

"I don't think I ever heard it before.Do you know,Miss Omar,as I heard your voice just before we got to the gate,it sounded singularly boyish to me.""Mr.Latimer does not find it so--do you?"I said as sweet--as sweet as I could coax.How sweet's that,Tom Dorgan?

"Not at all."A little laugh came from Latimer as though he was enjoying a joke all by himself.But Moriway jumped with satisfaction.He knew the voice all right.

"Have you a brother,may I ask?"He leaned over and looked keenly at me.

"I am an orphan,"I said sadly,"with no relatives.""A pitiful position,"sneered Moriway."You look so much like a boy I know that--""Do you really think so?"So awfully polite was Latimer to such a rat as Moriway.Why?Well,wait."I can't agree with you.Do you know,I find Miss Omar very feminine.Of course,short hair--""Her hair is short,then!"

"Typhoid,"I murmured.

"Too bad!"Moriway sneered.

"Yes,"I snapped."I thought it was at the time.My hair was very heavy and long,and I had a chance to sit in a window at Troyon's where they were advertising a hair tonic and--"Rotten?Of course it was.I'd no business to gabble,and just because you and your new job,Mag,came to my mind at that minute,there I went putting my foot in it.

Moriway laughed.I didn't like the sound of his laugh.

"Your reader is versatile,Mr.Latimer,"he said.

"Yes."Latimer smoothed the soft silk rug that lay over him.

"Poverty and that sort of versatility are often bedfellows,eh?

Tell me,Mr.Moriway,these lost diamonds are yours?""No.They belong to a--a friend of mine,Mrs.Kingdon.""Oh!the old lady who was married this afternoon to a young fortune-hunter!"I couldn't resist it.

Moriway jumped out of his seat.

"She was not married,"he stuttered."She--""Changed her mind?How sensible of her!Did she find out what a crook the fellow was?What was his name--Morrison?

No--Middleway--I have heard it."

"May I ask,Miss Omar"--I didn't have to see his face;his voice told how mad with rage he was--"how you come to be acquainted with a matter that only the contracting parties could possibly know of?""Why,they can't have kept it very secret,the old lady and the young rascal who was after her money,for you see we both knew of it;and I wasn't the bride and you certainly weren't the groom,were you?"An exclamation burst from him.

"Mr.Latimer,"he stormed,"may I see you a moment alone?"Phew!That meant me.But I got up just the same.

"Just keep your seat,Miss Omar."Oh,that silken voice of Latimer's!"Mr.Moriway,I have absolutely no acquaintance with you.I never saw you till to-night.I can't imagine what you may have to say to me,that my secretary--Miss Omar acts in that capacity--may not hear.""I want to say,"burst from Moriway,"that she looks the image of the boy Nat,who stole Mrs.Kingdon's diamonds,that the voice is exactly the same,that--""But you have said it,Mr.Moriway--quite successfully intimated it,I assure you.""She knows of my--of Mrs.Kingdon's marriage,that that boy Nat found out about.""And you yourself also,as Miss Omar mentioned.""Myself?Damn it,I'm Moriway,the man she was going to marry.

Why shouldn't I--"

"Ah--h!"Latimer's shoulders shook with a gentle laugh."Well,Mr.Moriway,gentlemen don't swear in my garden.Particularly when ladies are present.Shall we say good evening?Here comes Mulhill now.Nothing,Sergeant?Too bad the rogue escaped,but you'll catch him.They may get away from you,but they never stay long,do they?Good evening--good evening,Mr.Moriway."They tramped on and out,Moriway's very back showing his rage.He whispered something to the Sergeant,who turned to look at me but shook his head,and the gate clanged after them.

  • 刺激


  • 啊呜一大口的可爱


    白糯糯目不斜视,从端木枫身边走过;白糯糯一言不发,哪怕端木枫已经坐在她身后三个星期了…白糯糯只摇了摇头,当端木枫问她时……白糯糯不小心撞到端木枫了,可这小姑娘在嘴里含糊了声“对不起”就埋头走了,一个眼神都不分给他………(O_O)白糯糯低头吃东西,小腮帮子左鼓鼓右鼓鼓,丝毫没注意到身边的端木枫……………( ̄O ̄;)白糯糯东西散了一地,她蹲下来默默捡着,突然一只修长的大手闯入视野,小姑娘抱着怀里的东西,眨巴的眼睛看着干净的少年,不说话…………………………(??_?`)白糯糯从楼梯跌落,疼,但是没有意料之中那么疼。嗯……嗯嗯嗯??!!身下的触感是啥!?!?“谢、谢谢,这位同学…你还好吗?”哪尼小盆友你还不认识已经一个多月的、坐在你后面的同班、同班同学吗!!!???
  • 我也不知道写了什么


  • 男神你好燃


  • 继续走,继续失去的青春


  • 调教诸天万界


  • 群星


  • 拒嫁豪门少主的娇妻


  • 天行


  • 我真不想要神器了

