sends gratitude to her four kids—Matt, Kellie, Travis, and Shelby—for their support and enthusiasm, and especially to her husband Mike for reading every word and for providing wholehearted support. Your creativity, work stories, and honest input helped build a book I'm proud of.

We thank each other: Sharon to Bev for her insistence on checking with our review team "one more time"—just to be sure we're headed in the right direction; and Bev to Sharon for believing in this from the get-go and staying on it despite the occasional wet towel from her coauthor.

Finally, this book would never have come to fruition without all those who read Love 'Em or Lose 'Em and inspired us (and challenged us) to write a similar book for employees. Many read early versions of our manuscript and convinced us that we were on the right track. We want you all to find more of what you really want, right where you are.

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