“Madam, there will be no more need of that chair. And ou, who have told me a hundred times how deeply you itied me for the sorceries by which I was bound, will oubtless hear with joy that they are now ended for ever. here was, it seems, some small error in your Ladyship‘sway of treating them. These, my true friends, have delivered me. I am now in my right mind, and there are two things I will say to you. First.as for your Ladyship’s design of putting me at the head of an army of Earthmen so that I may break out into the Overworld and there, by main force, make myself king over some nation that never did me wrong. murdering their natural lords and holding their throne as a bloody and foreign tyrant.now that I know myself, I do utterly abhor and renounce it as plain villainy. And second: I am the King‘s son of Narnia, Rilian, the only child of Caspian, Tenth of that name, whom some call Caspian the Seafarer. Therefore, Madam, it is my purpose, as it is also my duty, to depart suddenly from your Highness’s court into my own country. Please it you to grant me and my friends safe conduct and a guide through your dark realm.”
家道中落、长相清俊的“他”是家族里学业有望的聪慧子弟,有幸得到伯父资助来到大上海,在富家子云集的圣约翰大学就读。但不久,伯父的盐局被查封,失去经济来源的他陷入困顿。女同学艾茉莉青睐于他,邀其住进堂兄汤姆家的花园洋房,他却因一帧素白小像对汤姆的妻子珏儿情有独钟……小说以李商隐的七律《锦瑟》为轴,叙述了大时代里一个文弱书生的心路历程,展现了主人公在世事中随波逐流、沉浮一生的命运,并以此切入知识分子复杂的精神世界。范迁,1953年出生于上海。美国旧金山艺术学院美术硕士,艺术家,作家。出版过长篇小说《错敲天堂门》《古玩街》《桃子》《风吹草动》《失眠者俱乐部》《白房子 蓝瓶子》,短篇小说集《旧金山之吻》《见鬼》等。