When the great night came, and his various strange subjects came stealing into the lawn by ones and twos and threes or by sixes and sevens.the moon then shining almost at her full.his heart swelled as he saw their numbers and heard their greetings. All whom he had met were there: Bulgy Bears and Red Dwarfs and Black Dwarfs, Moles and Badgers, Hares and Hedgehogs, and others whom he had not yet seen.five Satyrs as red as foxes, the whole contingent of Talking Mice, armed to the teeth and following a shrill trumpet, some Owls, the Old Raven of Ravenscaur. Last of all (and this took Caspian’s breath away), with the Centaurs came a small but genuine Giant, Wimbleweather of Deadman‘s Hill, carrying on his back a basketful of rather sea.sick Dwarfs who had accepted his offer of a lift and were now wishing they had walked instead.
赵海虹是首位获得中国科幻银河奖特等奖的科幻女作家,《南岛的星空》小说集中收录的故事创作时间从1999年到2017年,跨度长达18年之久,是她在“默”系列、“灵波世界”“火星系列”小说之外,力图风格多样化的创作探索。十二篇故事涉及平行宇宙、身体记忆、人工智能、天气控制等各种不同领域,勾画出关于历史与未来的各种丰富可能与技术背后变幻的人心,故事跌宕,情感动人。其中,《蜕》获2001年科幻“银河奖”,英文版2010年发表于美国LCRW杂志、2014年在《光速》(Lightspeed)重新发表,韩文版在韩国网络幻想杂志《镜》发表;《宝贝宝贝我爱你》获2002年科幻“银河奖”读者奖;《一九二三年科幻故事》入选美国哥伦比亚大学出版社2018年出版、宋明炜与Theodore Huters主编的《转生的巨人——中国21世纪科幻小说选》(The Reincarnated giant:An Anthology of Twenty-First-Century Chinese Science Fiction,2018)。最新的短篇《南岛的星空》则是作者酝酿七年,为自己发表科幻二十周年纪念所作。2017年在《科幻世界》发表后,英文版在2019年3月刊载于美国科幻顶级刊物《阿西莫夫科幻杂志》(Asimov's Science Fiction)。作为作者创作中的“非主流”,本书中收录的十二篇小说放下了构架系列世界的包袱,对文学性的追求反而可以得到最大的释放。