

``Oh, Davy, have ye seen him? Have ye seen little Tom? Davy, I reckon I'll never be so happy again.

Fetch him here, Mrs.Cowan.''

Mrs.Cowan, with a glance of contempt at Tom and me, put the bundle tenderly down on the coarse brown sheet beside her.

Poor little Tom! Only the first fortnight of his existence was spent in peace.I have a pathetic memory of it all--of our little home, of our hopes for it, of our days of labor and nights of planning to make it complete.

And then, one morning when the three of us were turning over the black loam in the patch, while the baby slept peacefully in the shade, a sound came to our ears that made us pause and listen with bated breath.It was the sound of many guns, muffled in the distant forest.With a cry Polly Ann flew to the hickory cradle under the tree, Tom sprang for the rifle that was never far from his side, while with a kind of instinct I ran to catch the spancelled horses by the river.In silence and sorrow we fled through the tall cane, nor dared to take one last look at the cabin, or the fields lying black in the spring sunlight.The shots had ceased, but ere we had reached the little clearing McCann had made they began again, though as distant as before.Tom went ahead, while I led the mare and Polly Ann clutched the child to her breast.But when we came in sight of the fort across the clearings the gates were closed.There was nothing to do but cower in the thicket, listening while the battle went on afar, Polly Ann trying to still the cries of the child, lest they should bring death upon us.At length the shooting ceased; stillness reigned;then came a faint halloo, and out of the forest beyond us a man rode, waving his hat at the fort.After him came others.The gates opened, and we rushed pell-mell across the fields to safety.

The Indians had shot at a party shelling corn at Captain Bowman's plantation, and killed two, while the others had taken refuge in the crib.Fired at from every brake, James Ray had ridden to Harrodstown for succor, and the savages had been beaten off.But only the foolhardy returned to their clearings now.We were on the edge of another dreaded summer of siege, the prospect of banishment from the homes we could almost see, staring us in the face, and the labors of the spring lost again.There was bitter talk within the gates that night, and many declared angrily that Colonel Clark had abandoned us.

But I remembered what he had said, and had faith in him.

It was that very night, too, I sat with Cowan, who had duty in one of the sentry boxes, and we heard a voice calling softly under us.Fearing treachery, Cowan cried out for a sign.Then the answer came back loudly to open to a runner with a message from Colonel Clark to Captain Harrod.Cowan let the man in, while I ran for the captain, and in five minutes it seemed as if every man and woman and child in the fort were awake and crowding around the man by the gates, their eager faces reddened by the smoking pine knots.Where was Clark? What had he been doing? Had he deserted them?

``Deserted ye!'' cried the runner, and swore a great oath.Wasn't Clark even then on the Ohio raising a great army with authority from the Commonwealth of Virginia to rid them of the red scourge? And would they desert him? Or would they be men and bring from Harrodstown the company he asked for? Then Captain Harrod read the letter asking him to raise the company, and before day had dawned they were ready for the word to march--ready to leave cabin and clearing, and wife and child, trusting in Clark's judgment for time and place.Never were volunteers mustered more quickly than in that cool April night by the gates of Harrodstown Station.

``And we'll fetch Davy along, for luck,'' cried Cowan, catching sight of me beside him.

``Sure we'll be wanting a dhrummer b'y,'' said McCann.

And so they enrolled me.

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  • 请你好好喜欢我


    刚刚步入高中的姜染,第一件事情就是找傅迟,姜染明白自己来七中的原因,不是这个学校怎么样,而是傅迟再这里。姜染制定了一个小目标——追到傅迟。此后姜染各种打听傅迟在这个学校的事情。有些暧昧。 第一件事情就是傅迟和校花在一起。 姜染怒了,把让拉到学校后悔花园,给强吻了。 “傅迟,这次我且信你,这个校花女朋友的事情赶紧澄清,我走了,另外我是高一九班的。” 傅迟淡笑:“染染,这么多年还不放弃吗?” 姜染撩拨了一下头发说:“傅迟,你等着吧,你迟早是我的。” 傅迟小声回应:“我也等着这一天。” 【1v1,互宠,互撩,双洁,不虐,日更,不收费文。】
  • 她的小甜橙


    惑世妖精霸王花VS狠戾冰山校霸 陈缈转学前是二中扛把子,肤白貌美,腿长腰细,活脱脱一惑世妖精。就是打架贼猛,哪个社会大哥碰到她,都要跪下唱征服的那种猛。程淮是一中的校霸,全校少女的梦中情人。就是打架贼狠,不惜差点废掉自己一根手指的那种狠。谁都想不到,这俩货居然是十七年的青梅竹马,虽然并没有两小无猜,而是一对欢喜冤家。她因变故转去一中,一山容不得二虎,强强相碰,一触即发。他年少狂傲不羁,她年少叛逆高傲,谁都知道一中的两个校霸谁看谁都不顺眼,一见面就要掐架。 直到有一天有人看见醉酒的陈缈在程淮下巴啃了一口,后来的画面……好不激情。 PS:短篇小甜饼,1V1,双洁
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