As they struggled on to the fourth ledge, there was noistaking the fact that they were now at the top of the flat ill. Up till now the slope had given them some shelter; ere, they got the full fury of the wind. For the hill, oddly nough, was quite as flat on top as it had looked from distance: a great level tableland which the storm tore cross without resistance. In most places the snow was still ardly lying at all, for the wind kept catching it up off the round in sheets and clouds, and hurling it in their faces. nd round their feet little eddies of snow ran about as you ometimes see them doing over ice. And, indeed, in many laces, the surface was almost as smooth as ice. But to ake matters worse it was crossed and criss.crossed with urious banks or dykes, which sometimes divided it up into quares and oblongs. All these of course had to be climbed; hey varied from two to five feet in height and were about couple of yards thick. On the north side of each bank the now already lay in deep drifts; and after each climb you ame down into a drift and got wet.
民国初年,竟陵百年商号东豫丰的少东家李鸿堃留日回国,继承家业。从他归来的那一刻起,就陷入各种商业纷争、感情纠葛。利用自身超凡的商业智慧和一众朋友的参谋,将摇摇欲坠的百年老号再一次经营成为实力雄厚的地方商业巨头。在商海沉浮中,种种阴谋、绑架、仇杀接踵而来,在经历过最后一次惊险的绑架之后,李鸿堃家财散尽,转而从事教育,在艰苦的环境和时局之下,颠沛流离,最终回归故土天门竟陵,终其天年。表现出了一个受过新式教育而阅尽沧桑、不改本心的绅商德性。紫青双剑录(第三卷):神驼 夺宝(经典系列)