[61] Dühring drew these data on the structure of Marx's Capital from the Preface to the first German edition (see present edition, Vol. 35). From 1867 onwards, when Vol. Iof Capital was published, Marx's plan was to have the entire work brought out in three volumes in four books, the 2nd and the 3rd of which were to comprise Vol. II. After Marx's death, Engels published the 2nd and 3rd books as vols. II and III. The last, fourth book, Theories of Surplus-Value , was published after Engels' death.
[62] Chapter XXIV of Vol. I of Capital -- "The So-called Primitive Accumulation" -- takes up pp. 742-93 of the 1872 German edition. The last, seventh paragraph of this chapter --"Historical Tendency of Capitalist Accumulation" -- begins on p. 791 of that edition.
[63] The reference is to Rousseau's Discours sur l'origine et les fondemens de l'inégalité' parmi les hommes , written in 1754. Below, Engels quotes the second part of this work (1755 edition, pp. 116, 118, 146, 175-76 and 176-77).
[64] The expression determinatio est negatio is to be found in Spinoza's letter to Jarigh Jelles of June 2, 1674 (see B. Spinoza, Epistolae doctorum quorundam virorum ad B.
de Spinoza et auctoris responsiones ... , Letter 50), where it is used in the sense of "determination is a negation". The expression omnis determinatio est negatio and its interpretation as "every determination is a negation" are to be found in Hegel's works, from which they have become widely known (see G. W. F. Hegel, Encyclopadie der philosophischen Wissenschaften , Erster Teil, § 91, Zusatz Die Wissenschaft der Logik , Erstes Buch, Erster Abschnitt, Zweites Kapitei: "b. Qualitat"; Vorlesungen uber die Geschichte dkr Philosophie , Erster Teil, Erster Abschnitt, Erstes Kapitel, Paragraph uber Parmenides).
[65] Engels has in mind, above all, Marx's works The Poverty of Philosophy (1847), A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1859) and Vol. I of Capital (1867).
Marx carried out a thorough study of pre-capitalist forms of production in his Economic Manuscripts of 1857-58 (first version of Capital ).
[66] In Part II, except Chapter X, of Anti-Dühring , Engels quotes from the second (1876) edition of Dühring's Cursus der National- und Socialökonomie.
[67] Reptiles -- a nickname widespread in Germany in the 1870s for journalists subsidised by the government. This expression, but in a different sense, was used by Bismarck on January 30, 1869, in the Prussian Chamber of Deputies, this time with reference to the government's adversaries.
[68] Engels is referring to the July Revolution of 1830 in France, which brought big bankers and industrialists to power; from this time on, as a result of the final victory of the bourgeoisie over the nobility, the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie came to the fore.
[69] The Restoration -- the second rule of the Bourbon dynasty in France (1814-15, 1815-30), overthrown by the Revolution at the end of the 18th century. It was brought to an end by the July Revolution of 1830.
[70] Engels took these facts from W.
Wachsmuth's Helknische Alterthumskunde aus dem Gesichtspunkte des Staates , Th. II, Abth. I, Halle, 1829.
The source for the number of slaves in Corinth and Aegina during the Greco-Persian wars (5th cent. B.C.), is Banquet of Sophists , Book VI, by the ancient Greek writer Athenaeus.
[71] This refers to absolute monarchy (absolutism) -- a form of state in the last period of the existence of feudalism.
[72] The reference is to the guns produced by Krupps, the biggest German steel firm, and rifles designed and produced by the German engineers and entrepreneurs, the Mauser brothers.
[73] Engels means the protracted economic crisis of 1873-79 in German industry, in spite of the seizure of Alsace and East Lorraine and the 5,000 million francs of war indemnities that France paid to Germany under the terms of the Frankfurt peace treaty (1871), after her defeat in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71.
[74] The War of Independence in North America (1775-83) was the first bourgeois revolution on the American continent.
[75] A reference to the bourgeois-democratic revolution in France at the end of the 18th century.
[76] The Prussian Landwehr system provided for the formation of army units from among people of the older age groups who were liable to military service and had served in the regular army and been in the reserve for the established period. The Landwehr first appeared in Prussia in 1813-14 as a people's militia to combat Napoleon.
[77] The reference is to the Austro-Prussian war of 1866.
[78] In the battle of Saint-Privat , or of Cravelotte , August 18, 1870, the German troops defeated the French Rhenish army at the cost of enormous losses.
[79] The Crimean war (1853-56)
between Russia and a coalition of Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia, broke out as a result of a clash of their economic and political interests in the Middle East.
[80] The reference is to the guns produced by Krupps, the biggest German steel firm, and rifles designed and produced by the German engineers and entrepreneurs, the Mauser brothers.
[81] The phrase in parentheses was added by Engels in the third edition of Anti-Dühring .
[82] Dühring called his "dialectics""natural dialectics" to distinguish it from Hegel's "unnatural" dialectics.
See E. Dühring, Naturliche Dialektik. Neue logische Grundlegungen der Wissenschaft und Philosophie , Berlin, 1865, p. 13.