“Then begin a new paragraph,” said Peter. “For to prevent the effusion of blood, and for the avoiding all otherinconveniences likely to grow from the wars now levied in our realm of Narnia, it is our pleasure to adventure our royal person on behalf of our trusty and well.beloved Caspian in clean wager of battle to prove upon your Lordship‘s body that the said Caspian is lawful King under us in Narnia both by our gift and by the laws of the Telmarines, and your Lordship twice guilty of treachery both in withholding the dominion of Narnia from the saidCaspian and in the most abhominable, .don’t forget to spell it with an H, Doctor.bloody, and unnatural murder of your kindly lord and brother King Caspian Ninth of that name. Wherefore we most heartily provoke, challenge, and defy your Lordship to the said combat and monomachy, and have sent these letters by the hand of our well. beloved and royal brother Edmund, sometime King under us in Narnia, Duke of Lantern Waste and Count of the Western March, Knight of the Noble Order of the Table,to whom we have given full power of determining with your Lordship all the conditions of the said battle. Given at our lodging in Aslan‘s How this XII day of the month Greenroof in the first year of Caspian Tenth of Narnia.