Suddenly from her left (for the wind was in the south) a great white cloud came rushing towards her, this time on the same level as herself. And before she knew where she was, she had shot right into the middle of its cold, wet fogginess. That took her breath away, but she was in it onlyor a moment. She came out blinking in the sunlight and ound her clothes wet. (She had on a blazer and sweater nd shorts and stockings and pretty thick shoes; it had een a muddy sort of day in England.) She came out lower han she had gone in; and as soon as she did so she noticed omething which, I suppose, she ought to have been xpecting, but which came as a surprise and a shock. It as Noises. Up till then she had travelled in total silence. ow, for the first time, she heard the noise of waves and he crying of seagulls. And now, too, she smelled the smell f the sea. There was no mistake about her speed now. She aw two waves meet with a smack and a spout of foam go p between them; but she had hardly seen it before it was a undred yards behind her.