A Saturday afternoon in midDecember:not a good time to be hanging around San Francisco’s Union Square,the city’s premierpremier shopping district.Hundreds of people laden with purchases battle along the pavements,search despairinglydespairingly for scarce taxis or stragglestraggle to get through Macy’s doors.It is enough to put anybody off shopping for life.
But wait:surely Christmas shopping in recent years was different?After all,this is close to Silicon Valley,the center of the Internet revolution and the new economy,the land of the tieless billionairesbillionaire who bought all their presents online at midnight the day after Thanksgiving.Yet the crowds in Union Square were as bad as ever.They seemed obliviousoblivious of a 1arge billboardbillboard advertisement above their heads for one of the Bay Area’s many dot.coms,which flashed the message:“Say Goodbye to the Mall?”And they paid no attention to the advertisement on many of their shopping bags that pointed a way out of their predicamentpredicament:“Online Shopping.No Experience Needed.”
Electronic commerce,it seems ,still has its limits,even in California.For all the feverishfeverish excitement about the triplingtripling of electronic shopping last holiday season,the total spent by American consumers online still amounted to only about 1%of all retailretail sales—barely a tenth of the revenues from another method of distance selling that has been in use for a century:the catalogue.And the electronic shopping was concentrated on quite a narrow range of goods:mainly books,toys and music.Worse,the holiday season threw up as many stories of failed and late deliveries as of explosiveexplosive)growth.And,more recently,a string of hackers’attacks have temporarily disabled some of the bestknown ecommerce websites.Perhaps retailers in the physical world need not lose much sleep over the Internet,or at least not yet?
Yet they are losing sleep,and are right to be doing so,for three reasons.The first is that mighty oaksoak from tiny acornsacorn do grow.Electronic commerce may not amount to much at the moment,but it is growing very fast.In businesstobusiness transactions,in particular,the advantages and cost savings to be had from dealing on the Internet have caused ecommerce to mushroommushroom.At present,such transactions account for as much as 80%of all ecommerce,which,according to Forrester Research,an Internet consulting firm,added up to over 150billion in 2003.In 2003that figure reached over S|3trillion.But even in the businesstoconsumer field,the main subject of this survey,the growth of online commerce has been extremely fastdespite consumers’undoubted attachmentattachment to their traditional methods of shopping.
The second reason concerns critical mass.In many areas of retailing and commerce,the Internet is unlikely to capturecapture more than a few percentage points of the market for several years to come.But even a small share can quickly start to have a big effect.In the travel business,for instance,marginsmargin are so thin that a loss of only 3~5%of the market to the Internet threatens to drive large numbers of traditional travel agents out of business.According to Shop.org,an online retailers’group,in 1999online penetrationPenetrotion of the American travel market had already reached almost 2%.
The third reason is more worrying still:traditional retailers,for all the strengths of their brand names and their existing relationships with suppliers and customers,have found it extraordinarily hard to compete online.There are formidableformidable obstacles that stand in the offline intermediariesintermediary n.‘way.It may turn out that the biggest effect of online businesstoconsumer commerce is not its size,but the way it changes the rules of the retailing game—to the evident perplexityperplexity of those who have hitherto played it best.
Even so,the place to start is still with the size of the business and how fast it is likely to grow.According to Forrester,online businesstoconsumer transactions in America were worth some 20billion in 2002.That figure growed to some 184billion in 2004.Other analystsanalyst,such as Jupiter Communications and the Yankee Group,have come up with similar predictions.A survey by Ernst &Young,another consulting firm,suggests that 39million Americans shopped online in 1999,and that nearly half of them spent 500or more.Within just a few years,the Internet could capture 5%of America’s retail market,with other rich countries likely to follow in its wake.By 2010,forecastsforecast Goldman Sachs,an investment bank,electronic shopping could account for 15~20%of retail sales.Jeff Mallett,president of Yahoo!,the biggest Internet portal,predicts that online retailing will grow “as fast as email”.