The story begins on an afternoon when Edmund and ucy were stealing a few precious minutes alone together. nd of course they were talking about Narnia, which was he name of their own private and secret country. Most of s, I suppose, have a secret country but for most of us it is nly an imaginary country. Edmund and Lucy were luckier han other people in that respect. Their secret country was eal. They had already visited it twice; not in a game or a ream but in reality. They had got there of course by Magic, hich is the only way of getting to Narnia. And a promise, or ery nearly a promise, had been made them in Narnia itself hat they would some day get back. You may imagine that hey talked about it a good deal, when they got the chance. They were in Lucy‘s room, sitting on the edge of her ed and looking at a picture on the opposite wall. It was he only picture in the house that they liked. Aunt Alberta idn’t like it at all (that was why it was put away in a little ack room upstairs), but she couldn‘t get rid of it becausehad been a wedding present from someone she did notant to offend.
紫青双剑录(第九卷):双凶 黑狱(经典系列)
《蜀山剑侠传》为「天下第一奇书」,经过增删、续写之后,改名《紫青双剑录》,自成面目,情节曲折离奇,而在结构上,其大体上各自独立的特点,也使得每一本分卷独立成篇,不会有前后不连贯之感,都可以看得人津津有味。本卷一开始,老怪兀南公出场,虽属旁门,气势却是不同凡响。其女徒儿沙红燕亦惹人好感。易静与陈岩两生情意结的纠缠,到了大斗鸠盘婆,危难中的捨命之擧,叫人刮目。邪派也不容小觑,先有九烈神君和枭神娘夫妇的「九子阴雷」,后有九十七岛妖人之首乌龙珠的「诸天秘魔乌梭」,威力更是不可思议。高潮迭起,目不暇接,作者笔法之高妙,气魄之恢宏,每每使人为之瞠目结舌,捧读难以自休。海浪 达洛维太太