
第7章 宾夕法尼亚州(3)

These birds are particularly attached to the craggy(崎岖的)sides of mountains and hills,and the rocky borders of rivers and small streams,thickly mantled(掩藏)with evergreen trees and small shrubs of the same nature,they at times remove to low lands,and even enter the thickest cane-brakes(芦苇丛),where they also sometimes breed.

The flight of the Ruffed Grouse is straight-forward,rather low,unless when the bird has been disturbed,and seldom protracted(拖长)beyond a few hundred yards at a time.It is also stiff,and performed with a continued beating of the wings for more than half its duration,after which the bird sails and seems to balance its body as it proceeds through the air,in the manner of a vessel sailing right before the wind.When this bird rises from the ground at a time when pursued by an enemy,or tracked by a dog,it produces a loud whirring sound,resembling(像,类似)that of the whole tribe,excepting the Black Cock of Europe,which has less of it than any other species.This whirring sound is never heard when the Grouse rises of its own accord,for the purpose of removing from one place to another;nor,in similar circumstances,is it commonly produced by little Partridge.

Settlers relied on this plump(丰满的),red-brown bird with the feathery legs as part of their food supply.Sometimes called a partridge(〈美〉鹌鹑),the Ruffed Grouse is still a familiar sight in Pennsylvania’s forests.

The following is identification:

1.14inches length

2.Sexes similar

3.Medium-sized,stocky,round-winged,chicken-like bird

4.Crest at top of head

5.Blacish ruffs on sides of neck

6.Head,neck,and back brown or gray

7.Breast whitish with brown and black bars and chevrons


9.Tail brown or gray with narrow black and pale bars and broad blackish subterminal(接近端点的,几乎在末端的)band

State Flower州花

1933年5月5日山桂成为宾夕法尼亚州的州花。山桂六月中旬开花,那时宾夕法尼亚州的林地满是粉红色的山桂花。宾夕法尼亚州众议院和参议院的议员还有州长Gifford Pinchot的夫人都很喜欢看到山桂花。山桂花是常绿性灌木,全株光滑无毛。叶纸质、长椭圆形,疏锯齿缘,互生。山桂花开时是一簇一簇的,花期为每年的3—6月。它会结出圆的棕色的果实,天气干燥时就会自行开裂,果实一般在9月和10月成熟。

The Mountain Laurel is the state flower,as enacted by the General Assembly on May 5,1933.The mountain laurel is in full bloom in mid-June,when Pennsylvania’s woodlands are filled with its distinctive pink flower,a sight which delighted members of the Pennsylvania House and Senate as well as the wife of Pennsylvania governor Gifford Pinchot.Together,they prevailed(获胜)over Pinchot’s preference for the azalea([植]杜鹃花)to name the Mountain Laurel as the official state flower.

Linnaeus gave it the name of Kalmia(美国石南科)latifolia,honoring the name his correspondent and at the same time describing the “wide-leafed”characteristic of the plant.In addition to being called the “Mountain Laurel,”the plant has also been spoken of as “Calico Bush”and “Spoonwood.”

Mountain Laurel is ideally suited as a landscape accent,informal hedge or border where its flowers can be enjoyed.It is best for natural landscapes and other low-maintenance gardens where it can be allowed to grow to its natural size.Grows 4-6per year.

Leaf:Alternate,simple,evergreen,shiny/waxy above,light green below,2to 5inches long,elliptical(椭圆的)in shape,mid-vein raised on upper surfaces.

Flower:Very showy clusters,white to rose colored with purple markings,1inch across,with the petals forming a distinct firm bowl about the pistil([植]雌蕊)and stamens(雄蕊).Present March to July.

Fruit:A round,brown dehiscent capsule(开裂蒴果),1/4inch long,splitting into 5valves when dry;releasing very small seeds.Maturing in September and October.

Twig:Generally forked and twisted,green when young,later brownish-red.

Bark:Thin,dark brown to red in color,shredding.

Form:A small tree or shrub with many twisted stems.

State Flag州旗


Pennsylvania’s State Flag is composed of a blue field on which is embroidered the State Coat of Arms.The flag is flown from all state buildings,and further display on any public building within the Commonwealth is provided for by law.The first State Flag bearing the State Coat of Arms was authorized by the General Assembly in 1799.During the Civil War,many Pennsylvania regiments carried flags modeled after the U.S.Flag,but substituted(代替,替换,替代)Pennsylvania’s Coat of Arms for the field of stars.An act of the General Assembly of June 13,1907,standardized(使符合标准,使标准化)the flag and required that the blue field match the blue of Old Glory.

Pennsylvania’s Coat of Arms,while not used in the same official capacity as the State Seal(although it contains the emblems of the seal),is perhaps a more familiar symbol of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.It appears on countless(无数的,数不尽的)documents,letterheads(信笺上方的印刷文字,印有抬头的信笺),and publications,and forms the design on Pennsylvania’s State Flag.Provincial Pennsylvania’s coat of arms was that of the Penn family.A state coat of arms first appeared on state paper money issued in 1777.This first coat of arms was nearly identical(同样的)to the State Seal,without the inscription(题字,碑铭).In 1778,Caleb Lownes of Philadelphia prepared a coat of arms.Heraldic(纹章的)in design,it consisted of:a shield,which displayed the emblems of the State Seal—the ship,plough,and sheaves of wheat;an eagle for the crest[鸟冠,盔上的装饰(如羽毛)];two black horses as supporters;and the motto “Virtue,Liberty and Independence.”An olive branch and a cornstalk(谷类的秆,玉米杆)were crossed below the shield.Behind each horse was a stalk of corn,but these were omitted after 1805.

Numerous modifications(修改)were made to this coat of arms between 1778and 1873,chiefly in the position and color of the supporting horses.In 1874,the legislature noted these variations and the lack of uniformity and appointed a commission to establish an official coat of arms for the Commonwealth.In 1875,the commission reported that it had adopted,almost unchanged,the coat of arms originally designed by Caleb Lownes ninety-six years earlier.

State Song州歌



Mighty is your name,

Steeped(沉浸)in glory and tradition,

Object of acclaim,

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