

seldom did Gibbie seek his lair--I cannot call it couch--before the lengthening hours of the morning.If the finding, of things was a gift, this other peculiarity was a passion--and a right human passion--absolutely possessing the child: it was, to play the guardian angel to drunk folk.If such a distressed human craft hove in sight, he would instantly bear down upon and hover about him, until resolved as to his real condition.If he was in such distress as to require assistance, he never left him till he saw him safe within his own door.The police asserted that wee Sir Gibbie not only knew every drunkard in the city, and where he lived, but where he generally got drunk as well.That one was in no danger of taking the wrong turning, upon whom Gibbie was in attendance, to determine, by a shove on this side or that, the direction in which the hesitating, uncertain mass of stultified humanity was to go.He seemed a visible embodiment of that special providence which is said to watch over drunk people and children, only here a child was the guardian of the drunkard, and in this branch of his mission, was well known to all who, without qualifying themselves for coming under his cherubic cognizance, were in the habit of now and then returning home late.He was least known to those to whom he rendered most assistance.Rarely had he thanks for it, never halfpence, but not unfrequently blows and abuse.For the last he cared nothing; the former, owing to his great agility, seldom visited him with any directness.A certain reporter of humorous scandal, after his third tumbler, would occasionally give a graphic description of what, coming from a supper-party, he once saw about two o'clock in the morning.In the great street of the city, he overhauled a huge galleon, which proved, he declared, to be the provost himself, not exactly water-logged, and yet not very buoyant, but carrying a good deal of sail.He might possibly have escaped very particular notice, he said, but for the assiduous attendance upon him of an absurd little cock-boat, in the person of wee Gibbie--the two reminding him right ludicrously of the story of the Spanish Armada.Round and round the bulky provost gyrated the tiny baronet, like a little hero of the ring, pitching into him, only with open-handed pushes, not with blows, now on this side and now on that--not after such fashion of sustentation as might have sufficed with a man of ordinary size, but throwing all his force now against the provost's bulging bows, now against his over-leaning quarter, encountering him now as he lurched, now as he heeled, until at length he landed him high, though certainly not dry, on the top of his own steps.The moment the butler opened the door, and the heavy hulk rolled into dock, Gibbie darted off as if he had been the wicked one tormenting the righteous, and in danger of being caught by a pair of holy tongs.Whether the tale was true or not, I do not know: with after-dinner humourists there is reason for caution.

Gibbie was not offered the post of henchman to the provost, and rarely could have had the chance of claiming salvage for so distinguished a vessel, seeing he generally cruised in waters where such craft seldom sailed.Though almost nothing could now have induced him to go down Jink Lane, yet about the time the company at Mistress Croale's would be breaking up, he would on most nights be lying in wait a short distance down the Widdiehill, ready to minister to that one of his father's old comrades who might prove most in need of his assistance; and if he showed him no gratitude, Gibbie had not been trained in a school where he was taught to expect or even to wish for any.

I could now give a whole chapter to the setting forth of the pleasures the summer brought him, city summer as it was, but I must content myself with saying that first of these, and not least, was the mere absence of the cold of the other seasons, bringing with it many privileges.He could lie down anywhere and sleep when he would; or spend, if he pleased, whole nights awake, in a churchyard, or on the deck of some vessel discharging her cargo at the quay, or running about the still, sleeping streets.Thus he got to know the shapes of some of the constellations, and not a few of the aspects of the heavens.But even then he never felt alone, for he gazed at the vast from the midst of a cityful of his fellows.Then there were the scents of the laylocks and the roses and the carnations and the sweet-peas, that came floating out from the gardens, contending sometimes with those of the grocers' and chemists' shops.Now and then too he came in for a small feed of strawberries, which were very plentiful in their season.Sitting then on a hospitable doorstep, with the feet and faces of friends passing him in both directions, and love embodied in the warmth of summer all about him, he would eat his strawberries, and inherit the earth.

  • 郡主妹妹是反派


  • 黑道女王:唯我独尊


  • 药性歌括四百味


  • 莫言秋雨色


  • 世界文明史简编


  • 精神焦虑症的自救:病理分析卷


    人们都说,精神疾病是不治之症,其实,这种认识本身就是我们这本书要治的“病”。英国的威克斯大夫彻底改变了人们的这种观念,也彻底改变了我的这种观念。本书较为全面地介绍了内在的力量、比较简单的神经疾病、重新找回自己、如何治疗变得复杂的神经疾病等内容。 无论您是否有精神的困扰,这本书一定会或多或少给您的心理健康带来好处。
  • 沙石的史册


  • 梧桐声落


  • 天行


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