

It contained turpentine for washing brushes in. Before I could warn her, she had sprinkled herself absently with half the contents of the bottle. In spite of all the musk that now filled the room, the turpentine betrayed itself almost as soon as Icried "Stop!" Annabella, with a shriek of disgust, flung the bottle furiously into the fireplace. Fortunately it was summer-time, or I might have had to echo the shriek with a cry of "Fire!""You wretch! you brute! you low, mischievous, swindling blackguard!" cried my amiable sister, shaking her skirts with all her might, "you have done this on purpose! Don't tell me! I know you have. What do you mean by pestering me to come to this dog-kennel of a place?" she continued, turning fiercely upon the partner of her existence and legitimate receptacle of all her superfluous wrath. "What do you mean by bringing me here, to see how you have been swindled? Yes, sir, swindled! He has no more idea of painting than you have. He has cheated you out of your money. If he was starving tomorrow he would be the last man in England to make away with himself--he is too great a wretch--he is too vicious--he is too lost to all sense of respectability--he is too much of a discredit to his family. Take me away! Give me your arm directly! I told you not to go near him from the first.

This is what comes of your horrid fondness for money. Suppose Lady Malkinshaw does outlive him; suppose I do lose my legacy.

What is three thousand pounds to you? My dress is ruined. My shawl's spoiled. _He_ die! If the old woman lives to the age of Methuselah, he won't die. Give me your arm. No! Go to my father.

I want medical advice. My nerves are torn to pieces. I m giddy, faint, sick--SICK, Mr. Batterbury!"Here she became hysterical, and vanished, leaving a mixed odor of musk and turpentine behind her, which preserved the memory of her visit for nearly a week afterward.

"Another scene in the drama of my life seems likely to close in before long," thought I. "No chance now of getting my amiable sister to patronize struggling genius. Do I know of anybody else who will sit to me? No, not a soul. Having thus no portraits of other people to paint, what is it my duty, as a neglected artist, to do next? Clearly to take a portrait of myself."I did so, ****** my own likeness quite a pleasant relief to the ugliness of my brother-in-law's. It was my intention to send both portraits to the Royal Academy Exhibition, to get custom, and show the public generally what I could do. I knew the institution with which I had to deal, and called my own likeness, Portrait of a Nobleman.

That dexterous appeal to the tenderest feelings of my distinguished countrymen very nearly succeeded. The portrait of Mr. Batterbury (much the more carefully-painted picture of the two) was summarily turned out. The Portrait of a Nobleman was politely reserved to be hung up, if the Royal Academicians could possibly find room for it. They could not. So that picture also vanished back into the obscurity of the artist's easel. Weak and well-meaning people would have desponded under these circumstances; but your genuine Rogue is a man of elastic temperament, not easily compressible under any pressure of disaster. I sent the portrait of Mr. Batterbury to the house of that distinguished patron, and the Portrait of a Nobleman to the Pawnbroker's. After this I had plenty of elbow-room in the studio, and could walk up and down briskly, smoking my pipe, and thinking about what I should do next.

I had observed that the generous friend and vagabond brother artist, whose lodger I now was, never seemed to be in absolute want of money; and yet the walls of his studio informed me that nobody bought his pictures. There hung all his great works, rejected by the Royal Academy, and neglected by the patrons of Art; and there, nevertheless, was he, blithely plying the brush;not rich, it is true, but certainly never without money enough in his pocket for the supply of all his modest wants. Where did he find his resources? I determined to ask him the question the very next time he came to the studio.

"****," I said (we called each other by our Christian names), "where do you get your money?""Frank," he answered, "what makes you ask that question?""Necessity," I proceeded. "My stock of money is decreasing, and Idon't know how to replenish it. My pictures have been turned out of the exhibition-rooms; nobody comes to sit to me; I can't make a farthing; and I must try another line in the Arts, or leave your studio. We are old friends now. I've paid you honestly week by week; and if you can oblige me, I think you ought. You earn money somehow. Why can't I?""Are you at all particular?" asked ****.

"Not in the least," I answered.

**** nodded, and looked pleased; handed me my hat, and put on his own.

"You are just the sort of man I like," he remarked, "and I would sooner trust you than any one else I know. You ask how I contrive to earn money, seeing that all my pictures are still in my own possession. My dear fellow, whenever my pockets are empty, and Iwant a ten-pound note to put into them, I make an Old Master."I stared hard at him, not at first quite understanding what he meant.

"The Old Master I can make best," continued ****, "is Claude Lorraine, whom you may have heard of occasionally as a famous painter of classical landscapes. I don't exactly know (he has been dead so long) how many pictures he turned out, from first to last; but we will say, for the sake of argument, five hundred.

Not five of these are offered for sale, perhaps, in the course of five years. Enlightened collectors of old pictures pour into the market by fifties, while genuine specimens of Claude, or of any other Old Master you like to mention, only dribble in by ones and twos. Under these circumstances, what is to be done? Are unoffending owners of galleries to be subjected to disappointment? Or are the works of Claude, and the other fellows, to be benevolently increased in number, to supply the wants of persons of taste and quality? No man of humanity but must lean to the latter alternative. The collectors, observe, don't know anything about it--they buy Claude (to take an instance from my own practice) as they buy all the other Old Masters, because of his reputation, not because of the pleasure they get from his works. Give them a picture with a good large ruin, fancy trees, prancing nymphs, and a watery sky; dirty it down dexterously to the right pitch; put it in an old frame; call it a Claude; and the sphere of the Old Master is enlarged, the collector is delighted, the picture-dealer is enriched, and the neglected modern artist claps a joyful hand on a well-filled pocket. Some men have a knack at ****** Rembrandts, others have a turn for Raphaels, Titians, Cuyps, Watteaus, and the rest of them. Anyhow, we are all made happy--all pleased with each other--all benefited alike. Kindness is propagated and money is dispersed. Come along, my boy, and make an Old Master!"

  • 娇红记


  • 太平经圣君秘旨


  • 天如惟则禅师语录


  • 还丹金液歌注


  • 重阳注五篇灵文


  • 携剑破九天


  • 许你疯狂许你闹


    都说云城有个杀人不眨眼,挥金如土,冷酷狠厉的墨爷可世人也知道,墨爷有个放在心尖尖儿上的女人可女人从来都不知道,身边这个高冷禁欲的男人爱她爱到刻骨铭心,她却被自己的妹妹和渣男挑唆,跟他死作对,想要逃离他的魔掌,最后却因为好妹妹的算计,葬送了自己的生命,男人这时却抱着她在废墟当中失声痛哭 ,绝望至极 奈何桥畔见得男人抱着她失声痛哭的样子,苦笑了笑,才明白了自己真正爱的是谁 “老天,你这个玩笑大了,大了” 地府事件过后她重现人间,却又经历一次次重生,这是为什么?在探寻源头途中发现自己身边的男人远不止自己看到的这么简单 重塑后的女人笑了笑“老娘可是带着天命来,渣男白莲花,你们等着吧”女人低眉”君亦墨,这一世,换我来爱你”回忆结束女人看着旁边的男人 正满眼宠溺的抚摸着她隆起的肚子 心想:这还是内个杀人不眨眼的大魔王吗? 男人满脸谄媚的看着女人“莫莫,要不……等这个宝宝生下来,我们再要一个吧” 女人惊慌失措“老娘不!”
  • 你是我的五月天


  • 青春若雨纷飞


  • 花旭


  • 灵辉神


  • 血腥办公室


  • 涂山狼传


  • 莱特兄弟


  • 贞子之环:环裂

