After that they went on till they came among tall beech trees and Trufflehunter called out, “Pattertwig! Pattertwig! Pattertwig!” and almost at once, bounding down from branch to branch till he was just above their heads, came the most magnificent red squirrel that Caspian had ever seen. He was far bigger than the ordinary dumb squirrels which he had sometimes seen in the castle gardens; indeed he was nearly the size of a terrier and the moment youlooked in his face you saw that he could talk. Indeed the difficulty was to get him to stop talking, for, like all squirrels, he was a chatterer. He welcomed Caspian at once and asked if he would like a nut and Caspian said thanks, he would. But as Pattertwig went bounding away to fetch it, Trufflehunter whispered in Caspian’s ear, “Don‘t look. Look the other way. It’s very bad manners among squirrels to watch anyone going to his store or to look as if you wanted to know where it was.” Then Pattertwig came back with the nut and Caspian ate it and after that Pattertwig asked if he could take any messages to other friends. “For I can go nearly everywhere without setting foot to ground,” he said. Trufflehunter and the Dwarfs thought this a very good idea and gave Pattertwig messages to all sorts of people with queer names telling them all to come to a feast and council on Dancing Lawn at midnight three nights ahead. “And you‘d better tell the three Bulgies too,” added Trumpkin. “We forgot to mention it to them.”
《坡道上的家》女子本弱,为母则刚,是世界对女性最大的恶意。年度女性发声之作,你不得不读的5大理由:1.新京报、界面文化、澎湃等主流媒体刷屏报道;2.武志红、反裤衩阵地、萝严肃等KOL大号争相热议;nuoha.com电影、独立鱼、乌鸦电影等影视公号相见恨晚;4.同名改编剧作蝉联豆瓣微博话题榜,数十万网友齐声打Call;5.郝景芳、侯虹斌、库索、张怡微等七位文化女性走心推荐。《82年生的金智英》以《请回答1988》般真实、日常的叙事风格,呈现一位三十六岁平凡女性人生中的各种问题:老一辈人的重男轻女;性骚扰问题和对受害者的“荡妇羞辱”;职场中男女同工不同酬;对全职母亲的苛责;女性就业歧视;单身女性面临的婚姻和生育压力。《房思琪的初恋乐园》多位著名学者、作家、社会名人郑重推荐,李银河、戴锦华、骆以军、张悦然、蒋方舟、詹宏志、冯唐、史航、李尚龙、杨庆祥、燕公子、新世相张伟、林依晨等感动推荐。令人心碎却无能为力的真实故事。向死而生的文学绝唱。这是一部惊人而特别的小说,一部优美、准确而深刻的文学作品。一部值得我们抛开一切杂音予以肯定的作品。打动万千读者的震撼之书 多家主流媒体持续报道,引发读者热烈讨论的文学创作。繁体版豆瓣读书数万网友标记讨论,澎拜新闻、凤凰文化,新京报书评周刊等媒体多次评论报道。梁晓声文集·长篇小说2